League of legends lolg
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God this bitch is busted, not only kit but numbers.
pbe games
>come home
>enter your bedroom
>gragas has your waifu in a mating press
what do you do?
Yeah but can she jungle? This is really important.
they actually didnt make a meme like the past 3 champions
im surprised
Early Post for Morello Day
A national holiday in remembrance and celebration of the end of Morello's reign of stupidity
Wreck his shit because I'm a fed as fuck __Vi__
>sjokz spent a month in the US and no one from lolg fugged her
travis doesnt count he doesnt come here anymore
You're with your adc at the club when this guy shows up and Qs your adc's ass.
keep in mind he already has an infernal drake buff and is running lethality runes.
what do you do?
Good, that just means she'll get huge nerfs during PBE testing.
Taliyah wasn't a meme, just shitty SJW Mary Sue Material.
Ivern isn't a meme either, great lore and one of the most likable characters in League.
>riot spends years talking about a new client
>its even worse
>Climbed to G5 in season 6
>Tanked my MMR becasue of loss streak
>Have message saying I'm being protected from demotion
>Wanna play solo/duo but scared I'll tank my MMR even further before placements
>Considering waiting until placements to play solo/duo again and just ticking with flex/normals until that time
What do?
I really don't like the morello memes. Every time it's like people pretend to be retarded and not understand what he means and take what he says out of context.
Bend over.
i got fucking mafia graves and pool party graves
I dont even like new graves desu
but GOD DAMN am I instabuying this
Jesus Camille looks fun af
>My team, g, g, g, s all with sub 50% win rate
>their team p, p, g, g, g with the lowest having a 55% win rate
Why do I play this game.
>lethality runes
I take no damage and walk away.
xth for comfy daddy Graves
The point is to make a shield that is extremely powerful in 1v1 only. Also the designer literally said it was very easy to implement with current tech. Your entire premise is flawed.
tekken is lowkey retarded have you ever tried to EWGF
suck his dick
>Slight reveal of chest hair
I'm about to cry bc no husbando
are you a girl or a girl (male)?
The thing with Morello memes is that even when he read them in context and know what he's saying, they're still irredeemably retarded.
The man is a genuine fucking retard and is one of the worst things to happen to this game.
>an effective skill takes time to learn and you can use it against people who didn't put in the same amount of effort
>the game is unintuitive
hate this meme
i guarantee camille will be disabled for a total of 4 months by the end of the year because of bugs
Have you even played fighting games?
>My ad picks Ez even though Vayne, Jhin and Cait are open
Why do people play to lose..
Q literaly doing 600 true damage, its like Darius ult
>play ranked
>get matched with the retards of the retards. silver V- 3
>play normals
>get matched with plats and high golds
forward neutral qcf?
i don't play tekken
He was right about Soraka heals being cancer though.
But there is nothing retarded with the image you posted, unless you are pretending to be retarded again.
>uff, I think I got some on me
Camille lewds W H E R E
>picture of pool party graves taped to the wall
>base skin cloak and gun on shelf
>box has one of TF's gold cards in it
>pool party amulet hanging from the shelf
shit was hard for me at least
What are some champs that will really make me think?
Kled is so exhilarating to play.
Someone please respond.
name literally one thing he said thats "retarded" and I will tell you how your wrong
oh wait thats right you dont actually know how anything about balance and your just a stupid little bandwagoner who loves to regurgitate ebin meme pictures and parrot the masses
sexualize! yordle! boys!
You know except for the part where he went back on every single thing he said within less than a year the moment Riot got access to competent coders
Is this that same Jax from last night who flashed when he had 4 hp left?
Lore fight between Jhin vs Camille, who would win?
I love the guy, but I'm pretty sure he would get utterly rekt both in terms of combat and planning/coordination; hextech agumentation game is too strong.
Zac and Ekko on the other hand would absolutely destroy her. That latter with just a little coordination and the right tools so that he Macgyver a way to fry her hextech shit.
the splash is so fucking hot even though it reveals nothing, literallly made for barafags
This. If she can't jungle she is trash.
I love Lissandra!
she's cute cute CUTE!
>posting reddit screencaps on Veeky Forums
you have to go back
no bully
How do I get over ranked anxiety?
>tfw i can only do well as kled when i play him support
You don't.
>implying jhin wouldn't be fapping to her videos killing people
You're trying too hard to fit in when that image comes from the league forums
right, in that case it's functionally the same as a regular shield without the big calculation based on all the damage types and mitigation estimations and cost on the HP bar design space by adding more colors to the HP bar.
It sounds like 50% of the time spent designing Camille was figuring out how to turn part of her HP bar purple or orange at the right times when 99% of the time it doesn't fucking matter.
It's hot because it's all teasing.
Especially with the sweater blocking the chest hair.
So... We totally go Camille bruiser top right?
Is Lissandra capable of having kids?
>tfw best bara gets a new comfy skin
best feel
bara > femboys
do something comfy and l2p
How does ranked anxiety even exist? Did you only play vs bots the whole way to 30? It's not like the rules of the game change from normals to ranked.
take prozac
>would rather graves than Braum
Braum has the best chest
Nah she's a mid lane assassin through and through.
Unless if she can go tank well. Then it's Ekko all over again.
trinity > titanic > sterak pretty core imo
Ignoring the fact that everything he said runs directly counter to his then current, past and future design philosophy?
Not much really.
>play mid
>slap your ulti on the squishy
>spam laugh while you kick them to death
I get flamed much much harder in ranked than I ever did in normals and that's what really makes me anxious.
That's not actually retarded friend, makes you pretty retarded if you think that's retarded though. We still don't have the ally toss hes talking in the image you posted
>Diana gets a triple kill
>the Graves/Cass duo go "holy shit Cass so fed"
>she was 3/2 with 67 CS at 10 minutes
>Graves and Cass were just that far behind because their farm sucked
>end of game
>all of the enemy team is levels 14-15
>I'm level 16
>my team is level 12-13
I know what I want for Christmas, Santa!
it's your dick
>hello I am the newest newfag in the entire universe
>I don't know what a reddit is but everyone needs to go back to it xD
Maybe you should try paying reddit a visit. It might be more your style.
>Tfw Grave's snowdown gift was a snowblower and not Twisted fate in nothing but ribbons
Why even bother?
>2200 hp at level 18
>120 AD
>91 armour
>AA resets
>AoE knock back team can't peel
>%max hp damage
>the true damage on her second auto attack reset is confirmed to turn her triforce's spellblade proc into true damage too
Triforce into tank is going to be her standard build.
This Jax still goes in when kled is;
close to getting skaar back
2 levels and god knows how much cs ahead
flashes but still dies.
Play ranked to the point it's routine.
Because Braum is jealous and he would rather have Graves all for himself.
Jhin would catch her off guard because his bullets are like 50% magical . She would dive headfirst at him and then be suprised when the shot actually pierces her shield. Also if Jhin went into "sniping" mode and engaged her from a distance she would be a goner. She would zipline around dodging shots but would step on a Trap and momentary lapse of concentration Jhin would shoot the 4th shot. Keep in mind Jhins rivals are the most deadly and lethal ninja's in runeterra
Zacs goo would get in her machinery and begin to slow her down.
Zac would then pound her unconcious
she identies Ekkos Z-Drive as his power source.She fucks it up and defeats him telling giving him some "I'll let you live today now crawl back to the slums of zaun where you belong" speech.
I have a thing for chest hair user, and Graves was my original husbando.
I play Braum a lot more than Graves tho. Getting the two skins.
>just noticed katarina Q dagger is avaliable immidiately if you throw it at a braum with e active
Delete this new champion unless it too late
This guy runs up to your girl and slaps her ass
Keep in mind he has ghost and ragnarok active, and he's also full build with red buff.
What do you do?
>We still don't have the ally toss hes talking in the image you posted
And nobody in that thread was talking about shit like that.
They were talking about things like Wisp's teleport(Ryze) or mechanics like Ivern's dash or Thresh's lantern.
I was in that fucking thread and you were obviously not.
The only reason you can even begin to defend Morello is because you've seen all his bullshit out of context, so you don't realize how he NEVER directly addresses the point and instead picks some minor footnote and goes on a tangent about that instead.
Is that him?
>triforce into tank
Is it really that obvious that mostly lux players are girls? Omg. I thought cause they are just psychic who have super powers for them to noticed that iam a girl. So whenever i ask. "How did you know" some people responds like "well,cause you're playing lux" >.< so is it really cause lux players is mostly girls? Isn't that a bit sexism? :'(
>tfw been a good summoner all year
>haven't even gotten the reported notification once
feels good not being a toxic cunt
It's still in beta. But yeah I am not liking it so far. It's actually a step backward in many ways.
thoughts on camille?
suck his dick
hope his flash isn't up, so I can dash over a wall, desu if my girl can't posistion properly then lol gg bitch