everyone loves nidalee edition
>Patch Notes
>New Champion
everyone loves nidalee edition
>Patch Notes
>New Champion
>see everyone loving graves
>fuck up with him as an adc or jung
How does this fucker work?
>Cho'Gath still exists
For what purpose?
When was the last time you saw him getting picked?
xth for hot yordle females
>evelynn has as many kills as our team
>surrender vote fails repeatedly
this is a nice thread
This one post will take 1 image from the filthy waifufags. Thank me later
xth for Rumble (Poppy Edition)
a week ago
thank you user, do you think they'll do something about her next few patches?
How do we feel about Camille, fellow redditors?
Posted in previous thread but here. I've never played LoL before and don't plan on it but are Riot ward skins worth anything?
>tfw quit a game again
>really really fucking hope I get banned but know I won't even get leaver'd because it's been too long since I quit last
>Mundo still exists
When was the last time you saw him getting picked?
I love Sona.
I love her smile, I love her music, I love her pretty dresses, I love her puns, I love her hair, and I love her cooperative playstyle.I want to help her unravel the mystery of the etwhal.
Who do you love user? Why do you love them?
They fucking gutted him when they changed how his silence worked.
It's fucking trash now that anything not immediately in front of him can avoid it by clicking slightly to the left.
Don't play him ADC. When you play him as a Jungler just walk into the enemy jungle and make the enemy your bitch. That's what Graves excels at, and once you learn that he becomes your best carry jungle.
a broken champ for feminists to feel themselves empowered
1.5 weeks ago
Probably something small, I expect her to be bad for a while
>le feminism meme
Oh fuck off.
With all of these recent lore updates, is Ekko about to become the new MC of League?
I don't mind honestly. I like the character and I like his fun kit.
At least Mundo was meta after his buffs earlier this season, i don't think Cho'Gath has EVER been a meta pick.
he loses early duels though
not a meme
That'd be enough to get me to finally quit the game
The new Karma skin looks ehh.....
is sion jungle alright or nah?
No. Fuck off.
The MC is clearly someone well established such as Ryze :3
Its super good actual.
Ezreal got new Lore for basically no reason, he's still the king, baby.
how would janna participate in the zaun vs piltover event?
Okay, /lolg/ here's the fucking deal. l'm sick and tired of all the fucking bullshit posted here. Every day that l scroll through these threads I find the same fucking posts, it's like deja fucking vu. The same "swimming in lulu" shit, the same bandlebro shit, the same sona shit, the same "impregnate/raise family" shit, and the same fucking silver shitters arguing about game balance. All of you worthless sacks of shit should just fucking die and quit posting your anime girls and "waifu" shit. Maybe instead of sitting around shitposting about "Sona best waifu xDD" and other cancerous fag shit you could be getting elo and actually improving at this shit game. Fuck all of you and fuck your shitposting, I'm fucking out of this shithole.
How many knock ups/backs will Morde's VGU give him?
I hope soon
Yeah it makes her less pretty which is the opposite of a skin
They could have given her a cute hat or a ice lotus wreath or SOMETHING
alright I'm going to try it and pray I don't feed my ass off
Offering sexual relief.
I'm actually fine with that, Ryze's new lore is pretty fun to be honest
She wouldn't.
She'd have a nice dinner at home, because she isn't autismo like the rest of Piltover and Zaun.
to both sides for money!
silver shitters offering their opinions on the game is actually more cringey than waifu shitposting
Hence I said "new" MC.
Ryze was the original MC but not really anymore. Riot goes through cycles, starting with Ryze, then to Garen and Kat, then to Ahri, then to Jinx and now Ekko I guess.
>Camille gets released
>Jarvan 4
>Jarvan 4's flag aura is removed due to Riot's thinking about a flag giving an aura is too unrealistic
>Camille is literally a fuck you to Jarvan 4
>tfw Ekko's parents are going to get fucking murdered super hard
Good, fuck him.
>dat tanline
muh dick
isnt janna literally homeless?
might be just me imagining zaun is like detroit
MC = main character
1 for the passive
4 for each skill, maybe even a condition knockup/knockback rolled into 1 skill too
a diner in the hostel for cheap whores where she lives
Try to make them resolve their issues in ways that have the least negative impact on the environment.
She's a high profile mage and activist now. She was indeed previously homeless though.
Microphone controller
Why is the Spectre riding a two-wheeled motor vehicle?
> Zaun is like detroit
SJWs love to tell people not to slut-shame.
Is Janna going to be the first OFFICIAL (ex)whore of League of Legends in her new lore?
Is she going to ACTUALLY offer totally healthy sexual relief to our heroes?
master of ceremonies, lol
it doesn't say anything
what do they do? and where is my dancing katarina on every purchase
Is she on the pbe?
comfy bara graves
> Master of ceremonies
Get a load of this guy
>yellow card in that box
what does it mean.........................
Yeah it's not a 1350 rp skin and it doesn't fit her imho...
Just give us a Yin Yang Karma or Wonder Woman Karma or something else baka..
I want him to KISS me GOODNIGHT! :3
>get fucked by evelynn
literally fucking how, how bad can you be
no it's cool you got this.
memorabilia of his first and only love
>>get fucked by evelynn
also her ganks are great
Were you a good boy, /lolg/?
>be in post game chat
>suddenly client dcs despite internet working fine
>nothing i do changes it
>friend says lets play hots
>say fuck ut, go to install hots
>literally cannot connect to the hots website
>rest of internet is working fine
what the actual fuck is going on? Does anyone have any idea what the fuck could possibly cause this? It's not a firewall issue, i turned my firewall off and it still didn't work. Keep in mind this literally happened in the middle of a post game chat.
pls respond im desperate
>Destiny on the shelf
I thought he lost that in Burning Tides?
which is who?
>spellblade becomes true damage on camille q.
no and i need to get punished with dick
>Game is looking like an instant loss
>Time to spend 3 lp to save 20
>Enemy lastpick doesn't lock
Senpai Is Cool Azuk: can you fp yas?
Senpai Is Cool Azuk: for me?
>Ekko parents get murdered
>now hunted down by the Piltie fat-cats because they see him as a threat to their fragile and parasitic society
>gets taken in by retconned lore Viktor and his robo daughter & son, Orianna
>Viktor and Ekko collaborate with their inventions and create neat shit
>runs into Jinx again and realizes that she went insane under similar circumstances, starts fighting for her cause of blowing up rich Piltie shit for fun
>acts become more and more recognized by Piltover, resulting in Vi and Caitlyn continually trying to track him down like they do with Jinx
>runs into Jhin and teams up with him once he discovers that Jhin's is assigned to assassinate Camille and the fat cat who killed his friend from that comic, so it's an art & science team up
>becomes the batman of Zaun through his vigilante acts and eventually meets up and bros with Zac because of it
I'm ok with this
>lip bite
>flat belly
Repeat after me:i wont fuck a zaunite prostitute
his partner in crime, the love of his life, the one person who he would chase to the ends of the Earth just to be with
No. Fuck you, poser.
>slaps glass of milk and cookies to the floor
>ywn rawdog Janna in a Zaun back-alley behind a dumpster
>Senpai Is Cool Azuk
literally an orc name
if ecco is anti-feminist i like him even more than currently when i like him because he is a dolphin
Her outfit is so fucking stupid, it doesn't look like something from Zaun at all.
She's better suited for Targon imo.
azuk was his club
>ywn rawdog Janna in a Zaun back-alley behind a dumpster
Next time on "shit even Twitch wouldn't do"!
she's a superhero that's why
it's her costume
Mordekaiser rework checklist:
>all AD ratios, no AP ratios
>all total AD ratios no bonus AD ratios
>%max hp true damage that scales with AD, isn't bound to his ult
>multi-passive passive and an additional passive on one basic ability and on ult
>specific interactions with items that allow them to have elevated synergy or be especially good on him, like how triforce interacts with Gangplank or Camille
>free stats for building free stats that make items more gold efficient on him than they are on other champs
>same deal with masteries and of course runes
>free stats
>modifiers that make his stats more useful per point, despite also having more of them than the average champ
>short range, high CD mobility spell
>2 displacements
>one unique utility ability that means they'll always be sorta good like Vlad pool, Poppy R, Tahm or Bard in general etc.
>highest base stats in the game
>one point wonder skill
>overloaded skill that gives him the best level 1 trades in the game
>tankier than Poppy, stronger than Jhin
This is the future you chose.
>tfw someone cucks you out of a penta
y o r d l e s
>shows up to a crime scene
>has to bj the criminals just so they don't kill her
that doesnt sound higyenic, i would at least first invite her for dinner or movies then let her sleep on my bed while i take the couch after a drinking contest
i will tell her everything that happened next morning and walk her home gently
> Get that sweet spot where you can kite with twitch's ult in a teamfight
> Teamfight was in the middle of the jungle, so they tried to run away
> Me chasing the adc meanwhile my team is trying to get Taric
> Kill Ashe
> About to get Taric when Zed does ks and spams mastery
What about the eggs user. WHERE ARE THE EGGS.
>Changes have revived tank Ekko
>Camile's kit gets revealed
>Another triforce assassin tank
Holy shit Riot it's not that hard, don't give assassins so many defensive tools and % health damage.