Fighting Games General /fgg/
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lol fighting game when
>Nesica has been dumped
Does that finally mean I can play revelator on PC
Which fighting game has the best girlyboys?
Revelator isn't on Nesica it's a Sega board.
Good aa's are toxic. How can I do my combos if you stop them wtf?
>guile's AA is good enough
I thought arc system games ran on nesicas
Lord Raptor for MvC4
Nesica was hacked and dumped 11 months ago
Why are you retards getting baited by diapers?
Not enough RAM
You idiot, it was hacked 11 months ago but the game dumps just came yesterday publicly.
Xrd is on the Sega Ringedge 2. Other games might be but not that one.
Dr. Paradigm when?
Here's a guy playing Chaos Code on Jan 2016
dead thread
dead genre
Guys I'm really bad at fighting games but I wanna be good, any tips or tricks that can help me improve?
Not even a real big Bridget fan.
When will Homura go and plunder some more fighting game booties?
All of these girls on these cards have fucking identical bodies wtf
What about this one?
>rashid is bad
who said this?
All but one of these girls on these cards have fucking identical bodies wtf
play more
Shit matchup.
But what about Ryoubi, Kafuru or Muramasa?
What about them?
They have different body types aswell.
Stop posting this trash and fuck off back to whatever board you're from
>grabs are weak
who said this?
They're not:
1. Thin tiny loli
2. Thin Big-titted "18" year old
But they are. Ryoubi isn't a loli, kafuru has a medium sized chest and muramasa is a robot.
Was Alex a mistake?
USF4 on PC, anyone?
So what's the veredict?
Is making a fighting game hard?
stereotype 1, stereotype 1 and stereotype 2
No, we all agreed it's easy. It's just four buttons and motions, 4 million+ easy seller, obviously.
Making any game is difficult.
Is Guile too dated to really be competitive in modern fighting games?
That doesnt make any sense
Ryu is one of the oldest character designs in the world and hes the most broken in the newest game
Only if you are a gimmicky kusoge player trying to copy all the old games you played
>Du won with Guile like a week ago
>hes the most broken in the newest game
he was arguably better in SF1
What the fuck
BB is on Nesica and GG is on, they intentionally split their two main franchises on the two main network systems the same way they intentionally made one 2D and one 3D.
is there any porn of rocket racoon from ultimate marvel vs capcom 3
Well I didnt mean from all games just V
In my opinion Shotos and grapplers should never be top tier
t. LTG
can you die already
Well yeah I agree. I mean in an ideal world all characters would be equally viable and good but god knows that shit aint gonna happen ;-;
>tfw too busy to consistently practice or play fighters.
It hurts.
>tfw Urien has no good AA other than super
Is Abel a good character?
l just found a reaIIy good deaI on an arcade stick bundIe and wanted your opinion on what wouId be best to do.
There's this bundIe caIIed the "lnjustice BattIe Edition" that has the game, the dIc and a wired / wireIess arcade stick.
lt has gotten reaIIy good reviews for it's performance, and you can put custom picture cutouts (ldk what they're caIIed, they go under the cIear top of it so you can change the design) and custom coIor Iighting right out of the box.
lt has aII these features and the bundIe is onIy $ 160 shipped which Iook pretty good compared to modeIs at it's size and Iayout which go for about doubIe.
My question to you is shouId l make the purchase?
The other arcade sticks l was Iooking at come to 250-300 and l'm starting to get coId feet on spending so much money. This arcade stick seems incredibIe for the price, and it's a brand new bundIe. The seIIer has a 99 % rating too.
>lt's for the 360 / One, but you can use it for any P C via the wired U S B it comes with or wireIess with the drivers for it
ls there something l shouId hoId out for instead? What wouId you suggest other than this bundIe? l am wiIIing to get something eIse as Iong as it is new and not some mini stick, but this bundIe is Iooking Iike the best choice for the price.
l shouId mention that l am reposting this because l am unsure if there are better options for around the 150 price range. l Iooked and found mini sticks and don't want to buy a used one because l know peopIe swap shit parts and seII them off.
anyone know a good wireless card for fighting games?
homu excite
nigga what platform do you want the stick for
l have a 360 and a One, and it Iooks Iike most sticks have drivers to make them work with P C too.
did he give up on KoF? last I saw of him he got REKT. Same with momochi and justin wong, last I heard he got REKT too. I'll admit I don't keep up with the e-sports side of things.
They dropped the game because it died lol. They thought it was going to be the next big thing
Sad that only opportunistic vultures like them play in tournaments these days.
This is why games made with love like GG, BB, and KOF 14 will never last in a world dominated by esports bux and streamboars.
What do you think about this?
So it was because the game died and not because 2 of the 3 players I referred to in my post didn't make it past pools in the last tournaments I saw them at?
Boring character, good design.
KI is literally a godlike game and barely touched.
KI is corporate funded western garbage with boring dial a combo mechanics.
Well its understandable though, they put 10 hours a day into something and they want to be rewarded for it.
Not everyone can even muster that ammount of time for a "hobby" and you dont want to have that effort wasted on a dead game.
Sounds like SF5, except that you could swap western with eastern.
> corporate funded
What does that even mean?
Is there a fighting game that is not made by a company?
Are companies making things inherently bad?
Do you only play indie games made by a single person?
>medium punch, medium punch, special
I don't really care how much love was put into a game if it's as boring to play as KOF and GG.
Doubly so if they have delay netcode in 2016.
So I'm fine with those games staying dead.
These are all pretty good points. But this is /fgg/ so everything Max related is thrown in the trash.
I'd rather have delay netcode than the rollback system SF5 has.
I mean well done rollback netcode is always better, but barely anyone uses that.
I prefer mediocre delay based netcode to mediocre rollback netcode.
Also delay netcode or teleport netcode. Doesn't really make a difference when everyone has shit internet though I wish companies would get a better netcode
I thought Capcom USA had the rights to SF. I remember reading a few years back that capcom japan handed it to them.
Hey everyone I met Renic yesterday, got him to sign my stick even. You guys jelly?
KoFXIV and Xrd are hardly mediocre for delay based netcode
>Winnie the Pooh
>Cosplaying as Street Fighter
That's like 3 fetishes in one, I thought this was a blue board
Actually, yes. Renic is sick. I wouldn't ask him to sign my shit like a huge sperglord though but whatever.
Literally whooooooo
Uh sure if you say so.
All SFV top players play online regularly and they've done so since the game came out.
Meanwhile long time GG players told people straight up that online is a waste of time unless you live in a tiny country like Japan.
Isn't this the guy that got socked in the face like Evo 2012?
looks like youtube celebs pat and woolie in an alternate reality
Renic looks so fucking pissed that you would stop him in public to do something as spergy as that.
If it was someone like Daigo or Mike Ross then maybe but Renic is practically a nobody.
You also look fucking hideous
one of america's best GG players is a online warrior. and the other top players play lobbies against each other a lot. What are you talking about?
Kys tbqh
Because they live in an area where there are numerous GG players.
Holy shit this is the mexican autist that got carried out on a stretcher at Evo 2011 or 2012 cause he said some we r legunn my people will rape your gf for coming into our boys club in person
are you wearing sunglasses cause you still have a black eye from getting dropped?
I never knew why that happened, I laughed anyway, but just from this post I feel like it was justified
I'm pretty sure it was 2010, I remember Tatsunoko vs Capcom being there cause it happened next to one of those setups
>tfw your friend tells you to buy a ps4 now that they "only" cost $250
so it is worthless unless you live in a tiny country like japan or a town with other GG players. Wow, thanks moron. try talking more out of your ass
Is he right?
>implying Akuma isnt going to be shit in shit fighter V
thats precisely why I'm, buying one now
Its """""only""""" $250 (+15 for bloodborne, the sole reason for buying it for me)
>40 games
>so it is worthless unless you live in a tiny country like japan or a town with other GG players
Yes.. That is what I said
I knew he looked familiar
Morrigan shirt guy right? Persona player?
People blew it up more than what actually happened tho. Dude got hit twice and he was down on the ground crying.
It wasn't some massive beatdown.
Everything he said sounds reasonable
You don't use 650 PC for 8 years.
Also, those game costs are ridiculous. Sales exist in consoles too.