Fighting Games General /fgg/
see me
stinky vagina
How will they ruin Akuma?
that depends on whether he's considered season 2 or not
he's gonna be great if he's season 2, fixing the game
Only one version of teleport, it teleports you directly next to your opponent so you can head straight into frametraps and throws.
Why does Blazblue always say I have a 0 bar connection? My internet is really good for every other game.
Best OP.
Darkstalkers is a good series
Who is THE most cocky character in all of fighting games (but can actually back it up)?
I love characters like Urien.
V-skill: Teleport
V-trigger: Gives Akuma air dashes.
CA: Raging Demon
His cockiness is what made him stand out compared to other fighting game protags
>my favorite fighting game video has been deleted off youtube
It was John Choi vs Momochi in USF4. Fuck I wish I had saved it.
>press button
>get grabbed
Please help. I have a wired connection, all my ports are open, and nothing else is using the Internet. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
but that's wrong
if he's season 2 he'll be released during CPT and will be neutered to not upset the balance during the season
s2 will fix everything
It's probably on nico nico
ASW netcode isn't good. Most people will have one of those days really. Are you in EU?
new cummy saviors game when desu
Nope, east coast USA.
>just had first match on the new plane stage
jesus christ i feel sick
who the fuck designed and approved this shit?
peopel without a mental illness
Ah well I am WC. Have you been playing with people you know in the EC or randoms?
motion sickness is even more prevalent in Japan though, it's why first person shooters never took off there
where have you heard that
That's a commonly known fact about Japan.
Back in 05, 2ch had a conversation with /v/ and talked about it. They said people that would like FPS games play mech games instead.
so commonly known that theres 0 evidence on the internet about it other than shitty forum posts
Ranked randoms, like always
Not that user but it is commonly known if you've read interviews with Japanese developers who cite reasons why FPS never took off in Japan in the 90s. I even remember Kojima saying he couldn't play GTAIII because of motion sickness.
I don't know what to tell you, dude, a Japanese guy told me that they do get sick and that they play robot games instead.
Playing randoms is the worst thing you can do since most of them are on wifi. Playing with a community of people is better so you can get better matches.
Ono and Capcom are basically Trump and his entire campaign. They're doing their best to fail yet they will come out on top of the fighting game world.
stfu libcuck
damn dude vicious
holy SHIT btfo m8
t. combofiend
Who should I main in SFV if I like playing Melee? No one has really clicked for me yet.
you won't find anyone that plays like anyone in melee, the games are completely different
So what character would fit for me if i mained Yun and now play Karin is SFV?
It's kind of hard to play Karin and want to try out something else.
I can't really play charge characters.
How exactly do you blame bad connection indicators on the in game netcode?
no one really, maybe rashid?
unironically, play kof (even if it's just fightcade)
you'll prolly like it's greater emphasis on movement more
Kind of figured as much. I know people like recommending Rashid to GG players, but was curious to know if anyone else transferred.
What about Skullgirls? Used to play Squigly a lot.
again, probably won't find a lot of overlap between SG and sf
just pick ryu to get into the game
I'll try him out more. I was curious in Tekken for that same reason, but I'll play some KoF too. Played some GG and UNIEL too, but nothing really feels right in SFV yet.
If you like movement try melty and AH3LM too. Excpet AH3LM is dead.
>the city of guymam
ASW netcode was made with the japanese audience in mind on their small island so they will use input delay netcode that is perfect for them. It doesn't benefit big countries outside of that small island like USA for example. Even playing within your own region in the USA 3f is the best you can hope for. Plus it doesn't help that 95% of the americans are on wifi connections. If you're lucky you will meet someone online who is on a wired connection.
>Breek never fails to push Melty's agenda
I second that you should pick up a KOF instead, especially if you were good at Skullgirls and Melee.
Those games share a lot more in common in terms of pacing and aggressiveness.
But if you're looking for netcode as good as Skullgirls, you'll have to go with KI or MKXL.
I only suggest it when I think it fits what the guy is searching, which it does. If you like good movement and air control in traditional fighting games melty and AH3LM are the games to try.
what are some good linux fighting games?
any good FOSS fighting games?
I'm sure SFV linux version is just around the corner as it was promised for spring
What if he wants an honest game?
Is the answer the same?
>fighting games
When will pc players support fighting games you'll get faster linux releases
is there anything more honest than air footsies?
What is the least honest game?
There are no honest fighting games and if one were to ever exist no one would play it because it'd be fucking boring.
what about games that are not street fighter
are there any "good" indie fighting games? lethal league looked pretty cool
Skullgirls is the only one with a developer who cares enough for that kind of support
Them's Fighting Herds is supposedly coming for Linux too but it'll be a few months at least until we get anything playable from them
I will be surprised if that game comes out at all.
What about a fun game then?
Honesty can be fun
They raised a significant amount of money, set up proper company structure beforehand, have a famous spokesperson with a reputation to lose and are collaborating with KikiZ.
It's much more likely to happen than the shitshow that was Beast's Fury
not for the vast majority of people
last I hard the lady that gave them the gay furry designs bailed cause she realized she didn't care and they were depressed and on the verge of closing everything. Was that fake or??
She works on several different projects in addition to TFH and she recently appeared in their development stream
the ladies call me sniff
just sniff
I enjoy honest characters like Makoto in BB.
I think others would agree that she's fun.
Why? Do you have a perpetual head cold?
I always wonder if these ridiculous sport/star/record headlines are actually real, I don't read tabloids and I don't want to start either
It's sort of a toss-up.
This is a real article for example.
Basically click-bait before click-bait
>Cammy can throw out her divekicks without any thought because it's not punishable
fucking epic braindead character
>honest character
>plus on block fullscreen dashpunch
>fast unblockable leading to 3.6k in corner meterless
>comet cannon setplay
actually a non-EX cannon strike has to be properly spaced or it's punishable
Sirius jolt is only unblockable standing iirc also Murakumo units alone make Makoto a law abiding citizen that doesn't even know the concept of lying
You can stuff divekicks or punish them if they're too high, you can also neutral jump or walk back depending on the distance and fuck them up when they whiff
read discord brick you fuck
I'm new to fighting games what's a new one to play.
fuck you fuck you fuck.
Try to treat people a little nicer. You might get more out of it.
he's not worse than any other grappler
Fang is the only bad character in SFV
All the other fighting games are dead
What causes the connecting message to change back to waiting for opponent?
The other player didn't accept or net related issue?
Skullgirls if you want a good game
SFV if you want a meme
>It's a "british media have faith in the england football team despite them having been garbage for 50 years now" episode
some people you just have to handle with the iron grip