Viktor edition
Viktor edition
Shen - The Savior of Noxus
>That shit tier writing
Would look pretty awkward and the angle would be very unflattering
>tfw Vlad will never shove his large pale cock inside me and pound me to death, then wrap his long elegant fingers around my neck and choke me to death and ejaculate stimulated by my death tremors, then place his hand on my chest and force my heart to beat again, infusing me with magic and bringing me back to life and getting me ready for another pounding.
stfu retard
>come home after a long day
>see this in your living room
What do?
that fuccboi looks awfully familiar, where have i seen him?
in your sex dreams
hes kinda hot
Black steampunk Maligaro.
Think his name is John, the Virtious
Why that's Baron Volkage
What's she see in him?
Those robot parts would be cold and make sex uncomfortable as fuck.
Since people were too stupid to read the link or know how to read graphs, I'll just post the link this time. There are comments now, if you're into that sort of thing.
hey thats me on the right
Hey, I think I've seen this gal pop up on a few places in tumblr. Was that you?
no it's not
That was well before Burch arrived, you dingus.
yeah it is
Not that I know of, I don't look up League stuff on Tumblr. And i wrote this from scratch about two days ago. If there is something similar, I don't know about it.
alright maybe it is
No one cared because you were full of shit all along
Silver is where new accounts start idiot
Help me think of a fucking pose for futa Janna fugging jinx that shows penetration and jannas feet without being forced
Amazon Position
so when are we getting our promised archlight thresh?
Janna cut off her feet and tied them to her back.
So since yordles are immortal now according to Tristana's Universe story, how does Gnar make sense? How does evolution happen in an immortal race?
Jinx looks flexible enough to get her ankles behind her head.
Eat her out
>soloq ccomes out
>games are actually worse than flexq
Xth for voracious frog of duplicate health bars.
>Encouraging futa degeneracy.
valid points right there user, you must be amazing lawyer
They'll probably pull some stupid shit like saying Gnar was only immortal in his mega form and so Yordles could end up dying in mini form, but eventually evolved to lose the mega form and with it gain the mega's immortality in their mini forms.
Actually no, even that crock of shit is too clever for this company.
when we get archlight kalista and jhin
how does this change anything? getting the fucked girls feet in frame is easy but getting the one doing the fucking is the hard part
>Three Hearthstone dailies banked up but the game is too boring to play.
>Can't fucking stand Overwatch and haven't played in months.
>Steam list is full of games that I finished half way but dropped for whatever reason, and now can't remember how to play them or what's going on in the story.
Who >endlessly queueing into more League games despite being relatively unsatisfied here?
>A primitive yordle born millennia in the past
Literally the first line on the site plus its stated by Rengar in his lore.
But then him having mega would be no reason to get frozen in the first place if that was normal Yordle behaviour. Its supposed to be a rare mutation. Basically Gnar's an original doughnut steel.
No man, even wins are fucking horrible to play
This. However ffxv comes out in 8 days so that will keep me busy for all of december and help me skip the solo queue silver placement so I can do placements in January and place plat
I dropped hearthstone a bit after naxxramas came out, never touched it again (I spent a fuckton of money from eloboosting into buying cards...)
Haven't played OW
Currently playing a bit of Europa Universalis 4 and Civ4:Colonization to take a break from shitty soloq matches
Most likely going to reinstall MGR:R now that my PC can handle it
>get welfare plat last season
>lane against a silver3 at mid
>dumpster him retarded hard, he ends up the lowest level on his team
Does similar shit happen when a high diamond+ lanes against a plat?
I downloaded Witcher 3 and all was good, man.
Why doesnt Riot bring out URF again?
the other modes bore me off and i don't wanna play ranks
Just forget the lore. Just, just fucking forget it.
Pretend Azir was never released. or something.
Plat 5 vs Silver 3 is nothing compared to D1/Master vs Plat
t. plat
Because then people wouldn't play regular modes
Not me. I'm playing civ and got accepted into gwent closed beta. And I still find overwatch fun.
I mean atleast you can bring it out once in a month.
>play champions I enjoy
>play champions i hate
this is f-fun, right?
The challenge in this game is to find the champion with which you do both.
Would you pound jareds boypussy lolg?
>Kalista main
>Really like cho'gath, vel, and sivir
>Can't carry on any of them but still enjoy them
>Play shit like jhin or olaf
>One man army and death in my soul
How does one like Sivir? She's boring as hell. Even Ashe is more exciting. Are you well? Are you being possessed? Get out of user's body evil spirit!
>playing Jhin
>not relishing the impact of a FOUR! shot
you what?
pic related just werks for me in silver-plat
>3 matches won out of 11
Not really proving your point, bud.
Khajit has very different definition of the word, "werks" friend.
you need to actually win to show it works
good scores don't matter at all
claim your pugfu
>get karthus in aram
>enemy team builds redemptions and lockets
>ult is entirely nullified by lockets on use alone
I like ranked flex
its a half way ranked seriousness that shows rank
no reason to play normals for me now
>Gnar looks relatively normal.
I pick frog always.
Well he sorta looks like one already, so...
If Fiora and Master Yi fought in the lore who would win?
>tfw too intelligent to play adc
are Jungle and Support the last bastions of high IQ players?
Yi. Fiora may be the world's greatest duelist barring Jax but she doesn't have mystical bullshit on her side like Yi does.
>tfw installed CFW on my 3DS and Wii and getting a flasher to hardmod my PS3 in the mail
>have like 500 games to play that I have no interest in whatsoever and am only barely getting further in PokeMoon, only still playing league for fwotd because I'm 8 3150s from being able to collect everything else with shards
I got sick of top lane so now my secondary role is jungle. Who is good in the jungle now?
My usual pick is Elise just cause she's easy.
Plat btw
>no new adc that does damage in a cone
>corki still sucks ass bot
If you want to have fun, tank akali jungle
graves or anything that can use the broken colossus mastery
Vi. Either do a damage build and play like you're rengar, but get the bullshit CotC mastery, or go full tank/bruiser.
all you have to do is press R at squishies, and gank lanes early
Do these games you play in the pre season count? Because they shouldn't.
>not boring
Quick add 1 item from Dota 2 that would completely break the game.
Does his blind count as hard cc?
They change your MMR, but not your rank
>All these Viktors in lane
>Pick Kassadin
So, just came back after 3 weeks without playing.
What the fuck is flex queue and why does it puts me with people from bronze to diamond when I was plat? Is it a 100% new mmr rating (like in the old days when everyone started at 1200 elo)?
>No frogdog.
Camille kit reveal later today, right?
Divine Rapier
I'm tryndamere vs yorick top, is yorick any good?
No, Graves is just strong as fuck in the jungle because he still builds DD+PD on top of red smite while clearing without taking any damage
>All those months we had to wait for Azir and Kalista to get gutted
>We're finally free of their bullshit
We need to count our blessings
Viktor is next
>mmr rating
Same, but the reason it is halfway serious is soloq which I'll still play.
>ninja standing around flailing and hurting himself
>ignore this retard, we have important shit to do
no but he's a really good jungler anyways
>is yorick any good?
only if he has his ghouls
>Go bot
>Against Janna
Every game
Why hasn't this bitch been removed from the game?