/csgog/ - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General

"fucking huge" edition

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[FREE] cevo.com/event/cs-globaloffensive/downloads
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[PAID BOTNET] play.esea.net

>Betting/Trading/Item Related
Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: twowordbird.com/articles/csgo-recoil-mechanics

>Ranks & Stats

>Game Enhancements

>Watching Streams
Livestreamer: docs.livestreamer.io/
Open Source Twitch Chat: sourceforge.net/projects/getchatty

>Watch this everyday

>Old Thread

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also please post skines



>monkey 5 man toggle wasnt enough to beat 3 man toggle from nip


there literally won't be a new operation until june

every thread till you buy one

>3 man toggle from nip
>implying NiP even toggle
fuck off

but I already have a better one

>he doesnt have a cartel with anime stickers



best m4 skin

To call that western shit """anime""" is an insult

>he doesnt know about f0rest and getright
>he wasnt watching pyth's ultra blatant toggling yesterday
maybe you should fuck off

what the fuck are you going on about, you autist



professionals best terrorist faction with pirates second

swat best ct faction with gsg9 second


well fuck you

>not worst
>no arctic avengers


everyone in fpl knows forest isnt legit
and those clutches by GR werent skill
and if you werent watching your team yesterday you shouldnt even be defending pyth because that was very SK-esq

t. butthurt sk fan

>pinku left the old discord server
>catgorl never posts

>announce new anti cheat
>SK loses

really makes your brain work, huh?

Are there any recent pictures of forest without a hat?

you arent even capable of following the coversation you fucking retard, get the fuck out

woah onii-chan, calm down, you might want to take your autism pills!

tell me more about the pills you're taking, i'm quite interested, because they dont seem to work

uhhh I don't take any pills, I'm healthy dude, what are you on about, I was talking about your autism pills, which you don't seem to be taking

How the fuck do people get clutches like this?

the only way you'd know those pills exist is if you were taking them yourself
so tell me, which pills are you taking? because i'm pretty sure they're not working for your stage of autism :)

>the only way you'd know those pills exist is if you were taking them yourself
nice autistic logic, autist

projection, reflection and denial, pretty uncommon

keep telling yourself that, aspie

see, exactly what I was talking about

Is friberg the only one who isn't awkward as fuck in post-match interviews?

>yfw NiP fails to qualify for ELEAGUE major

>JW is all washed up and will never get a chance to play with his dream boys Forest and GTR.

So I just watched the IBP throw game. Why the fuck isn't Skadoodle banned? Just because he didn't profit from it doesn't mean he didn't throw.

no proof

i fucking hate trannies. why can't they all die.

more proof than literally every hacking accusation ever

Was Scream part of the Epsilon line-up that match-fixed? Why isn't he banned?

What's up with this? twitter.com/Mewyabby/status/800670239872544768

they made an example out of them. Valve obviously don't give a fuck about cs, so they won't ever unban them just because they're popular.

That's not what I was asking.

They initially said he was part of it and then went back and said "oh no no, he didn't know!". Scream has definitely thrown games before, faked ddoses and called gg at the 29th round (so no bets will be paid out) and left though.

Scream wasn't banned because they don't give a fuck.
Skadoodle wasn't banned because they don't give a fuck.
Whichever one you are.

Are ssds worth it for csgo?

lol, since when did 16 year old babbers visit these threads? Let me go through it with you babber:

Graphics Card

These three things are the most important.

If you HDD is utter cunt, then yeah getting an SSD will help. But it almost certainly will not help unless your computer is fuck up somewhere else in the chain

NiP are LITERALLY our guys

match fixing is ok as long as you don't get completely caught

and even if you get completely caught sometimes its still ok lol hey skadoodle what up bro lol

just like cheating is ok as long as it was a while ago lol

Only Forest and GTR.
Xizt is an alien guy and Friberg is a washed up piece of shit guy.
Pyth might look like a pig and sound like a pig but he's not our Pige.

Org itself is pretty garbage too.

>hating on NiP
Hello redd1t

this post is PURE REDDIT

this is reddit


Is borg the most handsome male in esports?

am i the only one who gets Disconnect: VAC authentication error from using radar maps from simpleradar?

Can't connect to every 4th game when using simpleradar's maps, have to verify game cache and re-download files and that deletes the simpleradar maps.

posting more webms cuz kondo told me not to TO BE QUITE HONEST

Canada =/= NA


my julie lookin thicc

too lazyto make more webums desu, have my first webm ever

pretty :ok_hand: desu


steam://joinlobby/730/109775243749277998/76561198262594552 eu 1 more

steam://joinlobby/730/109775243749984300/76561198273524968 need 3 more LEM smurf

Using my pop flash ^_^


Nice posture, NAtards.

Does csgo have fun custom maps yet?
Or is everyone still falling for the compfaggotry meme?

it's mostly css ports
All the minigame servers have autohop so they're all shit anyways

all the fufcking custom games are 15 minutes long bullshit. we need source 2.

NA shit as per usual

>tfw ywn play tower map server again

>Brazilian CS

Why is this allowed?

did you also pick those up when i posted the market link yesterday? underratedskins for cheap desu


>tfw all these skins but your best skin is a battle scarred emerald pinstripe ak 47


Any info on operation?

buy more skins goyim, operation comes faster

>winning 12-5
>mixture of russians & western europeans
>carrying team top of leader board & 8 MvP stars
>get kicked as I'm about to make it 13-5
>this doesn't happen just once, but a few times a week

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with this game? It doesn't do shit about cheaters, and even when there aren't any the rest of your team are just pure cancer.

>inb4 le 5 man stack

get cucked

do knives usually go down in price durin steam sales?

when is the next operation?

>mad over an outdated unbalanced shooter with garbage community
can i have moar of that salty soup?

idk youre probably being an insufferable and toxic cunt
I've literally never gotten kicked ever.

Go back to tumbler and take your shifty buzzword with you.

why is this faggot always crying

dude idc what you call it but if you get kicked all the time there's something wrong with you
call it being an insufferable asshole then if certain words trigger u too much lmao

what is happening here with the wire models and damage number. is this a hack

I can't wait for the operation to drop in HOT this thursday

Reminder to join the new and improved winter FREE discord!




>winter free
>still catgorl, riz, and imcute

Catgorl is banned tho? And I don't even know who imcute is and Riz is okay, just block him if you don't like him, no one's forcing you to talk to him.


lose weight nerd

>friberg will never hold you

kys estonian trash