Fighting Games General /fgg/
Akuma changes for SFV
>Can't use EX, like in 3
>850 Health
>Only 3 frame normal is, can't be special cancelled
>Shakunetsu Hadoken is removed
>Teleport is now his V-Reversal, can't cancel it
>Demon Flip Throw always whiffs on crouching
>Air Fireball has 30 frames of recovery on landing
>All Tatsus whiff on crouching
>Light Tatsu can no longer be followed up with a DP or a reset
>V-Skill is a Focus Attack that can only be dash cancelled on hit
>V-Trigger is Oni mode, V-Gauge constantly depleting
>Hitting V-Trigger buttons during Oni mode is the crossup slash when grounded and air dash when jumping that depletes 33% V-Gauge per use
>Critical Art is Misogi
>Raging Demon is only available with full meter and V-Gauge, using it depletes both
first for NuckleDu is winning capcom cup
How much stupid shit can you stack ontop of your main in tekken? Like can I go 2hu retarded with hats n stuff?
Why do you type like a fucking retard? Did anime fry your brain?
Hey l posted this in the Iast thread, but l didn't get much on it so l'd Iike to know what you think l shouId do or what l shouId get!
l just found a reaIIy good deaI on an arcade stick bundIe and wanted your opinion on what wouId be best to do.
There's this bundIe caIIed the
>lnjustice BattIe Edition
That has the game, the dIc and a wireIess (can stiII use a U S B with it if you don't Iike wireIess though) arcade stick. lt has gotten reaIIy good reviews for it's performance, and you can put custom picture cutouts (ldk what they're caIIed, they go under the cIear top of it so you can change the design) and custom coIor Iighting right out of the box.
lt has aII these features and the bundIe is onIy $ 160 shipped.
My question to you is shouId l make the purchase?
The other arcade sticks l was Iooking at come to 250-300 and l'm starting to get coId feet on spending so much money. This arcade stick seems incredibIe for the price, and it's a brand new bundIe. The seIIer has a 99 % rating too.
>lt's for the 360 / One, but you can use it for any P C via the wired U S B it comes with or wireIess with the drivers for it
ls there something l shouId hoId out for instead? What wouId you suggest other than this bundIe?
l have never taken an arcade stick apart and don't want to consider board soIdering as l might mess that up reaIIy bad, but l wouIdn't consider getting something cheap if it's new and repIacing parts to make it better. My hands are too big for a mini stick unit though.
l wish l couId just buy things without ever regretting spending more than 50 bucks and l'm not even a Jew
>A legit untechable air throw that catches a grounded opponent would be too cheap
you are retarded.
which brave soul is going to stream nesica games first?
Please don't reply to me with your negativity.
Put your trip back on, Brick.
No one gives a fuck about kusoge party mashers, I'm talking about straight forward jump, hit lp+lk, get throw every time.
Daily reminder that sfv is shit.
mate, does it have sanwa parts
reminder that the first 25-50 posts are always garbage
I'm glad to see that you don't actually have an argument, so you have to use meaningless buzzwords instead. Machamp also has an air throw that hits both airborne and grounded opponents, and it's not hard to deal with. Just fucking hit him out of it, retard.
More party game mashing lol
>More kusoge
Nigger what did I just say? Those games are intentionally designed to be batshit insane.
kys polturd
Reminder that SFV is the best fighting game ever created.
Void post of the day
more nonexistant arguments and you still can't prove me wrong lol
kys tumblrina
>arena mashershit
You don't have an argument
cite real fighting games or get lost
Wavedashing would save SFV. Prove me wrong. You can't.
I did. It's not my fault that you're too shit at fighting games to anti air.
nothing can save sfv lmao
I keep wanting to learn SFV Juri but every time I hit up training mode I remember I'm playing SFV Juri and give up
Put SFxT Jin in SFV.
There are a coupIe of reviews that have tear downs of it that say it does. Is there a level of quality to look for in them? Or do most of their parts have the same build quality?
Are there any other honest characters in SFV besides Urien and Balrog?
Reverse-searched that image. Apparently that dog ate a scorpion which is why it swelled up.
hey oddness, could you answer a question about tekken from a scrub like me?
where you get them cracked nesica games at?
>l have never taken an arcade stick apart and don't want to consider board soIdering as l might mess that up reaIIy bad
Thing is, some sticks come up with really gay wiring that requires soldering when you're swapping them out. And you really want to swap that shit if it's not sanwa.
>JobIess nigger generaI
Make sure that those videos are trusted sources because the Injustice 1 stick I'm 99% sure had imitation Sanwa buttons and some people can't tell the difference.
everyone is honest if you play them that way
it's on the other chan so I doubt I can post the link here
You forgot
>Can't kara demon anymore
Seriously they will definitely take it out... I'm scared ._.
Shit, I'll add that to the pasta, thanks for the tip
You can crouch that. At least in the first one you could.
which chan
Yes, and? It is still a command throw that hits airborne and grounded opponents. The idiot that brought it up never said that the throw had to hit both standing and crouching characters.
the one with the retarded cripple admin
Damn, if the parts aren't Sanwa l'm not sure l want to risk modding in new parts. Are the benefits reaIIy that much over the stock parts?
When Iooking it up, it says that most of it is input speed to match as cIoseIy to the frames of the game as possibIe. The reviews say the lnjustice stick is reaIIy responsive though.
Have you guys using Hori sticks, 3rd party, etc noticed that big a difference after Sanwa parts?
>Bout to lose
>It lands somehow
>Aegis my way to victory
This is the most fun and depthful thing about Akuma. Of course Ono will trash it.
Why scared? Just play games that are good with him.
Responsiveness is part of it, there aren't buttons on the market as responsive as Sanwa is, but you're talking fractions of a second. The thing with Sanwa is build quality. It's a good snappy button press and they're incredibly durable. Shittier buttons will break faster and have more of a squishy button casing. In general you're not going to get better than Sanwa. Seimitsu is another quality button but they have a different feel entirely. Some people prefer them but if you don't know if you like them just get Sanwa because it's the standard.
kara is a needless complexity and exactly what they want to move away from, might as well just buff the initial range instead to achieve the same effect
In 3S Kara demon wasn't useful because of the range, it was useful because f.MP was throw invincible. Also, the animation is a good psyche out to make your opponent react to an overhead instead of expecting demon. The range is like the last reason why Kara demon is a good tool.
What is "needless" about kara?
Ranked Active Fighting Games by Quality, Best to Worst
Tekken 7
Killer Instinct
KoF 14
Central Fiction
Mortal Kombat
Smash Wii U
Is there an emulator I could use on my p.c. as well? Couldn't find one yesterday
the input requirement
haven't you played SFV at all
I don't think they're going to remove Akuma's teleport. It's very likely they'll give it the Zangief Lariat treatment, which means he'll only get one single version of it, or, like this user said, as a V-Reversal.
>raging demon is 2xhcf
Hmm yesss
Why is dexterity requirement a bad thing in a competitive video game that closely mirrors sports?
You don't think sports require dexterity?
Is everyone forgetting that Akuma has an instant Dhalsim/Bison-esque teleport in that teaser?
Is USFIV on PS4 still alive online?
I'd put Smash Wii U above Revelator tbqh
Digimon Rumble Arena 2 is literally goodSmashBro's
Instead of a normal Akuma teleport, he disappears completely. Surely that's a hint that his teleport will be different in SFV.
are you serious
like do you actually think that an obvious editing effect was a gameplay hint
Fucking retard
Why does dexterity requirements matter when SF5, a game with a low execution barrier, is producing the exact same tournament results as SF4? The same people win no matter how hard the execution is, so it's better to lower it so more people can enjoy the game.
I mean that was pretty clearly in engine. All it looks like they did was change the camera angle. I doubt it's 100% unrelated.
Why did they not just cut to black or something
Why show him teleporting out with a particle effect
And SFV is the example you want to follow? A piece of shit flop of a game that is hemorrhaging players every week?
SF5 is 3-5x more popular than any other fighting game you can name, so how bad must those pieces of shit be in comparison?
This is going away.
You just play the thing on pc.
other fgs can't hemorrhage players because they never had any to begin with lul
I'm comparing it to older SF games you fucking drone
Get that ass banned
Probably not
Pls respond
okay now post tournament entries of all SF games to prove that SF5 is not as popular
>not leaving in boi toi's mindbroken expression
shit webm desu
Fighting games are dead on the dudebrostation.
How easy would it be to beat Poongko compared to Low Tier God in a FT5 in at least SFV. I've been dreaming of kicking his ass
>steam numbers
nobody gives a shit about PC gaming lmao
Remember when goobers used the same excuse?
>PC numbers don't represent anything!
>Console numbers are way higher!
poongko would evaporate anyone in fgg 100 - 0
the best sfv players here can't even get top 32 - 64 at a major, poongko is guaranteed top 8 or top 16 90% of the time
t. console kid
Go to bed or your mom might catch you.
>nesica being hacked isn't enough to get people talking about bbcf again
well fuck me then
If you look at Akuma's back, you can see it's clearly shopped there and not actually moving. That has nothing to do with a teleport.
/fgg/ was a mistake
>/v/ posters shitting up another thread with console wars again
>ghodere shilling himself