/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto general

Vacca goes: "vroom vroom" edition

Old Bread: Purge soon. Make sure your profile is public, gtag is your active crew and you have "don't kick me 2016" in your bio or you're kicked.

>Crews for GTA:O
Join a crew by clicking link below, then posting your SC name and crew you want to join in the thread. Make sure your profile visibility is set to all.
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/pc_gtag (PC only)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/gtag_vg_-_ps4 (PS4 only)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL
>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
>PS4 Community - GTAG VG Community (No heterosexuals allowed here either)
To join the community, search the community name in "Discover Communities" and leave a request.

>Older threads

>Helpful information for new players
>Lap time comparison for every fully upgraded GTA:O vehicle

>Graphics settings guides for GTA V

>Patch notes for 1.36

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>Social Club still won't process Snapmatic Selfies.
>This issue exists since forever.
>There are thousands of threads on their forums.
>Not a single response from Rockstar, no way to resolve it yourself.
>Rockstar still advertises this feature at Social Club's front page.
>Taking the link there, selecting your selfie and accepting does nothing.
>Get told to wait a few minutes for the changes to apply.
>Months later my avatar is still the same.
>I tried from different IP ranges, different operating systems, browsers, hardware configurations and devices.
>Didn't change one time. I can still change it to whatever fucking Rockstar pre-made avatar I want, not Snapmatic tho.

vacca is cute. CUTE.

More like Vacca goes: Slowly edition

>car that was never competitive
>ha! look how slow it is! entire 4 seconds slower per a Cutting Corners lap than RE7B for 1/10th the price!

More like Bacca.

For you.

Objectively better bread

>Turn around a corner
>Spin out
nice car nigger


NullProphet is so attractive, can't wait to do MC work for her.

Null is a dirty slut

stop ruining vaccas for me you fucking nigger

Just you wait for my next meme car

it's name starts with k


Since Vaccafag ruined Vaccas for me I'm going to change to the Reaper and so...

what the fuck is up with the underside of that car? is that supposed to be realistic or did they forget to model it?

many modern cars have underside panels
to be more air effectibe and shit

Smooth like a Ken doll.

fair enough.

to the car store!

Hello /gtag/ it's me catower!

stop bringing attention to yourself.

also I dont see you often enjoy GTA.

can't you afford a better monitor

>Joa will never pick you up and take you for a drive
Why even live

but why?
what's wrong with my monitor?
just jump in her car user!

>that rear axle

fuck it I'm buying a reaper if there's a black friday sale

*unsheathes menu*
*teleports her sales vehicles to the objectives so I get all the credit*
Nothing personal, kid

GTA franchise on sale again on Steam if anyone cares

I want to buy GTAIV and episodes but I dont know how well it's gonna run.

If I can play GTAV comfortably will GTAIV play just as well?

Have fun googling ways to either downgrade GTA4 or unlock the vram cap.

Judging from the reviews on it no. It still uses GWFL to boot which will only add to the drama.

fuug, well might as well buy some anime visual novels.

gta IV famously runs like dogshit on pc, gtav only continued that tradition of poor optimization.

However that realism graphics mod was beautiful, even if it was 25 fps worth of beautiful

Modern supercars traditionally have smooth underside panels to maximize aerodynamics and protect parts from sitting so close to the ground.

That said, I think older supers like the Zentorno have the carbon fiber pattern on the bottom

There isn't, they cucked us this year and limited the Black Friday sale to two shit helicopters

They could surprise us, but I don't recall previous Black Friday events being surprises

>You now realize the front wheels dont have enough room to turn.
>and there's also clipping on the top left wheel.

It's weird because other supers that have an underside like that are cut out properly

>is that supposed to be realistic or did they forget to model it?

>buy new Youga
>always wanted a classic van
>drives like shit as expected rather than being a covert sports car like the Roosevelt meaning shitters won't buy it
>drive to LSC
>decide to look at first person view on the way
>fucking modern van interior

Just why? The Rancher dash or even the muscle dash would have been more appropriate. I guess ruining the Surfer wasn't enough

>this wont ever be a real update
>there will never be another midnight club

wrong wheels.

see it's not even realism we are talking about here, it's just logical design (which this thing lacks).

What exactly would this update provide that we don't already have? I mean, maybe a few more vehicle options but I'm really not seeing how there aren't enough tuner options already.

That shit Rockstar Faggot posted a few weeks ago sounded fresh at least

Jesus christ cat

>What exactly would this update provide that we don't already have?

a proper cops/robbers dynamic at least without feeling too detached from the meta (meaning it would mesh in with CEOs and MC members

No it wouldn't, since nothing would be done to prevent interference from jets

jets are the pinnacle of gameplay, user. they're what you use when literally everything else has exhausted any practical use to you. they're here for the long run. if you can't accept that, then you're a fucking faggot and nothing you say should be taken seriously.

>jets are the pinnacle of gameplay, user

vjr pls go

user the only solution to jets is more jets.

I've seen plenty of new jetfriends pick of the mantle and we've dominated the skies as of late. As long as /gtag/ has air superiority you're safe to do all that work.

I don't have an issue with jets being used properly, but they really suck the fun out of a lot of the CEO/MC work.

My biggest gripe are jet shitters who don't actually go after the objective because they are dogshit outside of a jet. They just stay up there and spawn kill people actually trying to finish the job.

How do I git gud tho?

>Jetfags are this retarded

Just ask one of the jetshitters ingame


getting killed by good players so you know what to avoid. Recently I've grown tired of getting sniped out of the cockpit so I've started wiggling and making erratic movements before divebombing so they can't get a good shot.

not even him, faggot. you probably don't appreciate what he's doing anyway so keep your thoughts to yourself

it's simply the thing most players flock to when they have everything they could ever need out of the game (currency, status, etc.)

everything else is essentially just a waste of time when there are new glitches/exploits coming out weekly. i laugh at the faggots who try to do MC work, making $500k for 5 real hours of waiting while i make millions in half an hour. if i get banned, i have two more strikes. i can just do TT again and get exactly amount of money needed to purchase another hydra. my KDR would probably rise because of it.

just face it, you mouthbreathing bitch. the only reason you criticize such an integral part of the game is because you're either too autistic or too incompetent to do it yourself.

>gtav only continued that tradition of poor optimization.


Don't you mean when you get killed a few times you leave the session because it might hurt your KD?

>people always posting screenshots and webms in the thread
>go online
>everything is over

you don't get random frame drops online regardless of settings?

vrj pls go

>not even him

haha ok

>if i get banned, i have two more strikes
Doesn't work that way anymore. No longer 3 strikes and you are out. First offense is an account wipe where they remove everything from your characters. The next one is a permanent ban.

>he doesn't just take the easy way out after the first shot, enter passive mode and then go off radar to get a new jet

It's really your fault, honestly. There are no "good players" and there's no-one who should be allowed to kill you. Hardly anyone in this game deserves the satisfaction. EWO life

nope, occasionally gets a bit jerky when using self radio but that's a recent bug, and i barely use it anyhow

I don't do it unless there's /gtag/ in the server so not really. It's about deterrence.

I don't expect everyone to understand. I'm the hero /gtag/ deserves, but not the one it wants right now. So they'll troll me, because I can take it. Because I'm not your hero. I'm a flamboyant and loud guardian, a watchful protector. A Dark Jetshitter.

mad cos bad?

i'm really not Jrv though. i'm just someone who supports what he does and doesn't understand some of the people here taking him for granted

also fine, i get one more strike then. worst case scenario i buy a new account off of a russian or some shit for cheap. it's not like i'm paying rockstar directly for the shit game they've created

Not mad, I was merely pointing out how bans work now, policy changed.

>Appreciate what he does

He doesn't do anything other than make new sessions and jet shit. Its like appreciating bl8 for roof sniping.

Being an ass with jets is easy as fuck. Being stuck on the ground with a jet babby in the sky while you are trying to do a job is where it gets annoying since the shitter launcher works on everything but jets.

Releasing this game on PC was a mistake

>jrv literally thinks he is a hero

when are you gonna join the marine corp?


I wanna see Nessi vs Jrv

I love nessi and will never intentionally harm him though accidentally is another story

Nessi > Jrv in a jet
Nessi > Jrv on ground

i repeat: mad cos bad? blater posted webms of himself rooftop sniping before he became crew leader and still rose to power, so maybe you should blame your own hypocrisy. jrv is the hero /gtag/ needs but doesn't deserve.

>Being stuck on the ground with a jet babby in the sky while you are trying to do a job is where it gets annoying since the shitter launcher works on everything but jets.

see, this is why nameless faggots like you can't be taken seriously when you shit up the thread with your complaints. you're a consolebaby so of course you wouldn't understand. you probably didn't understand enough about finances to be afford a PC you didn't understand enough about anything to be able to build one. if you were on PC, you'd know that it's actually quite possible to take out a jet before it even gets one kill off of you (especially if doing EWO while firing rockets). the trick is to throw a sticky bomb at your feet just before the jet reaches your location, predict the jet's route, and fire the rocket just before you detonate the sticky bomb. maybe learn the meta before you start talking so much shit, faggot.

>mad cos bad?

>keeps rageposting

hello, i enjoy gta

I enjoy GTA San Andreas

it's just mind boggling to see so many people rejecting the best option for transport/offense/defense in the game because of muh higher ground. we're a collective, it's us against everyone else, and we will do whatever we can to keep our sessions safe against the enemy. if you want to purposely cuck yourself then go ahead. just know that in the future, preaching your ideology to other members of the crew like some spineless chemically castrated nu-male will be the cause for your removal.

Too bad most people who play GTA or even browse this board/general know who the Mid Night Club is.

Also you spelt the clubs name wrong dipshit, good job on that one.

Alright then faggot you stay in your hugbox safespace sessions where gtag can gang up on anyone that looks at you funny, keep thinking that k/d means anything you tryhard fuck.

Will you still say that when he's busy antagonizing gtag for fun?

LF> Motorcycle club sales associates.
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Awoo is hiring individuals to work as temporary, seasonal Driver Helpers. This is a physical, fast-paced, outdoor position that involves continual lifting, lowering and carrying illegal substance packages that typically weigh 25 - 35 lbs. and may weigh up to 70 lbs. It requires excellent pub contact skills and a lot of truck driving and / or escorting.

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An applicant or employee may request an exception or change to, or an accommodation of, any condition of employment (including the Awoo Uniform and Personal Appearance Guidelines) because of a sincerely held religious belief or practice.

no smart person actually does the objective desu

to me, VIP work and MC contracts that i see going on are just another reason to hop in the cockpit and get to burnin

best part is the faggots can't even say shit when i do it because i am participating

sometimes i start some myself to delay people from kicking me, and i usually manage to get all the troublemakers to leave before it's over so the vote is cancelled. haulage is probably best for this since you don't get a wanted level the whole way through, making lazers easier to get.

t. sub-5 K/D

i can do this shit all day, everyday, with or without the crew. all it means for me is a change of environment.

i sense that i may be the coolest person you've talked to in a very long time, kid. don't blame me for your own inadequacies.


>That feel when you're not consistent enough in your driving to really get a gauge on how much you like certain vehicles versus how well they perform.

>so mentally impaired he can't even read a brief post explaining the elevated level of performance that jets demand

you can't make this stuff up

>it's a faggot talks shit about gtag ganging up on everyone episode

Yes, a lot of gtag would get fucked up 1v1 with a lot of people. No, we don't care. It's fun to bully with numbers. You calling this gang mentality "tryhard" is ironic, given you're the faggots insisting you fight "fair" 1v1. How about no, go fuck yourself and join a crew with "principles".

>still rageposting about shit no one cares about

what level of performance? it's a game, not literal brain surgery

you're a living joke, have fun dying alone in a pool of your own piss and shit


if you don't care, why don't you just adopt the methods proven to assure victory instead of being such a whiny little bitch?

>thinks indifference about shitters arguing over how best to be shitters is the same as whining

autism at work, ladies and gentlemen.

you can't be for real.

>doesn't yield to criticism
>must be autistic
yeah whatever you say faggot. go back to doing whatever it is you comfyfags do and while i clean the skies for your ignorant asses.

>t. sub-5 K/D
>it's just a game dude! idgaf XD
go back to getting your shit pushed in.

>crying with tears of anger that people don't like him

that rope is looking friendlier and friendlier, ain't it?

>ignores the main topic completely
>t. sub-5 K/D (confirmed)
maybe for your it is :)

Nah you're a fucking cuck mate, you convince yourself that 'cleaning up' is a valuable part of fucking around and are in such a shitty mental state that drearily rinse repeat jetshitting on people for a throw away single text line "thx" is the closest you'll get to sincere human interaction. You do the job no-one else wants to do because its boring as fuck. You do it because you're so desperate for approval from a band of clueless cunts on a laotian poetry noticeboard.

and it makes me something of a hero. what do you do to help people around here?

Fluffing for the main event doesnt make you a hero cuck

>won't even allow himself to wield Excalibur
>calls other people cuck
what whatever you say, burch :)