/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

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Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, November 21th:
164 BC – Judas Maccabeus, son of Mattathias of the Hasmonean family, restores the Temple in Jerusalem. This event is commemorated each year by the festival of Hanukkah.
1386 – Timur of Samarkand captures and sacks the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, taking King Bagrat V of Georgia captive.
1894 – Port Arthur, China, falls to the Japanese, a decisive victory of the First Sino-Japanese War, after which Japanese troops are accused of the massacre of the remaining inhabitants of the city.
1918 – A pogrom takes place in Lwów (now Lviv); over three days, at least 50 Jews and 270 Ukrainian Christians are killed by Poles.

EU4 DD 15/11

>Random Country Picker

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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Butthurt incoming.

hahahah based and white


nice meme my friend

BLACKED and not based

Delicious butthurt
Keep it coming

Sure, more land is always worth it.
If it's aesthetic.

Which is why I'm asking. I want to create a huge dwarven ethnostate, but I'm not sure if it's really worth getting some enclaves in Norsca which risk being one of the first targets of a chaos invasion (if they even happen in the game).

Also sailing over to them takes fucking forever.

>typus was finally updated for the beta
Finally I can play.


Don't be a pussy
Do it

>tfw you dismantle britain and can afford 0% taxes

Fine then, I will.

But only because I have a chancellor that can fabricate claims on duchies


Absolutely based.

If we all started reporting R&I shitposter do you think it would go away

Could you stop shitposting please? I'll report you if you dont.

Good lategame army comp for victoria 2?



I'm dying, this is hilarious.

idk what that means


How did they manage to fit 5 million people on thsi island?


what's the best tech school?

Daily reminder to convert to Orthodox and Mend the Great Schism

that isn't an army composition


? I dont understand what's wrong with it.


Depends on the nation you're playing.

did i make mistake?
>ally Poland and Austria who gets PU with Hungary as Venice
>Poland breaks alliance because so i ally England instead
>Ottomans are allied with France
its not even 1500 yet, but i am afraid that England cant help me with Ottomans in future because of France

Poland broke alliance because i rivaled Denmark
I did not care about who should i rival and i did not realize that Poland was allied to Denmark

>France fucking your shit up
I feel proud all of a sudden.

lads, how does switzerland fucking do it?
I have 4 times their population and all the craftsmen I can get in factories and they still beat me by a lot at industrial score.
what are those mountain jews doing to get that?


>be Piedmont-Sardinia
>must unite the Italian peoples under one flag
>try to be the smartest bastard on the block
>lick French ass, get an alliance
>declare war on Two Sicilies with "make puppet" CB
>"France assumes lidership"
>well ok
>"France added a wargoal: Sicily acquired Dionisian Sicily"
>somewhat concerned
>"Peace terms: Sicily acquired Dionisian Sicily"

Two mistakes here
>trusting frogs
>being italian

janitor confirmed for NOT white! Sad!

What happened to Oriental crisis in HPM? I remember it always firing early in 0.3.5, what happened in current version?

It's there, same way as always.

Should have done a cheaper wargoal desu, puppet almost never works because of greedy frogs.

What is a good first country for EU 3?

Rate my SS-Staat Germania/Stahlpakt.


But seriously laddo just uninstall.exe real men play victoria 2.

Le Ulm :PP
yuo cn go wilde wit it xDddd

>all those arbitrary siberian divisions
I feel Germany really didn't have any plan for non-European Russia.

Living the dream

You're probably right although I had a chance to annex the USSR so China could get nice borders. Still no more Judaeo-Bolshevism haunting us.



>How many layers of irony u on
>Like, 3 or 4 rn, my dude
>You are a little baby, watch this

c-can i get a qt blond wife who will cook for me and have my babies in this timeline?

Are you European who has served among the ranks of our glorious forces in the East?

n-no, i'm white though

Castille, Austria

Just use the redshirts. Or become a GP, sphere the cunts and they'll join on their own.

>100k prestige on one character in Crusader Kings 2

What would this translate into in real life terms?

God Emperor


Alexander the Great, Genghis

Even the most normie person in the world who doesn't even know what the Norman Invasion was would know who that character was, if only by virtue of every culture in the world being saturated with their name.

post him


When playing Qing in HPM, is it better to suppress Taiping propaganda and support, or to let them do their shit?

What would t.Charlebagnes or Justinian's prestige?

Not worth the bother I cheated myself the funds to keep buying mercenaries and purchased myself an outrageously large empire through this.

What would t.Charlebagne's or Justinian's prestige be?*

Dunno, they were known and powerful but not 'holy shit they're the supreme military ruler of an army that conquered a large chunk of the known world'

>Just use the redshirts


If you are going to cheat just use Ruler Designer Unlocked to make a superhuman immortal guy, spawn an army with it, and expand that way. Faster and more fficient than cash to mercs.

It's a decision.

I see no "call the redshirts" decision.

They require owning Lombardia, and that means war with Austro-Hungary. The easiest way is throgh a decision that gives cores. It basically means going Cavour path of Italy unification, which later gives an option to absorb Tuscany, Emilia and Romagna (3 regions, 3 countries, all of which are allied and sphered by KuK) in one click, though giving up Savoie and Nice (one region with only some coal and grain in it), leaing only Papal State and Two Sicilies independant and spherable. But it blocks Garibaldi's way of unification.
They are often already sphered, France or KuK, and I'm not the one to tell you what a pain in the ass can usphering them be.

>expedition of the thousand

>They require owning Lombardia, and that means war with Austro-Hungary
And? Just let the frogs fuck them in the ass, it's a relatively easy war. After that call the redishirts. Boom.

what kind of white? Because you're not REAL white if you're anything but German.

And you're not REAL German if you're not from the Rhine.

And you're not a REAL Rhinelander if you're not from the north of Rhineland.

And you're not a REAL ect ect ect

What does it do?


>not keeping Savoya and Nizza, full of your italian borthers and home of the house of the king

t. jidf BIG LEAGUE

And what happens? I see that it gives some unrest modificators to the countries? It doesn't seem like something great. Also Cavour is bae

if pan-nationalists(Red Shirts) win in any italian state it will automatically be unified
this can also mean game over for you if they win in another country

historical event was pretty cool:

Is it historically accurate for a court physician to convert a ruler and his court?

Would it be historically accurate for Sunni Muslims to conquer the British Isles?


Rate my grobes Grobianreich

>taking the muslim physicians
why do people do this

With war on all fronts, as the army fights on the front, the police begin rounding up French, Arab, Southern Germans, Hungarians, and other Slavic minorities into interm camps to.....control them and possible separatist actions.

Enjoy Hungary instantly becoming GP and stop being your pupper.

Even if you're a GP?


Wait, are you telling me I should submit to dirty rebels after choosing that decision?

do you like butts ??

He was taken in by Irishmen, so we can infer that the only alternative for a doctor was a unwashed brit with half his teeth left that recommends stuffing one's left eye socket with garlic as his panacea.

>gross slaviums italiums
Shit meme, lad.


But that is pretty much the mentality of racists and the like.

What will the White Supremacists do once there are no other inferiors?

Would they just say "good job, lads" and all the whites will live happily and pure?

Or will they start sying that one nation is technically niggers, because of some claim, fabricated or not, that hundreds of years ago they had a large nigger population.

And it'll just go on from there.

Slippery slope and such.

Redshirts rise in the Two Sicilies and they utterly BTFO their army, then once they successfully occupy any province Italy is formed.

if you're a GP i think you lead the unification
Would make sense as IRL the One Thousand took the kingdom of Two Sicilies and forced it to unify under Piemont-Sardinia
if you want a quick unification :)
who doesn't??

I'm more worried about the bastards, or mongrels, or whatever you call them.


why though those provinces have like 10k pops total