Dota 2 General - /d2g/


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our girl is streaming

Literally WHEN is the EG game starting?

I've watched a fucking film after OG's match ended

>tfw I think have a tapeworm

Goodbye /d2g/.

OG will win 3-1 since it's a honeypot tournament


best waifu


was your steak medium rare?

>he had his steak medium rare


>i'm going to get less than 6 hours of sleep because i'm staying up to watch some mentally retarded russian click her spells

it's a meme tournament you retard there's no strats to reveal

You're tasked with creating a 5 fish person lineup.

Slark, Naga, Tidehunter, and Slardar are already on the team.

Who is the 5th fish person?

Pretty sure she's in bed with owen right now

>watching girl streamers
you're part of the problem you know

>Sunsfan faked being a Jew

damn thats a Jay Leno chin


Also threadly reminder that Charlie had literal meltdown when Trump won, at least 5 tweets saying "I'll move to Canada" "Canada here i come" "thank god my parents live in Canada" etc..

but what am i supposed to do while waiting for EG to play?

tide offlane
slark mid with support naga and slardar
sven solo safe lane

these family pictures are honestly so great

uhhh, are actually making anti-semitic jokes on stream? Not cool senpaitachi

oy vey

What would you do to bring Windranger's win rate out of the dumpster in v6.89?

why does cr1t have an alt right hair cut?

watch ur wife get fucked by a negro americuck

and only after that you will be allowed to see /ourguys/ OG btfo americucks

>zai talks like a nigger now
NA's corrupting influence got him

Aghs Basher instead of Aghs Mael

play it against notmorphling and notslark


write an angry letter to gaben or LD or someone

+4 base damage
+5% damage on non aghs ult levels

>what is Pugna

zai shits on everyone
they're cool indeed
he secretly hates shitskins
he always has

lower ult cooldown to 12 at all levels
aghs now reduces penalty + some other bonus

that's the most vanilla hipster haircut in northern yurop

Why do they have to be at dreamhack?

if LD's family was never actually holocausted, can he really call himself Jewish?

holy shit shes disgusting
I feel bad for our guy SirMemeSlacks

solid 8.5 out of 100

anyone still watching the retarded russian
i'm pretty sure she's actually legit retarded

>american food

what did he mean by this ?

who cares, take it to /b/

This game will never start.

does she have syphilis?
i am, is the mango starter a secret strat?
it's dota related

oh sorry i thought i was in the dota 2 general

when the fuck is sajadene gonna come on cam

I think that's not bad. I hate how her aghs feels like spending 4200 to remove a severe handicap, rather than buying an *upgrade* like most other heroes.

can you even grasp the level at which these guys are living the dream? this is work for them, just bantzing it up

What russian stream are you talking about guys?



>the veno ban

>she actually got 2 kills
mango strat confirmed legit

>warlock first pick
OG confirmed tryharding to get their first technically competitive win over EG.

fugg I wish I didn't have to go to bed so soon, I want to watch then there's literally nothing left to take

>EG Underlord

lmao just fucking go next

zai underlord

>tfw you wanted to keep watching the russian girl but your boys are playing

Wait is this some kind of randomdraft shit or Under is already in cm?

In-game stream where

i'll watch till the game actually starts desu
wasn't expecting her to know how to use wards at her level of play

Are you fucking stupid?

Under the captain's draft 3 ticket I think

sunsfan runs some kind of meme version called elimination draft. they have both AW and Underlord in it.

in case you don't know, any heroes picked or banned will be removed from the pool for next game, so if it goes more than 3 games we're likely to see some dumb ass drafts.

also reddit got to vote to remove some heroes permanently and came together to remove pretty much all conventional offlaners, so that could be fun


Ok I got milk and didn't die.

good for you

where do you live user

Is elimination mode 2.0 finals available to watch in client? I can't find it.

she keeps buying mangoes

>jerax ES

pics of the milk?

>meme warden
eg 3-0

seriously hoping that's notail on zet

>og taking the bait

This series is going to be over in an hour

is she an ogre?

so this is what a real meme draft looks like

wait, is this the russian retard you're all watching? I thought you'd at least be watching a cute girl

geraldton, wa

no, she's just fat


>still boots tp mangoes

damn that's in the ass end of fucking nowhere, eh


but she's funny
i've never seen fat hands like these
>techies rampage

she's literally always streaming

i want to impregnate her


that looks like some off-topic posting there, friend

you wouldn't want a 3-day ban now, would you?


>this game


i want jerax to pount my boipussy

>this game already

what do you mean off-topic? you want to discuss dota? are you retarded?

Thanks for the insight, reddit.



what a slut

that's how you get dota skills you idiot

let me guess it's a honeypot again

>Yeah, this was all thanks to me. Reddit agrees, I'm just carrying these guys. I could probably be a better captain, too, and get that EG paycheck.
>Heh, nothin personnel, kids

how is this not a honeypot?