Support Edition
Support Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>ban zyra
>hecarim doesnt get banned, enemy picks him
>ban hecarim
>zyra doesnt get banned, enemy picks her
I love Lissandra!
>tfw play against support/jungle duo
>they ward all my jungle
>literally all my camps have been stolen
>try to place wards
>they get destroyed asap
>get ambushed literally each time l step into a bush
getting S- with irelia is a pain, maybe i am not used to her playstyle i play like a scaredy bitch, i am allergic to damage and i always think the enemy jungler is gonna gank me if i walk past my side of the map
About shen:i wont drop him i gotta make my bro work again somehow
Was anyone able to change the email of any of the FREE accounts?
and now my dick is out, thanks OP
>win 7/10 3v3 flex placements
>bronze 2
>dont play 3v3 anymore
>see that hotifx that you need to play one more ranked game to fix your placements
>win match
>new 3v3 flex rating is bronze 3 now
The fuck?
who cares of hecarim when they pick rengar/vayne/khazix/syndra
Sideboobs are _______
No. You still need the original email to do so.
>Playing kindred in new jungle
>it's actually worse than it was before.
>I've literally had more impact with TF jungle.
I admit her playstyle is not my forte but this is just awful. I've never done so badly with her.
>bleats aggressively
>Both get banned
>Nasus doesn't, enemy picks him
There is no escape, user.
>told myself i wouldnt go to bed until I won ONE game
>its almost 5 am
>15 game loss streak
just one game my adc wont split bot by himself
Just one game my mid wont feed
just one
Did someone say Boob envy?!
I would eat this fish for dinner if you catch my drift.
less attractive than sidebutt.
what champs besides Kassadin are parents?
anyone here with over 1m mastery?
>slurps aggressively
>tfw soraka will never infuse me
About halfway there, I think Im at like 480k or something
>people who don't ban fizz
>people who don't ban rengar
>people who think syndra's now magically fixed after the assassin patch
People have a fucking attention span of two seconds. I can still pick Syndra and win 99% of my lanes with zero issues, Riot didn't do a single fucking thing about her.
5 of my masteries are on male champions, why
>group says GG EZ
>report all 3 of them
>all throughout the day I got notifications people have been punished
get fucked you fucking niggers
Hi! I'm an ADC and my support keeps looking at me with hungry eyes
What does this mean?
Why do girls who play this game put on this fake animu lilypichu voice? It is not attractive.
tfw no vg vs vg
>play ARAM
>someone rolls Jayce or Varus
>runs from all fight and poke under tower
help me /lolg/
how do i split push udyr?
Confirmed: Rek'Sai, Azir
Pretty Sure: Sion
Are Plants Children?: Maokai, Zyra
Does Nid make a good support?
I submit
because 80% of the guys that play this game only know women exist through anime, and it makes it easier to interact with them.
/mute all & afk farm for 20min first
>literally all of the cancer mages are untouched
>"b-but its assassin meta now"
would be but i got perma banned back in july
what did u do to get permad
yeah it was a fucking jayce that said it
why are hayce players huge cunts
oh yeah, all ranged players are cunts
>people who ban post-rework fizz
why are all mid lanes shit after 3pm. i literlly have witnessed players with 4 years of experience that cannoot midlane, and continue to shit up the mid lane. they literally support/mid or jungle/mid and pick shitty champ[ions like lux/ahri/leblanc and do shit all game. when its like a trigger moment that you can get anivia/veigar/annie mid lanel. but no its always some shitty midlane that intentionally does 0 damage in the mid lane like hes some kind of zomboie surivor that kind of does his own thing and leve him alone so he can do 0 damage in a 1v1 lane. its pathetic and its a routine that happens after 4 pm that no one is noticing and really win trading and kinda pathetic
>tfw no Vlad fuckbuddy to abuse me and absolutely destroy me until I hurt all over
Life is sad
he roleplayed a proctologist wit ha peanut allergy
best sivir skin?
got drunk on my birthday with friends and called enemy team a nigger and faggot, each once
5x reported, perma
never been banned or warned/reported seriously
leraned my lesson though. rip 1k $ in skins
i don't want to sleep alone anymore
The snow one
if you kill yourself you will never sleep again
>rip 1k $ in skins
you had to chargeback
Contain yourself or I shall restrain you.
I might accept depending on what you look like.
Ivern is so fucking op what the fuck did they do
I just want to love a qt
you know, I've been doing this for a couple of years now and sometimes I wonder if people think that replying with things like that means anything
>fizz's ult projectile hitbox is closer to the entire knockup aoe, rather than the visual shark projectile
nice game lolbabs
They released a new support item and people realized you don't play ivern to do anything other than E carries and summon daisys
lulu best wife
I just want to love a bara qt
Don't even think about it.
The fuck is with your Ahri icon
If Alex Jones was added as an ADC for s7 would he revolutionize the class as a whole?
but not enough to actually try and find one huh?
Soraka is the embodiment of the priestess that is probably being raped all the time.
**and only played by men on the internet because she's not empowering enough for real women.
>1k$ in skins
this is why the defult punishment should be a 100 game mute coupled with a letter telling you how much money you've spent on this game, in big bold letters, that comes back up every time you load the client.
zero tolerance policies are horse shit, especialy when your violation was generic racism. Runescape still has the best report notification / punishment system, which puts you fully aware of exactly how close to getting perm muted / banned you are. if britbongs can get it rightwhy can't RIOT?
do you think there's any situation where Illaoi would allow herself to become soft?
What does /lolg/ think of maokai support? Had some good luck with him recently, run him with courage and with his ult mages can't really do shit to you. His W is also good for engage/peel.
I'm sure alistar may be a better pick but I just can't play him
>these pauses
surely you shouldn't unpause until it's fucking fixed
if they added Trump as an assasin would he revolutionize the class as a whole ?
if her god commanded her to become someone's permanent meat holster she probably would
>Pause to throw the enemy team off.
so if i want to play ezreal do i need a queue buddy to make sure my team doesn't lose the game before 25 minutes?
I can only assume Riot allows ESL to host tournaments to give 3rd party tournaments a bad name
As long as they give him special quotes for Shurima champions
would a dog champion work? i mean we got nidalee cougar form, just take some inspiration from that and make a full champion
Dont fucking mention warwick
I wish I was being raped all the time
I want furries to die
>Hey ban X cancer champ please
>"Nah, they're not that bad, I can handle them"
>Insert meme ban here
>Enemy grabs said X cancer champ
>Person who said they're not that bad feeds their ass off
>You should have banned X
>Pls report X for being toxic
I'm looking for one irl!!
side note: i really need to get new league bara pics
but we have warwick
>Nobody on these threads will have sexual fantasies of you because you have a gut
>tfw no dominant adc bf
It's been a while since I got camped this hard. This went on all game while my team just took objectives and won the game
she doesn't really take commands from her god though- what if she were claimed as a conquest after losing a fight?
i want literally my mother dog, very much how we got anivia as a ice bird
fuck off, i am not a degenerate furry
I can't enjoy this game anymore.
>Removed smite buffs, fundamentally lowering jungle depth
>Replaced SotA with CotC, forcing all tank junglers without hard CC out of the meta
>Repeatedly keeping broken-as-shit champions in their current state, believing that giving hilarious buffs to certain champions will somehow un-fuck the already broken champions, see (Zac, Syndra)
>Repeatedly cycling balance around what skins are going on scale, sometimes with a 4-5 patch stagger as to not raise any questions(Project Ashe, Arcade Ezreal released before worlds patch)
>Reducing counterplay possibilities for the sake of "exciting gameplay", further destabilizing the game, (Stealth Rework, the "actually fairly balanced in their role" rework)
give me a list of things high ELO players do differently to low elo players. Be specific, no they got gud.
Some guts can be cute.
High elo players win more often.
>tfw no dominant support gf
All I really, really want is a muscular, strong and fit gf who I can cook for and take care of
The thought of it makes me sad because I know I will never have that
yeh staying in your room all day playing league and shitposting is really trying hard to find one
Someone pls respond.
Someone give me a crash course on how to play leblanc please