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Aggro Warrior's Houndmaster edition

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Does Frost Nova see play outside of Freeze Mage?

>I didn't play heroic brawl
>The expected value is too low
>I didn't want to play against a hundred shamans
>They just want to take our gold before the expansion

reno mage


It's night already in East Europe.

Brode here, i'll meet you halfway. Check the voting progress bar under the canceled Warlock Legendary for a little surprise :)

why is it any time there's additional content for a game that's shit and costs money, and people rightfully call it shit, some shill has to go "LEL WHAT ARE U POOR??"

fuck off, this shit would be like paying $10 for a mcdonalds happy meal toy

reno and value/control mage

Yes the bar changed for Lotus, GIVE LOTUSSSSSS

Sounds like I triggered the poorfag

Will Paladin ever be viable again

>being this poor

Don't worry, the blizzard wheel of balancing keeps turning.

Is poorbabby gonna cry?

how do we stop the Aggro menace?

>shilling for blizzard


post your 0-3HB results cucks

Just as the seasons change...

if not wanting to give money to Blizzard means I'm poor then so fucking be it.

nice another card to play in my shaman deck to shut down zoo

I don't have any 0-3 results, I have this though

Dumb retard

I swear of the people that got 12 wins a lot of them have duplicate leggos

I don't know, but it sure isn't by giving them more good cards like this.

>aggro menace

what the fuck are you talking about, aggro is almost non existent these days. It's all incredibly snowbally midrange, all this does is give shaman another tool against zoo


C'thun's chosen is better in that shell

People are retarded and don't know what aggro is. For them everything that isn't fatigue warrior and they lose against is aggro.

Have you ordered Hearthstone®: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Pre-Purchase Bundle yet, user?

I genuinely would have if I got a card back.


no, there is no reason to preorder

you cant use amazon coins to pre order

and for $25 you can get 40 packs, so it is better to spend $50 on amazon and get 80 packs, than $50 preordering for 50 packs

>Preordering in any game ever

Of course, what am I, poor?

One drunken ragret ye

i have enough dust to... something-something

i have a lot of dust.

do you not know the advantage?

>having to win 8+ games in a meta so stale only two decks are used, so its completely decided by rng.
>having to get an 80 percent winrate to even make a profit.
>when even pros barely managed that once individually

The poorfags have 1000 more gold then you do, you foolish foolish boy.

Maybe but there isnt even a cosmetic. The only reason is its techincally a 25% off deal

/Sitting at 4k gold and 6k dust here/
People preorder expansions? Let alone ones without a card back?

t. poorfag

>he didn't waste his gold on the Heroic Brawl

play Shadowverse

control Sword is so good

i would but it looks lewd

Nice proof you have no logical arguement.

I can understand buying adventures because they're actually content, but why the fuck do people buy packs with money?

>why the fuck do people buy packs with money?
Because some people aren't poor

control anything will never be a real deck in shadowverse


best be joking user. D-Shift ain't tier1.

rate my arena deck


>4 bog creepers

thanks to based aggro overlords

(reminder tempo/""""midrange"""" are subtypes of aggro)

>reinstalled after 6 months
>get 3 quests for 3 packs
fu Blzzzard, I need gold for Karazhan.

I could've picked a fifth one but I went for some early game instead

>(reminder tempo/""""midrange"""" are subtypes of aggro)
confirmed retard.

Zoo lock is by far the single most degenerate deck in the game

If you wanted a deck that illustrated every single design flaw with hearthstone zoolock would be it. Overstated charge minions? Insane snowball? Snowballing early drops? Perfect draw being legitimately unbeatable? Check check and check.

The best part is that it's become the de facto lock deck because blizzard can't have any class that isn't warrior playing control.

confirmed control warlock

The bank vault cardback looks great. Watch them give it away by connecting Facebook or some shit

>team 5 will continue to print 1 mana 1/3's that demand immediate removal or threaten to win the game

So you say that not being poor justifies spending money in a stupid way ?

Grow up faggot.

>Reminder every time someone calls this out for being a pay 2 win game there's always that one faggot who says they haven't spent a fucking dime on the game and reach legendary.
>They also point out they played since launch...


Zoo is control though

>justifies spending money in a stupid way ?
Do you know what hobbies are?

Dshifts best matchup is again Haven, a tempo/aggro deck

I do not understand.
I thought this was hot garbage.

It is control.
You have total control of the board and your opponent's health. You can't be come in control than that.

Zoo would be fine if po wasn't so retardly powerful

Give it the charge treatment where the minion can't go face

Yet Zoo gets shut down easily by Midrange Shaman and Control Warrior, two extremely dominant decks.

Zoo is powerful if left uncontested early game.

it is terrible
doesn't mean you can't be a memer and play it anyway

no, dshifts best matchup is against control(aka joke decks) regardless of class

It's bad in constructed, not arena.

5 legos in arena is not bad m8

it's enticing but it's bad imo

some games it can win outright but it can also screw you if it gives you some piece of garbage when you needed a good draw

it makes your deck inconsistent which can keep you from reaching 12 wins

malchezaar is a solid arena card

overrated but better than shit like reno and barnes

I meant my deck.
I screened his malchezar for STORIES

There aren't bad outright bad legos in arena.
So the chance of it fucking you up is rather slim while the chance of giving you something good is, well, good.

>There aren't bad outright bad legos in arena.
What I meant to write is that there aren't many outright bad legos in arena.
Damn I fucked that one up.

play Shadowverse

there's quite a few that would be significantly worse than, say, a high cost common minion when your hand is empty. you'll do better in most games but there might be a couple times where you get screwed and that really counts in arena.

>5 secret hunters in a row
How do I play against this?

I genuinely think Herald Volazj will see play this expansion

All priest needed was a single turn of value minions sticking to the board, and suddenly herald comes down and fucks everyone in the ass

>mfw this is the expansion that makes Cho'Gall good

dead general

play Shadowverse, quality approved by the best players.

Eater of secrets

actually malch's imp is pretty well-balanced imho
it's not anywhere near the big bullshit 1-drops like wyrm, trogg or cleric.

in constructed: your good, carefully-chosen cards > random legendaries
in arena: random legendaries > your garbage cards
only problem is that you need to have a thick enough curve so he doesn't fuck it up


Soon brother

If it does better more often than it does bad then thats all you can really ask for from arena cards

Its shit in constructed because it fucks your draws in exchange for putting you 5 draws away from fatigue, but draws are always inconsistent in arena because the draft is inconsistent. Value is king of arena and legos are value cards

>I know who you aaaaaaare


Do you think Mysterious Challenger could be a thing in aggro pally next expansion?

Especially if you dont play noble sac and just play dispatch kodo instead, because everyone plays around noble sac and they'll end up triggering redemption and getaway kodo by mistake

Yeah Malch imp only gives zoolock infinite fuel if it sticks more than a turn, on an already snowbally deck, that sure doesn't require removal at all

Very much doubt it. Pally secrets are kind of shit for the most part, Avenge was the one good secret that's gone to wild now. Kodo doesn't seem very good and using it to save a 1 or a 2 drop doesn't make it sound any better.

I look forward to playing aggro pally for the first week or so at least, until it becomes cancer and we all hate it. Some of the cards look cool.

Well, Secret Paladin is a play overstated minions on curve deck + Mysterious Challenger and Avenge.
So, maybe?
He's guaranteed to get buffed by your hand buffs and you can use him to keep safe the dude that buffs your hand at the end of the turn for a bit longer.

missed this reveal. how is it /hsg/?