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>Developer Update - Symmetra Changes

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Symmetra is now meta. RIP Rein.

it's right in the op, you mongoloid

Bug with new Symmetra moving shield, possibly caused by firing orb and using shield at the same moment.

Someone has eaten Reapfield's lasagna!

Here's the million dorrar question: How much HP does the Symm shield have??



Post mommy.

It'll probably be 75 HP, akin to Torb's armor.


how do i git gud as bastion

I mean the moving barrier. The shield gen is 75 yes.
My guess is 600??

I will never bully best boy, but you can not stop me form imagining touching his dick, or doing other lewd things to him

Shooting a Sym barrier at an ulting Pharah would be hilarious

It seems to be infinite.

My guess is it'll be infinite amount of damage absorbed, but a long CD on projecting it.

>tfw winston main on ptr

I don't get it

The shield is supposed to move forward.

Holy SHIT.

>tfw 500 hp symmetra

>Symmetra's M1 range has been increased from 5m to 7m

I assume lightning goes through the poodisc?

>6 symmetras microwaving you

I dont see the plus side

I'm routinely seeing 20,000+ damage blocked cards by Symmetra and I've never seen one break, even if the other team had a bastion.

qp just one symmetra

Welcome to the bottom of the barrel Sombra! Symmetra, welcome to the meta.

I dont like this update.

He destroys turret nests instantly and is pretty decent at hunting down teleporters/generators

But EMP hard counters shield generator. And she's very good at finding the tp/generator and destroying it with little risk to herself.

So how is Symmetra on the ptr?
It seems the shield generator provides 75 shield to everyone. How large is the radius?
Is the projected shield invulnerable or can it only absorb a certain amount of damage like reinhardt and winston shields?


>People thinking that the Sym buffs and reworks will make sombra viable

It's almost sad at this point.

whats the point of soldier when you can just use pharah? pharah is like soldier except without a cooldown on rockets

>mei already cancerous as fuck
>lets give symmetra the ability to give her +75 hp

Fucking blizzard can't get into balance for shit, they could just reduce the sentry timer to allow symmetra to be more active and maybe something like unreal tournament shock rifle had with m2+m1 combos. These changes are retarded mainly how large the shield range is.

>people were posting about how she was going to be op before she was actually released
I haven't played the game in a long time, could you explain to me why she is shit?

Actually I want to know how much Symmetra's M1 range has increased.

I'm hoping for 8m or something equally deadly. Winston range, basically.

They said she feels really really strong internally, but they also thought Genji was on the same level of balance as old Symmetra so their internal testing is pretty ass and it sounds like they might be ready to start acknowledging that.

Symmetra DESERVES to be effective. I like the sound of her changes a lot.

Overwatch: Episode III - Revenge of the Tech Support

Unf I love that qt blueberry. Why is she so perfect?

got nice game on ranked where shot wall on anubis b point with rein shield and dva got nice quick cap

Just counter the extra health by flanking and killing the generator, force Sym to build ult again and spawn another one

Is she on the PTR right now?

>Symmetra gives mei 75 shields
>Torb throws 75 armor on her
>Mei now has 425 health

>How large is the radius?

Massive, you can put one in the back of Hanamura B and it will extend to the front door

>Is the projected shield invulnerable or can it only absorb a certain amount of damage like reinhardt and winston shields?

Seems to be invulnerable, an even better counter to Bastion than defense matrix. Bastion rework is the next thing on Blizzard's list guaranteed.

from 5 to 7m, its on the patch notes.

What's the point of Symmetra? What will she do now that Reingod can't?

I'm already guaranteed to die to everything and anything when I use Suicide Barrage
I do not mind, as long as we're making Symmetra a power pick.

>500 health symmetras

They actually increased the "drag" range. The range for the laser start is the same, but you can drag it away from someone 7m now.

>trying to play on ptr quickplay
>sombra, symmetra, widow on attacking hanamura

it's like we have a 3 man team.

outfukken skilled

They increased it by 2 meters. It's now 7 meters.

i know its hard to read but its in the patch notes

Please make it happen

Sounds good, and yeah Bastion probably needs some changes now that people know how to counter him and he keeps getting new counters all the time.
How much health does the teleporter and shield generator have? How much of it is shields?

No Jeff specifically says they've increased the lock on range.

can see a lot of dvas, winstons and pharas doing suicide jumps just to get the generator.





Decreased health from 200 to 50
Increased shields from 0 to 350



Im pretty sure Soldier has a higher dps, and can heal himself and doesnt have to become a big ass target when attacking people

Holy shit yes please.

Oh really?
Goes to show how much i play symmetra. Still, she feels strong right now.

No. This fucker doesn't even play games. Nobody can name one game he played.

How's the meta look atm?

that would be great

Giving me a boner

Battlefield 1.

Bam, outskilled.

All fucked up

It's pretty much impossible for any single hero to destroy the TP unless Symmetra is a complete braindead monkey. Looks like now you have to brute force your way in rather than sending a flanker to destroy it.

meant for

Fresh canon, out of the oven.

triple/quadruple tank is dominant. absolutely cancerous

Fixed healing ult bug - this was InifiniZen wasn't it?

How reliably does Symmetra's elliptical barrier block AoE like Earthshatter or D.Va's explosion? Are your toes going to keep getting hit?

k y s

eh, I dunno
If they decide to do that for whatever reason, we can expect to be disappointed by the lack of old spice lines
There's no winning it

it's time to kick hana off the table

Post your face when a Teammate of the enemy team leaves.

is this a joke
Soldier:76 does 200 dps excluding any burst from his rockets and he can headshot so when he's shooting a Roadhog he's often doing ~250-300 dps with burst fire up to 35m. This is delivered via hitscan which is far far easier to be accurate with than 26.5 m/s projectiles.

Pharah delivers 120 dps with 100% direct hit accuracy. She cannot headshot.

I can see Tracer being used hardcore against her because she can ult it to death pretty reliably, it does 400 damage which is how much health it has now.

Yeah, now tracer has to unload 2 clips instead of 1 to kill it, how unbalanced.
Pulse bomb still also fucks it.

What does she mean by this?

As a tracer player that's a bummer. With new torb it's already hard enough for us to try and flank when a team isn't total shite.

>You have to play video games to voice act one
>Not liking Terry Crews

I didn't know one human being could take this much cock at once while posting shit opinions on the Internet

Jack needs to be pegged

Yes, that was ultimate charge on offensive and defensive assisted damage for support. They must have been testing that feature internally, but accidentally published it.

But he does play games. Even built a PC for it.

What the fuck does that have to do with being a good voice actor? Retard.


>You need to play videogames to be a videogame VA

A unique kind of stupid

This is exciting time.
How do you do math by the way. 250 + 75 + 75 = 400.

Why are you wasting your aimbot on a babies game?

You're walking to the point all by yourself when these two stand in your path the the brown one says
>going some where little man?
What do you do?


No it's not, you've posted this picture a gorillion times already. Find something new for god's sake - there's no shortage of r76 art out there

And Symmetra and her 6 turrets will delete you before you finish reloading, then the TP/generator will recover all the damage you've inflicted. Like I said, the Symmetra has to be completely braindead.