Twitch edition
Twitch edition
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The gift that keeps on giving.
daddy fuck me
don't use this fag shit general
I wonder what Azirs buffs will be?
Syndras are pretty good ill give you that
I can pray
Unless its SKT Zyra, The champ, Soldier: 76 Azir, or Chair kicking Alistar its going to be hard to be a good skin
xth for quality american coding
I think im gay now
I've been thinking this for a while now, but isn't LB supposed to be what Vayne is for ADC's except weaker at the moment?
Vayne with her 3 ring procs is what allows her to deal insane damage. LeBlanc is pretty much the same thing with her passive.
Except the passive has a long cooldown for same target that doesn't allow you to kill them. In my opinion they should just look over Vayne for inspiration on what LB should be properly.
The gay agenda is real.
They'll give him better auto range.
Can't wait
post webms!
maybe if vayne was insanely mobile
>we all have lines...i may have crossed mine.
I love Fiora!
Lux can fuck off.
Lux needs to get no more skins ever.
>He build trinity force on yorick
>Ever wander how you became an orphan?
>candy cane replaces the lost cigar
Riot doesn't let down on memes, I see.
>better autorange
Its already god-tier.
This recent emphasis on bootys in league is quite interesting. I dont mind it at all
Ekko's not an orphan though.
He feels much better with Trinity than with Black Cleaver, though. Farming and last-hitting with Q+Sheen is much better.
I think it's on his recall but he also gets a face full of snow with a carrot in his mouth.
so opinions on new champion? she look like fiora,jarvan and orianna have a threesome. have a big mobility but in the videos have almost no dmg i mean wtf.
Quick /lolg/, think of your waifu.
you are now tied to a bed, completley restrained.
Your girl of choice is on top of you riding you. She is trying as hard as possible, with every muscle in her body, to make you cum inside her as quickly as she can
How long do you last
his parents are still alive tho
there even is a story on that whole universe thing
Someone explain how her comic is completely SJW, retarded and doesn't match her voice lines.
Her voice lines indicates she doesn't give a shit and just gets paid.
Her comic indicates she's a vigilante and does it because of her self righteousness.
good job riot
That, is exactly the point.
Who do you think is gonna kill both of them?
about -5 seconds
xth for shyvanamixing
Shit, man,i'd probably cum on the spot
>with every muscle in her body
cookie cutter poppy build?
Isn't Sona an orphan?
Camille basically confirmed for cold, straight-up villainous assassin who's employed and funded by Piltover's corrupt higher-ups to do their dirty work.
She's basically Piltover's version of Jhin. Gonna be interesting seeing these two go at each other's throats in that inevitable lore update.
She said "became". Past tense. Ya dunderfuck.
She's probably going to end up a bruiser jungler rather than a solo laner assassin. She has a good kit for it and lower burst is less of an issue.
I love Lissandra!
she isn't sjw, she just believes that zaunites should know their place.
Shes is high mobile assassin with %damage that people will build tank on and still shit damage thats shit on release, buffed, then shitters parrot she needs to be removed from the game (which will never happen) until she does negative damage due to nerfs.
Shes gonna follow the same path as Ekko or Poppy. My money is on Ekko.
Robot muscles are valid
>Implying she wouldn't ride me all the day just to milk me dry
Jeez, you're still not getting this.
Ekko in his lore is clearly on a status quo, he's living a lovely life with his parents and is a superb genius kid. Who do you think is gonna fuck all of that up in the inevitable lore update?
In any case, yeah it may also be sona.
>Portal voice filter
Haha, le epic cake memes
Yes, but she's from Ionia so it'd be kind of weird if Camille had a hand in that all the way from Piltover.
Is it just me or have the more recent splashes been way better quality?
you are literally wrong
Viktor and Ekko mains report in.
I can't wait to gut this bitch Camille and all her mains for the good of Zaun and future of ACTUAL PROGRESS.
>camille ults me
>I throw my W
>she gets stunned when I ult her
>she dies
Just shut up
>That fucking ridiculous range on E.
Are you fucking kidding me. I don't even care about anything else. How the fuck do you kill her when she can just fucking hook away to a wall.
>implying leblanc isn't insanely mobile
>go on league message boards
>talk about how genuinely fucking happy you are that Riot is releasing another tank since we didn't get one this year
>watch the avalanche of B-BUT she's not a tank roll in
Fuck this is fun. What sort of retard thinks %hp damage, %hp shield, the ability to dive the back line and an AoE knock up that creates an isolation chamber that teammates can't peel their ADC from isn't a tank.
This shit reminds me of Karthus telling Blitz to fall back but he just goes BEEP BOOP FUCK THE TURRET
That's a good webm.
I never said that wouldn't happen.
Just lose gracefully, bud.
I dont think ive ever expressed how much I love this image but I do
People who don't play top lane probably
Stop going against the wishes of Veigar fag.
She looks insane with that kind of movement. I feel like it'll be nerfed very quickly. Can yon interrupt her wall hop by catching the hook?
She's classed as a fighter and doesn't have the same level of survivability or non-ult cc Ekko has/had. Her closer parallels are J4 and Vi.
>tfw cant get excited about new champions because they never have interactions with your main
Someone end my suffering.
>Her voice lines indicates she doesn't give a shit and just gets paid.
>Her comic indicates she's a vigilante and does it because of her self righteousness.
You can't into context. Her lines to the fiance in the comic implied that she once had a heart but lost it due to some kind of betrayal (likely the event that made her augmented to begin with) so now she's a just a former shell of herself that does assassin work for money and the sweet taste of revenge.
Honestly, with the new heartwarming lore text he got with his parents, it was pretty obvious that something was coming.
It could also be attributed to Jinx, Vi or even Zac as well, we just don't know enough yet.
>I am nobody's puppet
well you sure spend a lot of time dancing on strings
Congrats on beating me on half a second twitchfag.
If my internet didn't decide to dc me for 4 seconds upon posting the thread i would have won.
On side note why are people from reddit extremely shit at their mains?
Literally never poked me and only tried to roam bot twice.
twitchfag won by half a second it's fine.
I bet you think Vi and Ekko are tanks too
for reference
She's not a tank. She is a bruiser.
Tanks soak damage and have insane cc and peeling for their carries. Camille is literally a bruiser/skirmisher
>the new lore section
I've seen better writing on tumblr screencaps, Riot needs to get their shit together
Who's your main?
I'm glad there are still people who haven't forgotten the superior robot waifu
Ya. That's a thick coat.
She doesn't believe anything if she's getting paid for it. That's literally rule number one. Basically she's a Feminzazi who fights against patriarchy
Jhin will put her in her place as will every Zaunite. Volkage will be avenged.
>DRAGON FORM ATTACK RANGE 175 ⇒ 175/190/205 at ranks 1/2/3
Neato, didn't know about that. Still doubt this will be enough, I expect they'll up the base and bonus stats on passive to 7 or 10 next patch
> hook away to a wall.
You mean Nautilus?
forgot pick.
I jumped the gun, my bad, Ive had a long trip. Her being a fighter seems healthier. At least she has to commit like Vi. (Which I like)
Jax. Doesnt help that hes old, but hes fun.
This one is better
camille's fucking walk animation is killing me, holy shit
Listen retard. Ekko is unambiguously a tank, or at least a fighter. Even on release, his kit made zero sense from an assassin perspective.
Thank Anthony Burch for that garbage, the guy has been annoying as hell to worth with
but the patriarchy is piltover...
>literally infinite bara pandering
>still waiting on pool party ezreal/talon
nice riot, ebin, guys have to be big hulky musclemen, no other kind of gay is allowed. Really progressive there chaps.
Except for the part where her hook is literally twice nauts range.
>ruining the joke
>Fights the patriarchy.
>Killed the would-be husband of a girl because it's what her father would have wanted.
>Camille is an elite operative who works to maintain order for Piltover's established powers. It was her dedication to duty that led the Steel Shadow to transfigure her body into a hextech-powered death machine. When Camille's tracking a target, she's calm, relentless, and terribly precise.
While on other languages it says she's an elite detective, not an operative. So, what do we take into account?
>Her lines to the fiance in the comic implied that she once had a heart but lost it due to some kind of betrayal
Her lines indicate she's extremely retarded and threw her life away because nobody could put up with her feminist bullshit
lmao she's shit in every way possible but her overloaded kit, her hair looks like she sliced it with her feet
Thank you veigar fag.
There are shitty players like that everywhere. I've had Veeky Forums games with similar quality of opponents. Maybe Reddit just has more garbage players.
Though an Ahri who fails to pressure their opponent shouldn't be playing Ahri. Almost as bad as a Nasus who doesn't know how to farm safely.
>tfw just noticed Battlecast Vel'koz in the background.