Cute BFs Edition
Cute BFs Edition
thank goodness the replay system is here so i can easily make webms of fun stuff
They added me, why the fuck would I invite them to a game?
>league defaults to new client
>fujo op with crackship
Alright then, if you insist that I contribute...
no, did you ask them why they invited you
>Iron Man has a flat value per level in addition to its %max HP scaling
>Iron Man bestows bonus resistances per X% of Iron Man currently charged
>give Morde base stats that aren't worse than a support's
>being unironically gay
Are you shipping Graves X Graves, mister?
you fluked every skill shot
and i'm going to post that fun shit
no just a bi dude
I'm shipping u and the dirt kiddo
send help
>miss every skillshot
>still get the kill
uh, lolbabs?
Awesome! I LOVE mudcake!
>clearly hits every skillshot
>pretends he missed
we call that the "season 7 hitbox special"
That is much more soft that I was thinking about. I was thinking about the abs shape being able to be made out but without clear creases. If I was home I'd post what I mean
But so far it seems soft wins by far
what does it say
bad lore writing teaches me how to hate.
>playing ranked
>finally climb to the next division
>check how many games played
Literally holy shit these numbers rise quick
I really enjoy they made fizz's ult fish bigger when they increased the hitbox, but still didn't make it big enough to actually match the hitbox.
Well, in this one here, Fizz's ult turns from a line into a circle when at the end of it's range. The circle was wide enough to touch Cait, so the fish attaches to her.
>ask for swap in aram
>no response
>people try to swap in last 10 seconds
keep defending your husbando's broken hitboxes you disgusting faggot
Lolbabs, why the fuck do you have a champion who has no mobility, no utility, no CC and no range, and then give him average at best damage output when damage is literally the only aspect he brings to a game all because of muh ghost dragon?
why do i try new champs when i go against mastery 6 and 7s every single time
blitz main here
i swear i had hooks land when theyre were out of range
just today i had syndra on my team knock a nigga back from where my hook was max range and it still hit
You may be a bi guy, but your pick and ship is fujo-tier.
Not that there's anything wrong with that, or that this is meant to be an insult.
you should be asking this in rito forums not lolg haha
>he saw through me
cmon man most Ezreals cant even hit anything even with these meme skillshots
fujos like bara, ask shibbs
dude he's got 25% spell vamp
literally busted
>another user read the new yordle lore
Speaking of which, I haven't seen Lulufags or Poppyfags around recently.
but shibs doesn't like yaoi
because riot fucking GUTTED HIM
Would you fug Syndra if it meant she would obsess over you and stalk you 24/7? And not the nice kind of obsession, but the threatening your female coworkers and stuff kind of obsession.
Riot put their silver intern artists in charge of game balance and game design so you can't really expect much
>Tfw waking up to see UOL winning IEM against Flash Wolves
Get rekt NA cucks.
I love my wife, Neptune, so much!
This is Sona!
The breast waifu!
Question: Is said fugging done with or without contraception?
if ive lost 12 games in a row, should i stop playing for the day?
Is fujo become the replacement term for gurl-otaku now? Because I'm pretty sure the original term referred to nerdy girls & women who liked seeing guys get gay with each other. Not just nerdy girls in general.
they're on suicide watch.
>not (x) mating press with clone while real lb gives you a prostate massage and wraps her chains around your neck gently
>tfw not intelligent enough to play mid
How do they do it?
That lane is cutthroat as fuck.
Fujo is a yaoi fanboy
They're some of the most despicable beings on this earth, completely deluded, disconnected with reality, can only talk about one thing (weeb shit) and they talk like they're in an anime
Avoid them at ALL costs
No that's bot as ADC.
I'll learn that bitch some boundaries
>tfw too intelligent to play league
>every ADC
>either mobility or hard CC, sometimes both like Vayne and Tristana
>some of the highest DPS in the game
>all are hyper mobile, some have conditional CC like LeBlanc's chains or Ekko's stuns
>incredible single target damage and high, fast, burst
>incredibly tanky, semi mobile, Poppy E, Maokai W etc.
>damage stays relevant all game because of %hp damage
>...nothing, 4 damage skills that only do damage
>average to below average (being all AoE inflates his damage dealt numbers) damage output
>Riot's micro system is 100% garbage to controlling Morde's ghost is unreliable
>Morde's ghost is an on-kill effect, so you only gain access to his strongest tool when you no longer need it and you're already winning the fight
Either give him a more conventional kit, or give him literally the game's highest damage output.
sure if we love each other
>implying a shitty change to lore could ever stop me
It'll be retconned eventually anyway
>tfw to intelligent to play video games
No, ADC is basically masochistic. You have to like losing and pain to play bot. He's right about mid. Everything has to be perfect. One mistake you lose your life because midlaners WILL capitalize (at anything above Bronze). ADC can screw up all game and still get their babysitter to bail them out.
Were talking about a yandere here.
Obviously without.
Get back to your fanservice game you stupid Neptunefag.
Neptune a shit.
old morde was fine
>Allied Jhin
>9 kills, 15 assists.
>20800 champion damage.
>Enemy Jhin
>3 kills, 2 assists.
>20850 champion damage.
Lulu's lore is still the same
I wonder how bad they'll fuck it up
In that case yes, yes I would fugg Syndra. Wouldn't pull out either 2bh, balls deep.
that's literally impossible
except you can safely farm at mid easy
>lives in a flying castle she lifts without breaking a sweat and even while sleeping
>I'll teach her some manners
just play some tf buddy, he'll teach you all you need to know by just spamming his ass
>Fujo is a yaoi fanboy
So why is Ez/Talonfag calling Shibbs a fujo?
Also Japanese and Korean fujos are based, it's the western ones that are generally scum.
im 2-12 today user
every game has been a stomp
Any ranged top laners?
>actually dueled
>You can safely farm in mid, the literally most open lane and most visited by jungler, with a laner that not only knows how to farm but can ALSO kill.
Sure, if you play something that spams on waves. But then you're not doing shit else to help the game. Enjoy losing from a lack of game knowledge.
>the only role who has a dedicated babysitter
just kill yourself now
>brother's girlfriend calls while he is in middle of ivern game because she has an assignment due in 30 minutes and is stressed out because she is just now getting started on it, despite having had the whole fucking weekend
>have never fucking played ivern before
>lose the game for my friends who my brother was playing with
Why are women so fucking dumb that they cry when they get themselves into trouble and then ask for help.
apparently kayle sometimes goes top and she's ranged as much of the time as possible
she's not meta though
No all fucking fujos are scum. All shippers are human garbage.
you begin to safely farm and to follow roams only if you lose trades
>lulu walked outside
>she found herself in a mystical realm full of LSD magic that unnaturally extended her lifespan
>then she went home because that's every day in bandle
What pisses me off the most about ADCs these days is they have this idea supports are there just to cater to them. They don't realize they get supports because they're supposed to be controlling the dragon objective.
I can't count how many fucking times my ADC decided to just farm and we lose a dragon over it.
>never played mid
go fuck yourself
>Yordles are an immortal, smarmy, condescending race with powers beyond human comprehension who are "just so much better than you".
>Gems are an immortal, smarmy, condescending race with powers beyond human comprehension who are "just so much better than you".
This what happens when steven universe happens to influence popular culture.
Knowing Riot was plundering ideas from other franchises for ideas cuz they were so creatively bankrupt, this isn't surprising.
>tfw to intelligent too be intelligent
I recommend to kill yourself.
>just farm and we lose a dragon over it.
Solo queue jungler here. There's nothing that makes make rage harder than that. It's almost always an infernal drake too.
Mid is the PVE farm lane.
If you want to talk cutthroat in that regard, then it goes to top. That's literally the honorrabu duel lane.
i take it you are one of those 1/10/1 zeds who feed if they fail to win their lane
no idea what gems you are talking about
>midlane has been dead for 2 years because waveclear powercreep and cookie cutter item builds removed all thought that could possibly go into the lane
patrician taste in memes
they become human garbage when they force the creators to make their delusions canon.
>tfw played a few games after 6.9 came out where people were experimenting with going 2-1-1 because of the rift herald changes
>tfw played solo lane bot lane Graves versus solo lane bot lane Ezreal
Shit was fun as fuck senpai
Then they have the fucking gall to beg for ganks.
>I have literally never played mid.
At least put effort into earning my (You)s. There's a reason it's the most contested role to play.
This new meme fucking sucks.
Is this the best that Veeky Forums can come up with now? Recycle old memes with and put them in different scenarios with different context?
> Mid is the PvE lane
As a top/mid main, this is bullshit.
Are you playing an assassin or someone like Vel'Koz?
>I haven't seen Lulufags
Because Riot killed her
because of its roaming potential and of the power of mid heroes
has nothing to do with being a cutthroat lane, that is indeed top
i even saw how midlaners farm both not bothering to harass each other because they both will lose farm if they do and likely for no great effect