League of legends general /lolg/



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Thank you for not posting 50 posts early even though we don't give a fuck about your autistic virtual relationship between virtual characters.

this thread is 30 posts too late and like 40 if we consider the image limit

Lets keep going

>Le Blanc

Rate my main picks

>Karma tank
I don't like you user

Kalista was a mistake, she's nothing but trash.


What is your favourite change in patch 6.22?
What if your least favourite change?

name THREE fucking champoions

>garen is potentially getting armor shred on his E for 6.24
i don't think it's going to change much, he gets kited to hell and back. maybe something like activating q removes all forms of CC instead of just slows

New support items

New Alistar

>yfw certainlyt still has a job after giving us
>reworked mordekaiser

xth for busty jinx

the buff helps him kill tanks, they're not the ones kiting him. The numbers on it before it was taken off the PBE were too high.


Rate my picks

>KnK is the masterpiece among masterpieces
>Umineko is best mystery novel out there. The manga is without a doubt best ever made.
>Unlimited blade woks true ending>Sparks Liner High

Rate my picks

ps. whats the state of Sylvanas now and in PBE?

Why the fuck do I keep getting ads on twitch?

i agree, she's trash.
make kalista great again
at least for 1 patch
let her be the cancer she deserves to be so i can have fun again
every other ad's nerfed now anyways
help her

>go top kennen
>yasuo comes back to lane with zeal
>cant trade with him anymore because1 second stun and e movespeed isn't enought to compete with triple dash into Q auto > auto

Turn off the HTML5 player beta

>it's another winrates are the only thing that matters episode

>enough time for a quick bot game for first win
>pick darius for brain dead violence
>perform at my bare minimum while watching youtube on my other screen
>someone tells me i'm doing amazing
>completely confused, literally been afk for 40% of the game
>realise there are legitimately new players and not botting accounts
>they ask me to join their group to teach them
>join them and give tips and pointers
>they start getting better and even start making strats

They only now ( month later ) started playing normals and bless their hearts are going hard at it. They where sad when I didn't play norms with them but after I told them about the smurf queue they understood.



thank you milord...

how could i EVER repay you OwO

>pick darius
>rush tabi
>don't get camped

>no disease priest hero


i just want to have fun, i don't even play ranked

>not audino/mega audino


Vlad gives you aids

No problem
a thanks was enough

>champions with dashes/jumps
>overextend like fuck
>jump over the wall
>get away
>this is good design

Best fluff

*notices your bulge*



>it was a hologram
pshh nothing personal kid

>tfw no syndra to step on face

>ahri tries to hold champ select hostage, forcing mid to go top instead
>fuck it, game is lost anway, lets adc riven
>everyone tries 200% harder to win because of this bullshit

also goat

*unsheathes katana*


this is why low elo is fun and being high elo is just self torture

What is the best jungler that is not an initiator?

Meanwhile at Riot

The People
>Holy shit this pre-season patch sucks!
>Guys, you over-did Rengar!
>Can we remove plants and get our old jungle back?
>Tanks are far too fucking tanky now and have bruiser tier damage.
>Pls give us back pink wards.

>Alright guys, we've heard your concerns and we know how to remedy this situation
>Good luck cosplayers

The People

>what is the best jungler that isn't a good jungler
I don't know man.

>literally Star Guardian Janna with a horn.

>he doesn't enjoy a good swordfu

>Junglers decide every game diamond+ the entire season
>At least 4 jungle bans every game
>It's still not enough for all the broken junglers
>Riot ends up buffing them
I don't get it I really don't. The only explanation is that the entire balance team is made up of jungle mains that see nothing wrong here.

I don't really hate or like jungle plants. I just kind of accept that they're now a thing. The assassins update can go to hell though.

>being a pussy

jungling is not for you.

>Irelia assassinates a bruiser/tank in 4.5s because she completed triforce so she's allowed to do that I guess

What an interesting game design

>additional 40MR and 40 armour during ult is too much for lv 18 character t riot
LMAO,Where were you when half wyvern was gutted?

>AP scaling and no reliable HP% damage
>Resistances gutted


do you guys have a nemesis? that one champ that you always seem to get destroyed by no matter how hard you try?

>not initiator

i mean, the entire role is kinda about initiation if you really think about it

How do i build yorick?

Don't forget that armor pen was removed to make room for... scaling armor pen...?

When has Riot ever based their decisions off what people want? They're large enough that they can get away with it. You can go play Dota 2 if you'd like to learn Russian.

There is no NA region in Dota 2, they're all some form of RU.

I think it's nice that Riot paid attention to the state of Shyvana but I think we need to bring to their attention that this change is a straight nerf on an already terrible champion

I mean okay maybe the new E is nice when you're fighting litteral bronze Vs that don't move around while fighting

Aside from that, uh...? How are the changes supposed to be positive AT ALL?

Hey /lolg/, currently in the process of making vid. Is anyone capable of semi decent photoshop of making a skype chatbox of dyrus having conversation with riot about his 2017 Worlds return script where he singlehandedly beats SKT. Something along the lines of : "Hey guys, do you guys have the script for 2017. Im not sure if I kill faker at 3:30, can you guys pass me a copy". If you want credit leave an alias.

Damn who's this qtp2t

>lose two games in a row
>feel like absolute shit
>check op.gg
>I actually won the last 16 out of 20 games
>still feel like a dirty feeder
winning is not enough anymore

I think the role you're looking for is support. The best junglers all have some sort of iniitiation as well as peel potential for their carries.

Yorick autist here

Black cleaver
Spirit Visage
Dead man's plate
Death's dance/Sterak
ZZ'rot or some other tanky shit

>t. Somebody who hasn't seen a Graves/Kindred/Nidalee singlehandedly winning a game in mid season

>It's another "Darius/Rengar/Khazix/Teemo wasn't banned" episode
>Two weeks in a row
But hey, at least after this we get two weeks of "everyone but you picks Yasuo, and then they all feed because none of them know how to play him"

Well first, an overwhelming majority of players are not diamond+, so no one gives a shit about how those games go.
The only things that matter are low elo where everyone else is, and pro play.

>You wake up and you look exactly like Vladimir

What do?

SS enforcer?

If Rengar isn't banned, I straight up dodge. I've only been playing LoL for a couple of years but I've never seen something so undeniably stupid fucking broken before.

>Riot hasn't yet addressed him

kill myself

nothing, since looking better wouldn't change my crippling depression that eventually leads to my suicide

>Riot gives a shit about anything below masters
>Riot gives a shit about your average bronze game
Nice meme.


ask vladfag out

Lol. I'll give you Graves and Nidalee though, just because death is the best CC.

>The People
You mean (you).

All the changes have been good. Things just need some tuning. But fortunately, this is the preseason.

Except Rengar, I think they turned their brain off when reworking Rengar.

what about frozen mallet or iceborns? these are really good on him

every zed I fight is some Level 7 zed main that has heat seeking Q's, procs thunderlord without trying, ults for true damage, and emits an aura that keeps my jungler way the fuck off and draws his jungler in.

Its fucking horrible desu senpai

t. ADC support player

Dude what if QSS didn't remove zed ult anymore xddd


Kindred Nidalee and Graves have been bullshit together
You can't say two out of the three have an issue and the last one doesn't, when they're all 3 the same shade of the colour of cancer that three-hits you in your jungle and dash through the walls to escape from it

were you around when Kindred was broken orrrr?

why no trinity force?

Ghostcrawler probably mains Rengar.

GC was one of the lead designers for World of Warcraft. He would always enforce stupid fucking ideas and then once there was outlash, instead of admitting he fucked up he would always make a blog post, "here's why I feel I'm right and everyone else is wrong."

Take part in this project


>one champ that you always seem to get destroyed by no matter how hard you try?
Nope. But it's absolute bullshit how hard you need to shut yasuo, zed or rengar down so that they don't LOLOLOOL I PRESSED BUTTONS themselves back into the game.

If you want to stick to people, i just recommend taking stormraider's as your keystone mastery.

Your whole gameplay revolves around using your power windows (having 3/4 ghouls up) to your advantage, and your trading is basically just hitting your e then the little ghouls going in and dealing their damage. If you get a movespeed buff in the middle of all that you can stick to people really well, and you can also place your wall better.

Pic related

they do m8
and remember the power of money
1000000 happy silver spending > 200 happy diamonds maybe spending

I think it's just that I never had to play against a Kindred that actually managed to fuck me over like Graves and Nid do. All Kindred players I encountered between Silver II and Gold IV were fucking terrible.

how does zz rot work? if you put it in the jungle do they push the nearest lane?

das a cute story

thanks for injecting some good into league user


I like the jungle plants


Please rate but don't hate

no cause it's not you bby.

If you don't use Vandal/Apocalypse brand I will bully you

We /soraka/ now?


wtf l'm a 3Dfag now

Someone a LONG time ago had an image with soraka, but it was the megamilk thing
Anyone have it?