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old eyosongive.us

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xth for Shyvana got a massive buff this patch so you waifu-fags can shut the hell up

What are the champions that like most to go ham in each role?

I feel like Shyvana is realy good for wombo combo ults. Like if you plaly with friend Oriana or Yasuo.

there's a really fucking annoying bug that mutes all champion vo after a certain amount of time in game
does anyone else have it

>get autofilled
>pick a mage ''''''''''''''''''''support'''''''''''''''''''''''''
>constant bitching from my team for minor mistakes until i tell them to blame riot
>won all of my support games so far anyway
fuck off you entitled shits who want me to stand in an kennen ulti to get one auto off

No but I wish I knew how to make it happen so I could play Kled without wanting to kill myself.

Christ, Kalista finally isn't garbage, and after this single patch of her as a middling ADC I'm already sick of her. I need to be more careful what I wish for.

Fuck that champion.

>olaf can ignore a sion top, blitz supp and a lee and kill the carry with more than 50% hp

it mutes all champions vo in the game
its kind of nice but everything seems lifeless

Tahm Kenchi

F R E E damage reduction?

Wait what? I thought everyone was yelling that mini rework was just nerfs

The counter to Loaf is massive damage, heals, and shields.

just kill him lamo




That means that Olaf was a good pick against your comp. Either that or your team counterpicked themselves.

There were nerfs in the change, but they were to compensate for some really nice buffs she received. People just assume any small nerf in an overall change makes her garbo.

Sort of how people called Leblanc shit because she takes longer to kill people outright, even though she's now a top tier lane bully.

>olaf builds tank
>does no damage
>olaf bulds damage
>dies in 2 hits
hmmm ah yes

Except adc have only one of those and supports can only heal so much.
user is exagerating, but he has a point. Olaf is not unkillable, but he always fucks the adc if he/she is at least one screen closer to him

>Fizz is half hp under his tower spamming mastery emote and laugh
>Pop ghost + ult and run a train on him with axes
>He rages in chat

That means your team picked wrong

>olaf does no damage
>as a tank does no damage

Least I got a competent team to supp while getting autofilled...


Who fcking carres about useless Olaf while Horse of much speed can titeraly 1shot your carry with one E


One champion changing the way the game is played on his presence alone is still a big deal
there is also the problem that he has a shitton of damage when building tank, he just needs a number tweaks

I mean Ragnarok doesn't last THAT long, if your team can't either kill him or keep your carry alive long enough so he can be CCd, you lost.

It's also a positioning problem, you have to be very careful with Loaf and not poke in the frontline like some ADCs love to do.

There are also popular ADCs with self-peel like Vayne and Ezreal.

The counterplay is picking thresh/tahm supp, an ADC that is actually mobile or can blow Olaf up before reaching him, or making your ADC buy a zhonyas

And then die because he's squishy

Also, one champion changing how the game is played is literally how it's supposed to work.

what's the tier supposed to mean

is it "Our sample of games is in this tier" or "I give this champion a rating relative to the others"

FREE movespeed and FREE AS for your FREE AD too

> CoC of Kolos
> squishy

You can move through minions. What's the point!

And i think that's the problem
>you focus olaf and disengage, so you wasted a few resources
>if the other team has an hard engage comp they just follow him and since you want to take only on olaf you loose
>or they have a Good Tf Threat (twitch,kennen,viktor) and you decide if you want the swift death of the carries or the slow buttfuck from inside of olaf

>Manchild says in the chat that he's going to afk or going to run down mid
>Doesn't do it

Thanks for making my report on you likelier to succeed though

Back in my days Anivia was best Olaf counter, or Trundle you just steal all his tankines and AD and kill motherfucker

>Rylai's nerf
Oh god yes

So what do you build in her and what keystone do you take?
she was my first jungler and i wanna comeback to her
she also makes me really hard

Speaking of Anivia, I think the recent changes were actually a pretty serious buff, especially the faster storm expansion and wall CD. Sure you can't do retarded damage to anyone who walks near you in lane phase but her fighting is so much better.

>not karthus compensation buffs

18/12/0 Fervor for battle and make sure to take greenfather's, you build challenging smite w/ bloodrazor, then botrk then full tank.

The changes to botrk were also a buff to her in addition to the changes this patch, and there are more buffs to fervor coming even though it's already the best for her.


>blue buff no longer gives ap
>red buff no longer has on-hit component
>durations increased to 2 minutes
how am i supposed to kill the entire enemy team by myself as yi without redbuff

fuck youuuu

Thanks fampai, im gonna try her when i get home

>greenfather's meme
cmon son

>implying there won't be compensatory buffs

the rivers will run red fellas

She was undoubtedly nerfed in basically all aspects. Her R leap is shorter and does less damage, her reistsances were gutted, her AP ratios were nerfed, and her E no longer hits backline champions due to explosion on contact.

If Riot had any clue what they were doing they wouldn't nerf champions that are already in a bat spot in the meta.

>When he builds Triforce and full tank
>With Colossus

Just make sure to go challenging smite; the shit thing about the smites at the moment is that the jungler who doesn't take challenging will 100% lose the duels and 2v2s. The slow from chilling would be nice, but challenging is just too necessary. It also works as a baby exhaust for yourself against champs like Syndra which is super nice since you need to go staright damage early.

It's pretty fucking good on junglers bruv, but admittedly the difference between a 18/12/0 and 18/0/12 is super minor on Shyvana. I think greenfather's and runic affinity are worth it at the moment, but either way is good really.

>purging all Yasuo players from the friend list

nuthing personel

You don't get literal oneshots with hecarim unless you build damage.

Ghost +E gives him shit ton of AD

Nice goalpost moving faglord

>trying to justify how terrible greenfather's gift is
Assuming you're hitting a tank with 4,000 HP you're still only doing 120 damage before resistances.

Greenfather's gift is only really good if you're planning on playing ADC or support bot lane and dipping into the bush for harass.

Man Ivern is fun and all of my reeeee at me team for not picking up the free blues and reds.

Tier takes into account win rate and play rate of all players plat+, plus how well the character performs in the hands of "mains".

How well the "mains" do is the winrate and the highest achieved rank of the top (at most) 50 players who are at least diamond V and have over 50 games on that character.

Basically, the tier is goof for figuring out how good a character is over a long period because the "mains" category takes time for the players to climb.

So for the purpose of discussing how shyvana has performed since her changes it is not important at all, because it is still reflecting a lot of her pre-change games.

Greenfathers hits jungle camps and makes your clear much faster

It's pretty good at dealing damage to monsters too, can help with your first clear if you need it.

>No more on-hit for redbuff
No fuck you
This can't be true

it still does the over time damage, just not the instant true damage that was added last season.


i want to BREED shyvana

after we have a consensual agreement of course

>Vayne will never ever be nerfed

This is a buff for the characters I care about.
Morde, Karthus, Rumble.
Those other lame mages better get their hands off my scepter.

i like the cheaper guise/liandrys too


Can someone recommend me a champion?

I'm up to nearly 14,000 IP now and I still haven't figured out what champion I want to buy. Pic related are my current highest mastery champions.

>people still try to pink shrouds
>people still try to pink final hour
>people still try to pink shadow assault
>people still try to pink the King himself

rammus, viktor, vel'koz, lebonk, fizz

>There isn't a single vayne picker on earth that isn't human garbage

How is it even possible


Basically, her passive is worse yes.

W is about the same overall, realistically the change makes it harder to survive when she gets dived but the radius change is pretty nice outside of that situation.

New E means she basically can't be fought by melee champs in dragon form, it's super good. The AP ratio loss is fucking nothing since she never got AP anyway and the fact it doesn't pierce is outweighted by its new strength.

The fact she can't be pulled out of her flight is huge, adds so much consistency to the champion. I mean really, look at Malphite or Vi and imagine their ults could be stopped. They'd be fucking garbage, now admittedly Shyv's isn't as high impact as those two ults but the difference is clear. The health she gains on ult mostly makes up for the resistances she lost, and the range and damage nerf are both pretty small. Should also be noted that the larger attack range late game basically makes up for the dash range change.

The nerfs were all either small, or fucking nothing like the AP ratios while the buffs are all pretty fucking big.

It works on jungle camps, it speeds you up a noticeable amount. That said, the difference between 18/12/0, 18/6/6 and 18/0/12 is basically nothing, so go whatever.

lol she got 20% ad ratio shaved off her tumblr isnt that a big enough nerf for you faggot?
nevermind that we reverted the stealth on her ult to 1 second because thats baalnced lol!

Jax until Mastery 7, of course.

Her Q got 20% AD knocked off on the PBE.

we both know it doesn't address the problem.

Can someone post the Jhin version of this image?
Id be grateful.

I think it's better on Singed. Overall less stats but the same cc and way cheaper

So nobody likes her theme?

what do i buy

It fits but it's no Ekko theme

>liking the champions that neo-Riot produces


some skins for me

>Bot feeds like its their job
>mid loses lane
>Our Teemo actually gets fed
>But it doesnt matter how behind we are as we have Tank Naut,Vayne and Syndra while they have Kalista and Annie

every champion you don't own then 20 rune pages

Course not, I played during release Vayne so if I had it my way she'd be an unplayable piece of shit. But the Tumble nerf is something, at least.

fuck off nigger lover

You have to go back

Tell me a joke and its all yours senpai

> joke
Assassins rework

H-here i go!
>zzrot portal vs jhin

here you go, user


>shaco starts trolling because he got filled as support
>somehow, we still win despite him giving like 10 kills in early

>Want to play heim
>Champ.gg tells me to build ZZrot first
