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Next comp season will be just as shit.

Post your end of season stats.

>Next comp season I will be just as shit player.
Fixed ya, no thanks needed

Mercy yells "MEDIC" when she kills an enemy mercy

This is Mei-Ling Zhou (周美玲), 31
Say something nice to her!


doodled a thing

>Retards said the same thing about Ana? Know what happened? Everyone GOT GUD
No, Ana received a ton of buffs.

Ammo went from 6 to 8 to 10
HoT heal rate was quickened
Rate of fire was increased
Heal doesn't overlap itself
Sleep dart was given a minimum duration and a buffer window

Sombra's not very good atm, she's not complex or hard to play either. People were skill capping her first day on the PTR. She's been plenty figured out, she's just nowhere near as useful as other heroes you can pick atm.

dead gama famala

i just want to play ranked with decent teammates on my day off, why is this so much to ask

I was really unlucky with my placement matches this season, took a break from overwatch and just found out skill ratings carry over to next season. this fucking sucks

At least it won't introduce a new hero and fuckton of significant hero changes midseason. Right?

I love Hana.

Cutest and best pairing


So is all the shit suddenly going through Rein's shield bug or not?

Give Lucio back his speed.

Jesse McCree

i dont much like the symmetra changes :(
M1 should get charged from sentry turrets and the barrier should apply shields on players it passes

you dont even speak korean

what a shitty boyfriend you'd be

>inb4 "she speaks english"

if you dont even try to learn the language she usually speaks how are you gonna show her your interest, you damn neet

Where would Zarya place now with all the nerf and bug fixes?

>symmetra throws shields
>they are shit unless they randomly stick in place

Is Sombra being able to hack through barriers in PTR a glitch?

It's not listed on any of the PTR patch notes, so probably a bug.

I like her coat!

I don't know, user, but if I had to guess, we probably won't see it for a while since he already got a comic. I know Reaper and 76 have had both, but the story's focused on them right now - Junkrat and Roadhog are kind of tangential at best right now, and there are still quite a few characters Blizzard hasn't touched on at all. Regardless of when it comes out, though, I just hope it's good!

Balanced, as opposed to "balanced".

That idea was shit in the last thread, why would it be any different in this thread?

Reminder that Blizzard still tries to force a 50/50 win/loss ratio.

Season ends today?

When can we get another support that's actually fun and active like Ana?


This meme again.

Ana's pickrate continued to be small even after those buffs. The buffs helped, but real reasons for her use - grenade and boost - remained unchanged. It was the Discord nerf that made people play abd git gud with her.

Not that it means Sombra is sleeper OP, she will definitely get minor buffs, but she's not as bad as people think.

Amélie Lacroix
So perfect
Fuck Sombra

probably but you never know because blizzard for some reason often makes changes in updates without mentioning it in patch notes

It started strong but came rumbling down

We're due for another Tank.

I can't imagine Doomfist as anything other than an offense though.

started 2740
High was 2983
Currently at 2400

What about a defense hero that's actually good?

Just started trying my hand at Spamzo.

How do I get those annoying instakills with scatter shot which Hanzos always seem to get on me?

I definitely do not mind the increased range of M1, same goes for the 6 stack turrets.
Giving the ult more life and shield was a gift from heaven, and her second ult giving 75 shield in a enormous range is just a very nice addition.

The only downside for me is that the moving shield will be good against bastion and that's all, everyone knows that if you give a chance to progress and move forward, your team will plant their feet wasting a cooldown.

All in all I must say that I like this change.

>even if I get 4 golds on wins

What the fuck does this game wants me to do.

I'm just fucking gold, why is it being this punishing?
What kind of ranked system is this

i dont think i ever lose 40, i usually lose around 25 and gain 20. Still have a shit rank though.

i played 11 games cause i was in a coma most of the season

I don't understand how some people manage to be bad at s76

I would have preferred the coma.

Widow is good, Hanzo is good, Bastion is Bastion, Mei is good now, Torb is alright and the Symmetra changes basically makes her a defense hero now.

Started 2600, currently at 3500. All thanks to Hana.

Shoot the ground right in front of their feet. Think of it like a shotgun spread.

>sym is 'fixed'
>still complete garbage

just scrap the character already

Started 1800
Ended 2500

>Someone on team leaves
>Timer ends and I leave because its pointless to try and play Overwatch 5v6
>Lose 30 points
This shit has to stop NOW.

>and the Symmetra changes basically makes her a defense hero now.
thats how she has always been

Have Blizzard just been putting all of their effort into fucking over Reinhardt recently?

My hands are rather stiff so I suck at tracking targets constantly while managing recoil.

I do fine on Pharah and trashmouse partially because I used to play tf2 a lot.

I lost 50 from a 3.9k vs 3.9k game. Meanwhile, I gain about 10-15 per win even when 100+ underdog.

Stop trying to make any sense of it. It's fucked, so ignore your SR and just play.

How do I get good at cowboy shooty man?

>placed at 2643
>highest was 3536
>currently sitting at 3411 due to Sombra patch

Fucking shit, but at least I get my free 2000 points for another golden gun.

nice history revisionism

ana started to get picked regularly because she became good because she got buffed

there isn't such thing as "sleeper OP" in OW or something not being "figured out yet", the game is way too simple for anything like that

I hope in season 3 if someone leaves and then you leave, you don't lose any SR.

Only the person that left in the first place should lose SR.

Aim just in front of target so it splits and they get hit by all the arrows.

Yeah, and with a mobile Rein shield, 6 turrets at once and a new ult that pretty much lock's down an area, she's a damned good defense hero.

peaked at 3200
now at 2200 because I just started fucking around in comp

I used to be the same way but s76 is so forgiving and being good at aiming rockets helps out so much that you can stomp shit anyway,

Thats what I was getting at. Why should I and other people be punished if someone on the team leaves mid game? Who at Blizz thought this was a good idea?

post yfw you get potg

You're retarded. Go check her pickrates and compare them to patch dates, I am not spoonfeeding imbeciles.

the ptr version is so fucking bad. i hope to god they don't wholesale copy it over like the sombra update

does this game have leaver penalty in quick play etc.

it doesn't say it anywhere but i can't actually be expected to stay in a game where my team consists of three hanzos and two widows?

does the game have a low priority queue if i leave a lot of games?


Just managed to get back up to 2100 after the Sombra update tanked my rank. Probably could've gotten back up to plat at least but I'm so sick of this season.

Which si something they don't want to do because stacks could abuse it.

>Three hanzos and two widows

you have to leave a lot in QP for it to give you a penalty, which is a -75% xp gained penalty. it also gives you a warning when you're approaching a penalty which resets if you complete a game.

>Smug Mercy


If your leave:stay ratio in the last 20 matches falls below a certain point, you'll get a warning. If you keep doing it, you get penalized
penalized = 75% xp reduction until that ratio climbs back up.


hana slut


only get it when it's fucking awful


Hana is pure.

>Implement feature where groups cannot leave without some type of punishment.

It's groups that are least affected by this anyway.

>tfw you thought reaper was shit, but then you figure out his spray pattern



koreans are so godly at plastic surgery. if only they specialised in cancer removal instead.

>all these new symmetra players even though she's still shit

Season high 3046
Ending on 2808 because of a fucking loss streak right at the end

I hate this fucking game so much.

it's not like anything better happened that match, but i always get ridiculed.

the new E is pretty useless on defence

>symmetra is now viable in grandmaster tier

Feels good man


did they change anything else in PTR or just symmetra?

There was also a change to Zarya and a bunch of undocumented stuff (like Self-Destruct piercing barriers) that might end up just being glitches

What are the epithets you use (mentally, or out loud) for specific characters? Aside from the classic -nigger suffix, e.g. Sombraniggers, Genjiniggers, Reiniggers, Meiniggers, McNiggers, Divaniggers, Zenyniggers, Widowniggers, Roadniggers, Junkniggers, Symniggers, Luciniggeros, etc.

Which hero should I pick in comp now just for fun? Dubs decide

>Six turrets at once

I couldn't give a fuck about anything else concerning her
That's the one change I ever wanted out of Symmetra.
Being forced to sit and do nothing while that excruciatingly slow timer built up made her almost impossible to actually set anything up, even on defense. By the time she got to the point or wherever, she'd maybe have time to set up three before beingg forced to sit there and crap out another one, and then the enemy team is on her
Meanwhile Torbjorn has a level 2 turret and is halfway to Molten Core, junkrat has his mine/trap set out ages ago, both snipers are in position with their own traps laid out, and Mei's just fucking around being Mei

Only getting three and setting them on a timer crippled her beyond use


>Self-Destruct piercing barriers
yes, because we need another d.va buff.

It doesn't reset
It's based off of something like the ratio of the last dozen games you finished versus dropped out of or so