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> Play Demo Day 11 games

> Play Halloween Jam 2016 games

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Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
Unity: unity3d.com
UE4: unrealengine.com
Construct 2: scirra.com/construct2
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

Other urls found in this thread:



>tfw one man army except you can't write

Believe it or not, one good way to improve on that is reading a lot and then mimicking stuff you liked.

>think of making platformer
>can't think nor draw any level of background

>think of making action-rpg
>can't think nor draw any level of background

I told you you can't do shit without arts.

goals for this week, get animation implemented with some kind of time line, and get saving and loading to work

Strong, well put together colors schemes already goes a long way.

Implement smart-ish lock-on, fix a couple of minor bugs, and make new sprites.

Stop complaining. There's tons of money to be made with even abysmal art. You're just thinking of generic shit.

>There's tons of money to be made with even abysmal art.
And you also really need to stop telling shit like this.
If you think that games like Dwarf fortress make **tons of money** then you're clearly delusional.

.gif related are the one making tons of money with barely any gameplay.

Let me give you the most basic example of dogshit art and success: Minecraft

>tfw need UI designer

what about undertale

Let me ask you 2 questions :

* Do you genuinely believe that Minecraft didn't just barely got away with that? If it wasn't for the heavy marketing and the old history people would not have bothered with the game. To this day there are still people not trying the game for the same reason.

* Do you genuinely believe that a game with such low graphics would get away today?

Undertale success happened only because of the Earthbound fanbase and the previous reddit pandering years. The same happened with Stardew Valley btw.

And on a personal note I sincerely hope that you have better standards than that.

Excuse me, Dwarf Fortress is beautiful art. It also makes around $8000 every month. And it has been consistently around that for years now. That is better than games that have one big spike of sales then drop to no profit after that.

Fill out the form to be a part of the weekly progress recap. Be sure to respect the format and pay attention to any customization options that might be available.
Submissions will be accepted for roughly the next 36 hours.

-------- FORMAT
----[ Recap ]----
+ ...
+ ...
- ...

* Images are scaled and cropped to fit 16:9.
* You must attach the image with your post. If you forget, delete and try again. Do not reply to your own post with the image.
* You do not have to reply to this post for the scraper to catch your entry.

-------- SCORES
22 ... Unnamed Pixel Platformer
18 ... Monolith
16 ... Skylarks
14 ... [Placeholder Title]
8 ... Crystal Chrysalis
8 ... RPG Town Builder
6 ... Clarent
6 ... Throbot
4 ... Ctesiphon
4 ... Whimp the Bold
4 ... Arborgore
4 ... Shiphack
3 ... Rowan
3 ... Maid Game
2 ... Vampire's Bit
2 ... City Night
2 ... RoboDungeon
1 ... Spaceship Crew Self-Defense Simulator
1 ... Wannabe Nintendo Clone
1 ... Not A School Shooter
1 ... TacticalRPG
1 ... Hellaton
1 ... Cube blushes game
1 ... Blocko
1 ... Ancient Saga
1 ... Desert Husk
1 ... -

Good thing is that you can learn how to art, just like anything else.

>Dwarf Fortress is beautiful art
Oh ok you're just shitposting.

My bad for taking the bait.

I'm still upset about that. Mojang hired an artist, they could have easily fixed all of the shitty noisy garbage Notch made. But no, they decided to just have him make advertising art instead of any in-game art.

>posting that modded garbage
Get out of here. I'm talking about the vanilla art.

I wish I could draw cute girls

I wish I could kiss cute girls. a-and
hold hands

I'm sure you can find a cute girl that will let you do that to her for the right price

Stop bumping the thread if you have no relevant dev post to make.

I would only be interested if the price is mutual love

We all do

B-but I sage my posts

I know AGDG isn't the best place to ask that but I don't know where else to ask..
Is there a tutorial on how to right a good book of rule for a game?


>book of rule for a game
This is where you fucked up. Try asking again.

I don't

Maybe Veeky Forums can help?

Are you having a stroke ?

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Saigo no shinwa
Dev: trapdev
Tools: Game Maker
Web: none
+ Magic nearly finished
+ Added some assets
- I know I was extremely long...


New demo!
Added a level purely for testing the new rocketjumping movement stuff without getting bugged by AI. It features a gap jumping test, an infinite circle loop and a hidden easter egg.

To use the new jump features, all you have to do is shoot in the opposite of your movement direction, especially while being in the air.
Soft-bunnyhopping is also in the game, meaning that you can keep jumping about without holding any movement buttons, but only if you queue a jump before you land, by holding the jump button.
Try the game first without messing with any of the debug values.


Sorry I don't know the english word for that and google can't translate it...


cute girls are too easy, i wish i could draw the ugliest girls

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Clarent
Dev: Arikado, PHI
Tools: GM:S
Web: arikado.itch.io/clarent-demo
+ Still working on audio system
+ Redid grappling hook animations
+ Fixed getting stuck on certain situation
+ Added coat that lets PC move underwater
+ Started working on better menus
+ Added doors that can be opened with keys
+ Fixed some small bugs
+ New damage number graphics

He actually added my no progress recap post, the absolute madman!

They're usually an indicator of pandering, which is usually an indicator that a game is bad

>i wish i could draw the ugliest girls
You mean uglier than your pic? It's physically impossible.

>They're usually an indicator of pandering, which is usually an indicator that a game is bad
Not really. Otaku make what they like, not what makes them money.

Is there a program that has everything you need to make webms [that are Veeky Forums compatible {yes, with Veeky Forums compatible, I mean something that will allow you to strip the audio channel out of the webm}] in one easy to use application ?

quit it with the unjustified praise.


You guys really have a low bar

those lift sparks are dope

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Vampire's Bit
Dev: VampireDev
Tools: Game Maker, Photoshop
Web: jcs.itch.io/vampires-bit-demo
+ More screen and gamepad related tweaks.
+ Lots of spaghetti removed.
+ Made a better Demo Screen.
+ Big performance optimization.
+ Fixed more of bugs.
+ Hotfix update almost ready
- Still unable to test xbox controllers.
- Test time taking more time than expected.
- At least 5 bugs I can't replicate yet.

my old axe attack sucked so im making a new one where you charge the blow and release to chop
needs some work but nearly there

>what you get when you mix a CS grad and a unity babby

see there is a whole wide world of amazing ugliness. it's an unimaginable depth of artistry to unveil the hideousness of the female form.

>oOoOoOoh I'm gonna chop ya, I swears


How many layers of irony are you on, Gogem?

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Knave
Dev: Dugong Games
Tools: Construct 2
Web: N/A
Progress: basic core mechanics and some assets

>on how to right a good book of rule for a game?

>(quite experienced)

----[ Recap ]----
Game: Generic newgrounds game with date sim but improved
Dev: Augurusto
Tools: pyxel edit, paint.net
Web: augurusto.tumblr.com/
Progress: ( last time i posted on the recap thing was the second recap of july )
+ tram
+ better walking animation
- deleted old houses
+ did new houses that fit better
- will have to change a bit again anyway
+ more character poses
+ all npc types have walking animation now
+ re did my map for the other areas
+ market buildings

I masturbated 3 times in the last two hours.
I could have been programming.

>agdg is too stupid to notice when someone is obviously not a native English speaker
No surprise there.

i woulda too but im waiting for my tenga

fuck man, I see girls with shit hairlines that look like that here. They grow out their front hair but it still looks retarded where it meets.

that guy may never post here again

>implying I'm a native english speaker

come on, it's not like i'm not also a not also nut brazilian english spoken dooter.

if you're claiming the ugly aesthetic is an ironic aesthetic then let me put that out of your mind. ugliness has always been a desirable aesthetic to create. art would be emotionally one dimensional if we only aimed for beauty
for future reference you should learn what irony is youtube.com/watch?v=GY_meT6x45w

Irony means you draw ugly girls and say they're cute.

>AGDG is too stupid to realize that they're working off of 20/20 hindsight to know they're not a native English speaker
No surprise there.

the best irony is drawing cute girls and saying they're ugly

Post progress

>agdg es demasiado estúpido para darse cuenta cuando el inglés no es la lengua materna de alguien.
No me sorprende.

lol user are you having a stroke?


Looks like shit.

> White background


The homophonous substitution and "book of rule" were dead giveaways. Not everyone here is as stupid as you.

Oi mate, who the hell you think you are to demand progress? I'll punch you in the fuckin gabble-jabbler

No, I'm possessed so sometimes I speak in tongues.

Is that you cutting off your drawing hand so you'll stop drawing ugly girls?

¿jaja user estás teniendo un derrame cerebral?

>is that you
how ironic

Looks like shit.

>agdg é idiota demais para perceber quando o inglês não é a lingua materna de alguém.
Não me surpreende.

Cute girls doing guro things is so lovely. I'm afraid the meaning is too deep for me though.

kk anão vc ta tendo um derrame?

Updated demo (same link) because the windows had missing colliders.
thanks my dude

Yeah you should probably stop.

I remember that shotgun. It's quite old isn't it?

Not really? the first file of it was made in July.

my first animation

to better understand, compare and beauty and ugliness both bow to the whims of aesthetics so to claim anything like try to claim as irony is inherently false.




So gogem when are you going to stop drawing ugly girls?

It doesn't look like your game will ever have succes.

Yours looks fine but I'm posting this anyhow.

>tfw googum doesn't realize he's already met his ideal

Is this done with Box2D lighting effects?

How easy is it to implement? Also, is this wrapped in Java?

Golly what a pissbaby.

why would i stop?

I'm planning an Initial D expansion