ITT: cars that should have been FWD
ITT: cars that should have been FWD
it would have been revolutionary
Maybe then it could turn
>the only compact hatchback at the time to have RWD
You're just an ass.
You know its true
maybe then i could afford it
>make an econobox without the eco
Gee wiz, BMW sure can into car making.
It would've just been a convertible MX-3.
a fucking Corolla
The e87 was either a fun little sport car with decent power (135i) or a a piece of shit to get money from yuropoors buying the 116i.
It's a RWD shitbox like AE86. 120i.
Fuck you we wouldn't have initial D then
excactly, that's why he's right you fucking weeb
The most stupidest thread ever.
None, take your hugbox back to hg
None, ever. FWD was a mistake just like french cars. Should have never happened.
im gonna beat you up user
the shouldve been rwd threads are more retarded
bunch of autist no cars bitching about memes
Around 80% of all 1 series owners/drivers say they thought it was FWD.
Shut up frenchie, don't you have some war to run from?
That would be scary. Aston Martin isn't really known for their revolutionary technology and R&D so it would be fun to watch them try and pair a FWD diff with that power.
Do you even English? Dafuq you speaking about?
Are you having a stroke?
nocar autists triggered and instantly forced into damage control
It just needs some quotes
The "should've been RWD" threads
Drove behind some dude in a fucking 114i on the autobahn yesterday. Sailed past him when he moved over. This thing had the full M-sport/M-line/whatever-they-call-it-this-day package, 114i badge still in place. Disgusting.
>22k€ base price without goodies
Last time I checked it was free so why not add it if you like the looks?
As a bonus you can trigger some Veeky Forumstists with it.
French shouldn't be allowed to make cars
read the OP again.
the new twingo has the engine in the back and is rdw.
>rear drive wheel
What did he mean by this
Yeah, it has no trunk space to speak of because of the RR layout and no hood trunk (is that even a real word?) but thanks to RR it has an insanely small turning radius. So it's literally nothing more than a city commuter - contrary to the original one.
>what are typos
Fuck you that is sexy as fuck and don't deserves to be a FWD
Hate to burst your bubble, but the Toronado was FWD.
It would just be a Corolla with a less reliable engine then.
the first one was just insanely practical while being really small