SOON edition
>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums channel in game
>how can I refute ppl that call me a yellow
SOON edition
>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums channel in game
>how can I refute ppl that call me a yellow
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Chieftain when?
>first for Swedish heavy's need nerf
there's more important things to be added first, sweden and also poland
They need bigger cupolas or at least make the flat part under the gun a ws
the 103B is so fucking bad
still needs nerf, it needs to be on same level as french heavy's, anything higher and it is needs nerf.
Also testing on test server worthless everyone is firing gold, on test server gold shells should be disabled to get some actual data
>reading comprehension
>4390 dpm with laser accuracy no aim time on a ultralow profile bouncy bouncy bang bang e25
103 ain't a kranvagn
also keep in mind that the krv's gold shell is extremely garbage
implying i read your garbage
it should go in as is desu
meta needs to be shaken up cuz the 50b meme is stale
2.5 deploy time kills it desu
excellent redline warrior tho
it's super-bad and nothing like the e-25
though you sound like you're strongly overrating the e-25, most likely because you're gay, bad, retarded and orange
>Literal forced sniper
>Few other roles
>excellent redline warrior tho
not even that since it gets chunked the moment a spg looks at it. there's like one spot every third map that it's both relevant and effective in, everywhere else it's a joke
it's threatened by spgs. fucking lmao.
All gold is actually the perfect way to test balance for new vehicles, after all they need to find out if these things are actually good for clan wars.
>get spotted while redlining
user error
arty does shit on it tho
hey i know let's make a tank that can't attack. what's that the actual design and doctrine for it was as an offensive too and it had faster target aq than a pattonl? no give it a fucking siege mode
--faggot retard russki idiot
look man the front line never lasts and they deleted all the maps that let you use camo
tank picture in the tank thread
i aint saying it's good for current map meta
but it's bretty gud at being a redline faggot until the team folds
instant deploy would fix everything wrong wit it
the "current map meta" has been here for ages now and unfortunately it's here to stay since WG's map department, somehow, manages to be the worst in the industry. a remarkable accomplishment considering how few devs make good maps
>Hey tovarish, if we make tank of catch flame enemy think we of dead tank!
>Oh you are of genius Ivan! Why we didn't think this before!
they're not gonna add the chieftain because it's literally too shitty to be a t10 i'm not even kidding
>maps are bad because teammates fuck off to different flanks therefore no support therefore no player agency therefore shit map
>chop maps in half so retarded teammates have no flanks to fuck off to and or uselessly camp
i just fixed it
it's still shit fucktard
better than 3-4 fucktards every game doing shit all in field
you haven't fixed anything you've just created a queue of tanks that can't functioning on a corridor map waiting for the hts to fight the entire round
your complete misunderstanding of the flow of the game would make you a perfect for for wg's map team, or as filling on a compost heap
seriously though the 103b is real fucking bad and it's a damn shame born entirely out of wg incompetence
"siege mode" smdh
>literally too shitty to be a t10
Why do you do this? Telling lies on the internet?
as if making maps larger will fix problems with this game
it'll just be 3-4 people fucking off in middle of nowhere all game just look at what happens on warthunder maps
while arty go unpunished and making slow tanks completely irrelevant as corridors do for light tanks
and melting all the russian potatos so wg isn't going to make maps large again you know this
it's way better to map the maps smaller so teammates are within firing support range so all tanks are in the fight
because this absolutely demolishes the lemming train and base defend meta ie the 13:3 first 3mins blowout
also holy shit use your brain that's just siegfried example
you know there are more maps than just sigfried right?
boom prok fast tanks can go skirmish while heavys move in place
accept it you limey retard it's fucking garbage
>DPM - over 3000
>damage - 400
>penetration (mm) - 270
>reload Time (sec) - 7.91
>aim Time (sec) - 1.44
>dispersion (m) - 0.31
>dispersion moving - 0.12
>dispersion tank traverse - 0.12
>dispersion turret traverse - 0.10
>gun depression - 10°
It tears everything apart when I see one in the game. The strong turret has the cupola weakspot, but with those gun stats you can just poke hill, fire and retreat and the enemy can't do shit about it. The only downside is the weak hull and okay speed, but it's phenomenal otherwise. If the matchmaker shits out a hilly map a good chieftain driver will always get 5000+ damage. It's fucking ridiculous.
britcucks delusional as usual
I'm a kraut, shitposter-kun.
>plays consoles wot
>fox and grapes meme
even worse
since we're on the topic
the cent is fucking garbage
it's so fucking bad
and don't even get me started on the wot versions
seriously though the poles have never build a real tank
this is more playable than current
That's basically small malinovka
small mali would be bretty neat
Sure wish they would stop changing the map picture every patch. I get so tired of having to figure out what map im on.
>watch new cuckles video
>he mentions a 36 hour livestream from circon
>somewhere out there is a individual who played 36 hours of WoT straight and streamed it
>on his birthday
I would rather not have the 103b in game as it currently is. Especially if it meant the swede heavys were pushed back.
>13 ppl
also where is the arty squad or the light tank squad
it seems like you want to change a lot more than just map size so that would contradict the statement of fixing maps by just cutting them in half
ignore the icons i just pulled the first picture on google
Is there anyone who legitimately tries to justify cuckvagn ? I've only seen fastabortion video so far and he's just shamelessly shilling the damn thing, then again he's on WGs payroll so it doesn't even anger me at this point
it looks like a good solid tank and I can't wait to be one of the first to have it thanks to the shitton of free xp I've been saving :^)
Kek you reminded me of the time SirFoch did a 24 hour stream, I think someone posted a link in here. I joined within the first half hour and he was already spinning russian heavies around in the garage sounding like he wanted to kill himself.
Dolon please go and stay go
it's the first real assault autoloader
it'll change the meta & make things interesting
if it's too op then they can always kill it like they did waffle
>falling for the most obvious cash grab since WTFE100
>first real assault autoloader
one with real armor user
>make things interesting
Himmelsdorf encounter will be unplayable since these shits will just lockdown hill permanently
>cash grab
It's on console though, and it's pretty strong there. Has an even better gun than the 215B.
>spend muh-ney on free exp to rush to tier X
>not cash grab
Inb4 you're autistic enough to actually grind ~600k free exp to get to tier X
Making a whole new tank to do something old tanks could do if they got buffs is going a bit far.
wg is a family company and still in need of capital flow via powercreep induced spending
be a good goy ? :^)
>Himmelsdorf encounter
>at least one cuckvagn per team
>no one even bothers going uphill
>instead everyone just rush cap and brawl there
is of exciting)))))))))
I have 320k free xp so I'm good. and if I wanted more I could always use all that free gold I got from tournaments
The 'birthday' bit is because he expects his viewers to donate more and sub more than usual. It's basically a legal way to sell your body and soul for money.
On a scale from 1 to full ultra retard. How viable is a JPE100 HE only?
This is for a certain Norwegian MoE-poster.
>playing td
>get ammoracked
>oh well I'll play my LT waiting for the match to finish
>30 seconds in
>ammoracked 1st shot
Thanks wargaming for this dynamic experience
Should i buy the premium Ikea tank or should i wait to see if it gets a discount on christmas? Also what are the possibilities that the cromwellb is put on the shop again?
>Should i buy the premium Ikea tank or should i wait to see if it gets a discount on christmas?
>falling this hard for the jewish ploy
Goy of the year 2016 award goes to...
>discount on christmas
doubt that's going to happen it's already dirt cheap
>are the possibilities that the cromwellb is put on the shop again
that shit is sold monthly at this point, very god damn high
>it's fucking garbage
>best tank of the cold war
>most AESTHETIC tank in the world
>doubt that's going to happen it's already dirt cheap
Is it good though? Should i wait for the cromwell instead?
>being a poorfag
>>most AESTHETIC tank in the world
I'd say in the Cold War.
>dont wanna play tanks
>dont feel like doing anything productive
>end up playing freecell for 2 hours in a row
dunno if this is an improvement
>not cold war
Disregard this post, i am retarded and i should kms brb
swetank is pretty good, the engine is made of wet paper and it's not very fast for medium, but the gun is good and handles well, reload time is pretty quick too
it will be on discount almost certainly around christmas because they usually put any tank on discount at some point in that time
it will be put in the ingame shop once the swedish tank line gets introduced (next patch)
they will probably sell the bromwell aswell around christmas but not for cheap
There is still teamwork in this game.
ok raptor
*Smacks lips*
>Cuckmobiles cost 1.4M exp
>have 1.7M saved
>fully aimed shot in Cent AX
>hit - Critical damage (no damage, not even tracked)
Meanwhile, in Obj. 140
>snap shot hit high roll
>hit - high roll
>hit - tracked and damage
>hit - ammo racked
No, this game certainly does not have Russian bias.
>mfw when joining IDEAL ts and every single guy has as much personality as this guy
>comparing 105mm to 100mm gun handling
Not even trying to be unbiased are you?
Is it worth going for the Chinese heavies? I am liking the Soviets and the Chinks seem to be similar.
are you retarded?
They're not bad but nowhere near as good as BIAS heavies
You seem to be.