hey look not another waifu edition
League of Legends General - /lolg/
then general is riddled with circlejerking
Have you been naughty or nice for Santa Braum?
Will he fill your tight little stocking with his gifts or with coal?
vg vs vg bets
My little top laner couldn't possibly be this cute!?!?!?!?!?!
It's sad that morde will most likely never receive meaningful buffs. I guess it's hard to balance a win more champ
I want to comfort Skarner!
Dragon girls are for ___________
please log tell me what how do i carry in this elo. all my games tonight have been ridiculous feeders and shitty players.
What else can i do?
Those skins are so expensive. There are so many of them, i dont get the high prices...
can you do this in league?
Sorry user, Irelia is a lich and is cold and infertile and incapable of loving anybody
>"So much time wasted on presentation."
Camille just doesn't understand Jhin's art.
>No hot babe will ever have cosplay sex with you as your waifu
I think its time to give up on life.
My little goat laner couldn't possible be this cute!?!?!?!?!?
He's the best!
Draven buffs when?!?!?
There are only 4 now. And they have the high price tag because all of them are multiple skins in one. For example people are excited for Elementalist Lux because it's like 10 skins in one.
you can cosplay your waifu yourself!
Killing and taking their bones and scales to craft badass armor.
Fed hecarim who went full damage can
maybe someone would if you wouldn't be that ugly
Sometimes you play well and lose, sometimes you play poorly and win, that is what this game is about. In the long run, it feels like flipping a coin, since most players tend to get a 50/50% w/l rate.
>still no romance queue
caaaan anybodyyyy find meeeeee SOMBODEEH tooo luuuuve
each mornin I wake up I die a little
>"Here, doggy."
>"Shouldn't you be on a leash?"
Camille is begging for D Cane.
>10 deaths
>Sometimes you play well
Are you a boy?
I die a little inside every time you post that.
Whats the most autistic Username you can think of?
Im ready for a name change but I need some ideas. I need a username that screams IM A HUGE FAGGOT like "PonyKisserX3"
Sauce? I'm on mobile
>tfw just lost to a 37/1/6 graves smurf
what the actual fuck is that damage
i thought graves was meant to be bad now? how does he do so much fucking damage?
Someone didn't read the new lore centering around Zed, Shen, Jhin and Ionia's orders in general. It's the next faction in line for a huge lore wake-up call.
If the relationship between Zaun and Piltover is supposed to be a political and social commentary between greedy wealthy vs the hardworking poor and the greed of the 1st world vs the exploitation of the 2nd and 3rd world, then Ionia's conflicts will criticize the bullshit of Asia's isolationist views and backwards/mentally unhealthy social customs and """honorraburu""" beliefs that the elite enforce upon the common citizen to keep them in their place.
tldr; Ionia's "peaceful" ways of "balance" and "honor" and "harmony" are just bullshit to delude the masses and keep them in line so that they can be good little hardworking drones for the shadowy cabals that overrun their political system.
From what we know, the only ones who're truly in the real know of Ionia's corruption and have experienced it first-hand are Zed, Syndra, Jhin and Yasuo. It's no coincidence that all four of them are outcasts to their society, and that all four of openly state their distaste for Ionia's politics/beliefs/culture/honor system for the fact that the strict and corrupt society ruined their lives and drove all of them off into the deep end.
It's even more suspicious that 3 of them came from very strict families with invalidating (and in Jhin's potential case, maybe even abusive) parental figures; very reminiscent of younger asian kids and people who have to deal with requests of strict parents. Also the fact that Yasuo's own brother had to disown and kill him reminds me of the dumb family disowning acts that east-asians do if like, one of their kids happens to get a C on a test or some stupid shit.
>romance que
>[current year]
how little? what percent of death do I give you when I post it?
WHY is Annie so LEWD?
"Only command what you can enforce."
>Dortte Dort
I couldn't even be upset if the swedish chef announced for the enemy team. It would make dortte dorts on my own team like less of a big deal.
be my king!
what hero is this?
fuck off /pol/
Not even close
No. I can't.
Not as a barrel chested "bear"
why the fuck did camille have to be a cyborg, it kinda shits all over jhin's unique niche in the universe
>zed, syndra, jhin, and yasuo
Uhhh, no.
Yasuo was falsely accused of killing his master due to technique used and bailed.
Zed flipped shit because Jhin drove him mad and his master refused to kill him.
Syndra is a powerhungry isolationist mage.
Only in Jhin's lore did we get insight into Ionian government being corrupt because they are the ones who released him.
Stop projecting your shit story onto league lore, chucklefuck.
None of the mentioned Champions have any beef with Ionia. Zed has beef with Jhin, Jhin wants to fuck with Zed and Shen, Syndra is a woman, and Yasuo is trying to vindicate himself.
>mfw a fed morde 1v5 us at dragon pit wit drag ghost
Holy shit fuck that champ. Like how the fuck does he heal so much while shitting out damage.
It's not meant to be /pol/ bait. It's not my fault that League's lore is going full social commentary now.
I don't have an issue with the gay you post, just your poorly drawn staple that you post each and every thread. I've just started associating it with your pathetic whining, so the image makes me cringe now.
>be a silver surfer
>decide to one-trick draven because he looks fun
>feed my ass off learning him
>get new account because got banned for feeding - not even inting just playing shit and getting reported for it
>keep playing draven because he's fun
>something magically clicks
>start hard carrying every game
>mfw 70% winrate in silver 1 and no signs of slowing down
and this is to go even further... beyond! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
feels goodman
Alright thats def up there but It would only work if I started spamming Zed,Jhin,Aatrox and dreadknight skins
got anymore?
A champion who has been out since season 2.
I don't know what you're trying to say because Jhin isn't a cyborg.
His personality is weird as fuck already,he could look like a generic chad and still be unique
hello yes where do i find bf
why does jhin want to fuck with people?
a wicked sense of humor
good, Id like to be associated with that image
its cute
viktor leaving aside orianna and blitz who are full robots
You could always crank up the weeb:
>ignoring the shitty meme support and terrible vayne
>shaco jungle
come on now.
why do people want to fuck with each other?
i love the feeling when you suck dick at a champion and something in your brain just randomly clicks and you start fucking shit up every game.
I was like that with nidalee, fucking up every game but then I had a 70% winrate on her in high diamond out of nowhere
Jhin's not a fucking cyborg
what in the name of fuck is a Diver class???
>pic related
so they want everything to be broken?
Riot confirmed that he just wears some weird armor to protect him from the recoil of his sniper rifle, the splash art portrays it as mechanical limbs because there was poor miscomnunications between the dev teams; it wouldn't surprise me if it was outsourced.
here bby are you qt?
why do americans wear shoes inside?
we dont
nocturne is a "diver"
things like xin, vi, irelia maybe?
ive never done that lol
at parties if you take off your shoes youll accidentally step on acid and trip the fuck out
true fact
>no Anti-Mage
>no melee carries
yes _:3!!!
>>get new account because got banned for feeding - not even inting just playing shit and getting reported for it
you can't be banned for playing poorly!
t: riot
they also wear baseball caps inside, pure degenerates!
Anyone has some good strategies to lose every single placement match?
Im going to try to pull the old Reep Shaco subtle feeding strategy but I don't think it will be enough (shaco is good now ???).
also saving IP for Bard
Long story short: He's edgy
Long story long: He's the Phantom of the Opera mixed with Hannibal Lecter, in that he sees beauty in death due to his twisted world view. He is incredibly narcissistic, seeing himself as a grand director with the people of the world being various actors in a grand thriller. Loves irony like Hannibal, but his disfigurement leads him to hide like Phantom.
Read Hannibal and you will get the gist. Hannibal, like Jhin, are few and far between in our world, thank god, even amongst prisons and psych wards. The few like them are quickly caught.
Diver class or "dive fighters" are the class that dives straight into the backline. They usually have tools to bypass the frontline.
-Lee Sin
they excel at taking out the backline first then fighting the frontline
Post waifus!
>things like xin, vi, irelia maybe?
>all the champions I hate immobile mages main here
boy im gonna love this ..
>Unpopular opinion: ADC should not have gap closers (dash/ Blinks)
is there any champ whose entire kit (xQWER) is skillshots
be my bf already then
>tfw sub30% winrate on one of my fav champs because soloq team coincidentally decides to chimp out everytime it's picked
who else ktf
Why are all my normal games stomped?
Why is it 2-30 at 20 minutes?
ezreal, lux, velkoz, almost every mage
there are a bunch
Does anybody else get First Game Syndrome
I'll always do super well on the first game I play on a champ for some reason. Just earlier I tried panth first time and went 21/4/9.
Vel Koz
mostly mages
Lux's W is not a skillshot
He doesn't play Jax, Yi, Trundle...
The list could keep going but I feel like your skull is too thick for it to sink in.
it is
yes it is faglord
>literally kassadin