/dg/ - Destiny General
Other urls found in this thread:
>Get ready to laugh
>Open video
>"Hey what's up guys its ya boi-"
Fuck that shit
Stumbled across this gem again
>Using TLW when you clearly have no idea what you are doing
Outside of playing with best friend I can't find the motivation to play this. The Division on the other hand looks like it's playable even if you don't have the DLC
Its okay but gets boring just as fast. Endgame content is about the same size as destiny without the quality. Worse, the population is a lot lower but everyone's meta so if you pvp you're just fucked if you're a newbie.
When I last played I got to 40 DZ rank. Didn't really care for the DZ with all the rampant cheaters.
They weren't cheating, the game is broken.
Rampant cheaters are gone but the current meta in the darkzone will kill you 700% more or less faster than your more than likely average(patches changed shit) build. Basically you'll just be walking along then drop inexplicably while you see a guy with a sniper on the entirely opposite side of the zone. Or you'll get melted in the time it takes you to hear the bullets hit. They haven't really added anything new since release outside a crappy not-raid and a roguelike maze for sewers.
I'm a sucked for TPS and loved the story / idea of a post viral outbreak. I'll still check it out.
Go for it.
It was just a heads up.
Thanks user. I appreciate it.
I could try to continue the Y3 thorn quest but doing the crucible is suffering with CD and Matador everywhere.
What the fuck
that just makes your dick limp and your nipples puffy. getting the injections is what really matters
>mfw only two days left of my stomach medication, too poor to get a refill, and 9 days until I get paid
>mfw I'll spend 7 days with uncontrollable diarrhea, butt leakage, and stomach pain
A-anyone wanna r-raid before I spend a whole week in suffering?
nice blog nigger
I love you too bb
>colon cancer
>still has a gf, utilities paid for, and higher education
mad you weren't mentioned, literal who?
hahah I love how you turned to namefagging just to trick yourself into thinking you're relevant. lol
I'm glad I'm at least memorable enough to be hated
I actually do have to pay for my housing though with what little disability I receive and it sucks ass
Actually this was my first post in the thread in a few days, and saw that going on. Has shitposting really gone that bad?
why do you think we give a single ounce of a fuck about your life
is the girl you're shagging a qt?
Because I'm a massive narcissist and it's hard to find raid groups at 6am on a Monday and LFG sucks so I just lurk here because I'm miserable and I have nothing better to do than play vidya, write essays, and jerk it to Cayde-6
Cute face, pretty meh body because she's pretty chub. My actual gf is cuter but she's also like 6.5 feet tall and I'm 5' 10"
hooray for non-monogamy I guess
Nacho fuck off we don't care about (you)
It honestly swings between me anonymously starting forum fires to keep the generals life support on and people trap posting cause trap posting. My favorite subclass is striker and i hate all cards in the grimoire equally.
Do Exo's have genitalia? If so are they interchangeable, organic friendly, is it gay if you bang constructs of a comparable gender to your own and is it rape if they don't want it cause they're just robots?
Play video games with me and I won't have to post here so much
>blind manlet with ass cancer has TWO girls to fuck
>I have none
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't there something that says some exos are partially human? They probably already had it to begin with. Plus that could also answer those other questions.
Wen will they lern
I don't know about partially human, but as far as characters like Cayde-6 go there's at least human consciousness
I've already made manlet jokes about myself while playing with other /dg/ers (is there a more attractive nickname for us? /dg/enerates?)
It's actually not ass cancer (feels like it) but my bipolar meds offset the pH balance of my stomach which basically causes everything I eat to just run right through me. I lost 10lbs before it got figured out by this 9/10 qt 3.14 doctor at my university
You're wrong. Some Exo's are modeled AFTER humans.
Like a monroe-bot or someone who wanted immortality, like cayde-6 who's a Nathan Fillion-bot.
They're not human, not even a little.
Fuck off mustange
Fair enough.
I assume the same rules would apply as if they were human for the sexual questions.
Well, he's not the only one. Non-monogamy kinda fits the lifestyle of 20-somethings nowadays and can stave off staleness in relationships which have only gotten more tenuous as a viable form of human interaction in the past decade.
i'm at one technically cause the other 2 are upstate 4 hours away but i occasionally pick them up and all 4 of us hit the cabin. Especially during hunting season.
I assume at least with the ones that had human consciousness they would have a way to experience sexual gratification (maybe Demolition Man style?)
God damn, Bungie, for all your DEEPEST LORE you sure leave a lot of the simple stuff unanswered
Another thing that's been bothering me:
Can Guardians make babies? Like, would they have control over Light like their parents?
Can Awoken make babies with humans?
Mah non-monogamous nigga
Seriously, I don't want to be preachy about it, but it really fits the lifestyle of my 20-something college life. The gf and I moved from our hometown to separate colleges and we both agreed that I could see other people if I wanted to (I say I because she's Mormon and wants to be abstinent and loyal until marriage, but I don't have to because...Mormons?)
But they're robots. If you dicked your computers disk tray is that rape?
What about that guy who bones his vintage car collections exhaust pipes?
Or like a kid and some giant stuff animal maybe.
don't take bipolar meds for 7 days?
I think the differentiation is that the EXOs (at least the ones not directly stemming from a human consciousness like Cayde) are self-aware self-contained intelligences that could be argued to have a "soul" (possibly imbued by the Traveler(?) but who knows since Bungie wants to remain all ambiguous and stuff with the backstory) kind of like your Ghost is arguably a conscious being despite basically being a cush ball with a glowy eye attached to it
The effects last a lot longer because the PH balance being off can actually kill your unique set of intestinal flora which is apparently incredibly key to your digestive processes and might even require an intestinal flora transplant which is an absolute ass.
They have a "brain" which is just a network of synthetic neurons that exactly mimic the way a human brain functions.
Also not all exo's are guardians like the gunsmith which is why he's on reset 44 and cayde's at 6.
They're still just robots with some shiny new AI though. Like a toaster that tells you when your toast will be ready or a roomba.
What said. Basically I just have to literally suffer for a week until I get paid so I can refill my shit. Even if I stop taking the bipolar meds I'd still be suffering physically while also suffering mentally.
Therein lies the problem of the philosophical issue of artificial intelligence. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, and acts like a duck is it a duck or something pretending to be a duck?
If i have a hatchet who's head i've replaced and handle i replaced is it the same hatchet?
If i make a bionic duck that does duck things exactly but can't reproduce is it a duck?
If i forget to add yeast to my dough can i still make bread.
is destiny 2 going to be good?
Surprisingly the answer is "no". More at 11.
It's the same issue with teleportation. If I take all of your atoms, teleport them somewhere else, and reassemble you there in exactly the same fashion, are you you or did you die and did a carbon copy of you take your place?
That's a question even the manifold of space and time cannot answer
Yes. You were vaporized entirely and a new you was made to take your place. Technically you could make a million you's with that technology but Veeky Forums servers can't handle a reply rate that high right now.
i want to get yellowteacup pregnant and raise a family with her!
B. See A.
I spat out my fucking ginger ale with that last comment. 10/10 would discuss the existential crisis that is teleportation with again
Same thing with Destiny, your Guardian dies all the time and is just reconstructed from a predetermined reset state by your Ghost (see: Nolan "Necromancer" North)
And every time you transmat you're just dying and being replaced by another (You)
Yes on the first bit, your ghost makes a new body and shoves your Light into it upon ressurection. This is why when a ghost dies immediately following the guardian(carpet bombing) the guardian is permanently dead.
Second bit is actually you being shunted through space and time similarly to vex warp gates using an orbital grid so its actually the same you leaving the ship and landing on the ground.
gonna need them Trials™
I always thought that by tansmat it was meant that the materials that make you you were being transported.
I always did wonder why the ghosts don't just make a piss ton of highly effective but Lightless, and thus superless, clones to run interference and pseudo-fireteams for you.
Because they would rather be dicks who force you to do all the work then take credit for it.
That actually sounds like a neat premise for setting up offline co-op, if Bungie could manage to create a workable bot AI for Guardians
Translocational Mateinsteincondensateoccupiedeinstein-rosenbridge?
Alright you Veeky Forumsinas, it's been forever since I played Destiny and I just picked up all the DLC. What's the current exchange rate for strange coins to exotics? Does Xur still show his ugly mug from Friday to Sunday morning?
>no zippy or noobish to start raids
>Thread is dead
It feels like pre April update again
13-43:1 coins:exotics or 7:1 for 3oC's and yes.
Protip: wait till 397 to open exotic engrams as thats around the time they'll turn into 400's.
We just did like 5 raids.
We just filled up using our friends list full of people we networked.
Xur has now been replaced by Xim, a transracial omnisexual elephantkin who exchanges exotics for reblogs on tumblr.
The game is still the same but has new shit here and there like new UI, guns, balancing and shit you can read on Reddit if you can swim in a sea of unfunny cunts and hugboxing. Also, who are you?
Its pronounced Zim you trinary queermosexual.
My ghost and guardian don't
My ghost and guardian don't
My ghost and guardian don't want none unless you're alpha team hun
>he doesn't know about the below the radar raids or the discord or psn chat or skype or steam
what are you guys doing for thanksgiving?
>being part of the cancer chat that gets in the way of your radar every 10 seconds
Nothing, Britbongs never celebrate it, someone invite me over to Murica for it
Taking 3 people to a lake superior side cabin cause its the few times college has actual breaks.
>he doesn't use the phone app and keeps his notifications on his console still on
Are you even trying?
Working, coming home early and ordering pizza or chinese while I read and respond to work and personal emails. Might call my parents up to see what they're up to and try to convince them to move down here so they stop bothering me about going up to see them.
Same shit I do for every holiday basically.
windows phone ;_;
Making a killing
you gonna cater for other people but not for your family? nigga wtf
thanksgiving was last month
I dropped my plate of food ;_;
This is what happens when australian keeps insisting they live in the future.
Going to be up most of the night before and all day during it baking everything that needs to be baked or cooked in an oven for all the family and other people visiting.
I think Xur sells the average exotic for 13 coins, or 3oC for 7.
tfw you will never spend thanksgiving with bv and eat like a king
will daddy be there and help you bake? cute! CUTE!
Where's the tail coming from?
boipucci plug obv
i need more videos about streamers getting btfo
I mean, baking is maximum fun but there's too much of a good thing, and nobody else wants to help with baking stuff ever on Thanksgiving/Christmas.
Clip on.
will you be using daddy's cummies for cookies instead of your clitty cummies this year?
Post memes
what are you baking this year? tfw no one to spend the holidays with