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recorded and meme'd on my last game of the season just to share with you guys!


don't be too hard on me, my editing skills are the same level as my overwatch skills!


Is that clay?

Team bicycle.

Cutest and best pairing

I think it's one of those japanese colored hobby clay things. I had some, you mold stuff out of it then wait for it to harden.

Friendly reminder that removing Mei and given her Ice Wall ability to a hero like Torbjorn or Symettra would make this game perfect.

If you fisted Widowmaker do you think she could break your wrist with just her butthole

I really love the bleuberry.

>those *dinks*
>that qt smug face
>that voice
>that figure
>that blue
So perfect.

Talon gave her many skills.

I like to think before they brainwashed her and stuff, they played with her body and gangbanged her.

Cute lesbians.

So is the way to rank up in solo queue just be the best at shitty teamwork? The only time's we'd be a team of 6 is the beginning and after we get team wiped. Otherwise everybody is trickling in constantly

I love Jesse McCree.
>those smug lines
>that qt face
>that voice
>that belt
So perfect.

Hana is straight.

I like how Blizzard lumped the 2 ugliest faced girls together in the select screen.

Cute lesbians?

I know some of you go on /r/Overwatch.

Come on out. Make it easy on yourselves.

I always thought D.va's skinsuit would make the rest of the cast kinda uncomfortable.

is not

I dont go to reddit because the layout is a confusing clusterfuck.

>Pharah is just flying quake
>Delicious brown
>delicious egyptian brown

I love Pharah!

I want to kidnap D.Va and fill her skin suit up to the neck with gallons of horse semen I've stored and left out in the sun for days.

So are the placements gonna be fixed next season? I understand I'm gonna place lower (I was a plat shitter this season, high was 2808) and I'm worried I'll be trapped in plat again. So basically people who should have been either lower or higher all placed in plat this season?


And she's pure!

>grinding hots for oni genji

Holy shit. This is the most soul-suckingly boring shit I've done in a while.

Why do people find ASSFAGGOTS fun again?

>playing hard AI on headshots only for practice


The cutest.


shut up

I don't find it confusing, it's just shit

>Kill an enemy that our Hog has hooked
>"Mmpfff less work for me"

Is this a new line or something? How have I never heard it before?

What does /owg/ think of the Symmetra changes?

My dream hero is an offensive mech piloted by a japanese loli who is D.Vas main rival.

As far as assfaggots go, I think HotS is of the better ones. Modern Blizzard is all about making shit streamlined and casual and that genre greatly benefits from that.

What's mommy doing.

Mostly all of the MOBAs are the same generic horse shit. HoTS is just a cash grab.

HotS is barely an ASSFAGGOTS since there's communal exp, no farming, and no items. HotS is like playing solitaire to pass the time.

They improved her, but she's still a dumpster tier hero.


Thats where Mercy belongs.

Being submitted in the horrible waifus can.

>Trying mid-season comp
>Wanna git real gud with tracer, whom I've been practicing with for ages in qp
>Get shitstomped in Ilios as Tracer by a roadhog
>Fuck it
>Switch to Reaper
>I have almost no practice with him
>Rip the enemy hog to shreds and go 3-2 by the end of it
>40+ elims by the end of it

I think I might actually pick Reaper up after this

user stop talking about yourself like that

Wow that's so rude.

>no farming

Thank god. As much as I love playing PvE for 40 minutes.


>On your way to contest the point
>See this

What do you do?

>no shitty economy that made me hate MOBAs
>No grinding levels
>Don't get dragged down by shitters half as much thanks to communal xp

Well shit, I might just play HotS, then

Hi Mata.


Look for Tracer and marry her. Making Widowmaker jealous like some translated NTR doujin.

Nevermind, AI doesn't fucking HS so there's no point.

Sniff the tied up blueberry. I'm sure she won't mind.


is anyone else experiencing lag spikes? like i load into a game, its a steady 2-40ping, then as soon as the match starts it jumps to like 1k?

What golden gun did you get this season /owg/?

Pic related was mine. Time to go wholest of the hogs.

Yea, I've been having the same issues too. Probably blizz's servers being fucking shit.

I have never had lag spikes before and now they're popping up like crazy.

Went with Ana. Will probably get Zen's glorious golden balls next season.

Sombrero is still much more attractive than poo-in-loo.

for me it happened after like the 2 micro-updates they had. I guess they didn't prepare for the amount of people buying it after the free weekend?

I've been having the same problems, sometimes the lag lasts an entire round.

the mole, purple lipstick and ugly hair ruins her.

Yes that's right. She is UGLY.

what do you think is in them

No. If there's not threads on Veeky Forums for something then its not worth discussing.

>Have mained D.va from back when she was a useless piece of shit with a 10 second cool down defense matrix
>got buffed to shit
>Symmetra was my second main
>got buffed to shit

Our god is an awesome god

Lena is cute.

Low IQ babbies who can't into strategy

didn't get one cause i can't bring myself to play this game if there is no event running

It's an unnecessary layer for the facade of depth.


Who will get the slutty outfit for this Christmas event?

3 duplicates and a shitty spray

noone cause the game is rated for 12 year olds

Not Mei, she won't sell boxes with that body. Probably Widowmaker.


>ASSFAGGOT shitter
>Trying to claim other people have low IQs

Oh that's fucking adorable
Go back to your watered-down RTSes
Just remember that they're only made for literal retards who needed Starcraft to get hyper-dumbed down ffor them


So did you guys just get raided by Poland or was that just us?

that basically, times 4. I did get an emote of pharah getting ghost fucked though

>other team has a Hanzo
>they lose


i want a sexy santa skin

Widowmaker, Pharah and D.Va


>our team has sombra
>we lose
Great game

>There's no depth in the gold/item system



They need to keep up this trend of quality mercy skins with every event

That's literally the only thing she has going for her right now

zarya, for the laughs. I wouldn't doubt they'll just basically recolor the odile dress widow gets and make some other flair for a christmas outfit too. Also...

>roadhog santa outfit
>junkrat demented elf costume
>nutcracker reinhardt skin
>some qtp2t angel skin for mercy (plz jesus)
>some goofy crocheted sweater that reapers grandma made for him

I need these

>pick Dva
>chance of victory becomes 90%

Don't have a link but she's fucking a dog.

>tfw to intelligent to be meta

>Mercy in a sexy Santa outfit

>Ana main
>gun looks bad golden
I might just get Sombra's for the memes

Mercy won't get anything, sadly.
She got a recolor, and a new unique outfit.
Others just got recolors, or nothing in summer games.

>She'll never get a true Quake skin


What's the meta 3v3? Ana, Soldier, Roadhog?