/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

best tank in the game edition

NOPAN (weeb friendly)
eu.wargaming.net/clans/wot/500136066/ (check 'em)

AWOO (weeb friendly)

>where do I look up tanks
>how do I find people to platoon with
join the Veeky Forums channel in game
>how can I refute ppl that call me a yellow
>are cat girls furry

Other urls found in this thread:



Holy shit, I made that

Fuck me I never new someone would save it.

>gets outplayed by arty
>waaaah OP!!!

was that done in ms paint? thats pretty good desu

I saved all of the ones people made that day

Yeah it was but I missed a few bits in the rear track wheel and inverted the side.

im jelly of your skill mate

I want to marry her

is this spirited away? as a normal and productive member of society that is the only japanese media I have seen

No, it's Boko no pico

thanks user

Japanese TDs when?

It's from


is this one of you?

yes its me


reminder to put Veeky Forums in your app desc so that I know it's not just any shitter.

literally wasn't me though

lmao trolled epicly

is the T26E5 OP? I don't have a tier 8 premium tonk. Wasn't interested in the Scorpion G but this one looks promising.

I don't think it's OP but it is very very good, if you have a choice you should get it

sure got me

I'll see how long he lasts

>that thumbnail
>that thing I just read

that fucking image holy shit

>Wasn't interested in the Scorpion G but this one looks promising.

you werent interested in the most OP tank in the game?

the fuck is wrong with you?

T26E5 is a sound investment. I also would wait for the French Heavy premium to come out as well. That thing looks badass with the best frontal hull armor in the game it seems.

>load HE
>get blown up

can't be that OP

Why do you guys have to be bullies? I can't join any clans for days because of your shenanigans.

because nobody puts anything in their clan app so I'll deny if I suspect being a random.

Is this normal?

not unless you block every single pleb shitter who does something wrong in your matches

I do exactly that.

It's starting to become as good a predictor as XVM for players doing dumb shit, though I've probably wasted my time since I don't pay attention to who I've blocked when I'm playing anyway

the only reason I ever put someone on the blacklist is when they're fucking retards in chat

You could probably achieve the same result by just filtering yellows and worse desu

why is the VK 45.03 so good?

even in tier 9 games I still manage about 3000 dmg a game

idk everyone I have black listed is a turbo red shitter or some teal unicum wannabe

>page 404 material

I just block anyone that spams a language other than english in the chat

this is fine

seems like an effective way to stop people from playing artillery tbqh

>play tier 8 heavy
>tier 10 match
>french autoloaders ruin the game
>another queue
>another tier 10 match
>french autoloaders ruin the game
Why is this allowed

Swedish autoloaders next, have fun.

>Perfectly aimed shot
>Enemy fills the aiming circle
>Shooting from behind guaranteed kill
>Shell misses and vanishes

Why do I even bother with this shithouse game anymore? They're just going to fuck it up even more with the Swedish sperg tanks.

Italian tanks when?

Why is today x5 xp for first win?

Today is chicken day.

>the shermiantor achievment/trophy
>own M4, M4A3E2 and M4A3E8
What fucking retard came up with this? If you want it you're forced to play M4 only for fucking ever because two other tanks are only unlockable from M4.
If you could at least go M4>M4A3E2>M4A3E8 it would be much better even if two last M4s are same tier, nope you have to sit in M4 for 100k xp.

THis was my fav from the bunch but yours was pretty damn good.

One shot by arty while I am moving, arty was also moving at full speed and turn their turret.

arty is down right broken its strategic view should only update every second rather than giving a live view.

I've been itching for a tank game and it's between this and warthunder. How long will it take before i can have fun with this game? Is it P2W?

>How long will it take before i can have fun with this game?
after you reach tier 8 you are allowed to have fun

you can have fun right away if you don't play shit tanks
some tanks are P2W but having a brain is better

for the love of god, don't play War Thunder Tanks.

War Thunder Tanks is the worst fucking thing ever.

lol if you don't

my blacklist has been capped for years

every day is chicken day; that's why i'm camping this here rock

World of tanks is a bit grindy but mostly fun unless you pick Nigerian prince tanks or forget arty exists.

War thunder uses a game engine designed for planes on tanks it has terrible physics and is completely unbalanced making it pretty shitty to play. .

Pretty sure you didn't save mine :^)

he said people

no bulli

the roast is real

>wanna check global map
>get this instead
russian """"""""""""""""""woman""""""""""""""""

dolon confirmed for clankiller

fix you're filters

you just logged on so it didnt show it yet
i just wanted to crack a joke

that's a polish man

that's the dude from sherlock

still looks hella homo

that's on you, man

gld or optics on 50 100

optics, vents, vert on autoloaders

gld is a meme

gld is a fucking placebo



The T26E5 Patriots paint job pales in comparison to the Freedom, must be the flag.

thread music

Why is the IS-4 better than the IS-7 but no one plays it?

because it's not

God that is the absolute weirdest and worst music to ever grace this rock.

Egg's Benedict Cabbage Patch?

its not
worse armor, mobility and gun

I know the IS-7 is worse in every way. I already said that.

because generally IS7 is better
but it can do things IS7s cant in very specific spots

Yes. I don't use XVM, so instead I use my blacklist as a 'this player is retarded/botter/afk' list.

>want clean blacklist so i only have utter shitter on it so i know who i should teamkill
>700+ on blacklist
>WG cant delete it all for you in a click
>have to do it manually with 5 sec timer between entries

>play scout
>get balanced by arty

every time

>play heavy
>get balanced by arty

>play medium
>get balanced by arty

>play light
>get balanced by arty

>play td
>die from cancer

>play arty
>get balanced by countering arty

please play IS-4

I can pen the front of an IS-4 in my cent but not an IS-7

Truly, greatest game of all times

>play arty
>get balanced by countering arty

Now this part just isn't true. Who the fuck wastes their time trying to shoot enemy artillery when there are large HP pool heavies to feast on?


good players with fast reload, but it's easily avoided if you just move after every shot you make.

So it doesn't do anything other than look black?


With today’s micropatch, there were introduced three popular high-tier premium tanks repainted in black: T34 B, SchwarzPanzer 58 and IS-6 B.


Should I try to buy gold w/ PayPal bonus and then buy M4 Rev or just buy it with money?

Whichever is cheaper for you

if you already have paypal there is no reason why you shouldnt

>we want AW audience

I was wondering what's up with the random micropatch


gld for cw/tournaments
optics for randoms