Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #925: Diamond Edition

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JP: KotoMaki Token Event
EN: YouMaru Token Event

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1st for You a best


1st for bathrobe

Yohane-sama a cute.

Me on the right

best unit


Thanks user.

maki tomando suco de tomate!

mijuku dreamer wooby when?


2, 3, 1

Shit dumbcracker

Do they even check for singing during Love Live auditions? Half of the raibus cant even sing.

Late for Wooby!

For gems!

Christmas is soon.

weelp. guess i'm going to buy a doll

I don't think so, they hire VAs not singers
also that's the gimmick of Love Live, they're not professional idols, just a SCHOOL IDOLS


>yoshiko is the joker and chuuni
>she's actually a talented singer

Sunrise fucked up

This looks disgusting just like Chika.

After nico stops making her costumes out of trash.

Don't bully Chika

Maki-chan a cute!

>that fucked up hair


You miss the Mogyutto dolls.


For Sunshine everyone sang the same song, Bokura wa Ima no Naka de. Shuka danced while singing for her audition and must have gotten accepted on that basis. I don't know about the rest.

>ifunny tier tumblr gif
Sasuga ratfag

my fucking eylid keeps twitching

name them

Op is

the mogyutto dolls weren't remarkable.

you're fucking retarded m8

I'd kill to watch those auditions

>that hair
holy shit this looks terrible

>Rin and Chika look hideous as fuck
>Umi still manages to look good
Really makes you think.

is it one of those sex dolls, i would buy one


that is actually ultra fucking kawaii

Rin actually looks okay for the most part. Chika on the other hand actually looks hideous but I don't blame the makers because that's just how she is.

It's only 26cm

that's about twice my dick size so there's plenty of room

Will my 5 inch cock fit inside wooby?

She can only take 3 inches, sorry flip-kun.

idk let me measure it with my mouth

fuck off

I want dolly yoshiko


why do people only defend Wooby and Stinkstar, but not Riko?


Riko is pure and does not fuck dogs

my fav gaylords

Because she is a dogfucker and a homewrecker.

>No one mention the dog.
Do you have something to share?

The tell tale sign of a Love Live babby

If I must I will defend Wooby's honour with my life.

delete this


Damn Wooby has such a cute little body

Do your rubesty to protect her!

I will, user, I will!


These dolls were cute AF

I'll protect her by the pussy

My bbygrl Chika
Ya make me want to scream

Ya so cute its almost aggravating

To quote the goat king of pop "falling in love wasn't my plan"

Ilu bae

I like Hanamaru

so do I

now kiss

Everyone is protected the wrong Kurosawa.

I wonder what sound Wooby makes during anal

Going for all nine?

Ruby is not for sexual.
She's for cuddles and headpats.



Bad thread!


dat firm body

I'll cuddle with her small tits and headpat her with my benis

>imas gets 1/3 official dollfies but we get 1/6 official pureneemos

Where is the fairness bamco?

You have 10 seconds to post actual good raibus

Cumming inside Ruby-chan~~



Here's a good raibu

>fan of the actual shittiest raibu in the franchise
You've already failed
>good raibus

Insertion: pigi!
During: "O-onee-chan"
Climax: 2:23


after countless rapings her mind is broken: 1:44





So what's more nonexistant, Diafags or Elifags?

Favorite unit? Year? Attribute?

The most unpopular muse will still have more fans than the most popular aqour.
