/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1090


Last thread: Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

4 Goddesses Online Links and Info

>Translation: pastebin.com/m9wiRXxg
Cyberdimension OST Sample: youtube.com/watch?v=405uPsmmUvc

Remember to report and filter the eltard until the mods figure out he's been ban evading and get rid of it for good.

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Not even.

No. im really out to bed this time.
Linda dindu nuffin



post lewds

>Chaos Tiara

what is going on in that webm


Which one should I buy? Is there any point in getting the one with the art books and window themes in it?

nah just get the regular cheap one

Jesus, the hand and ball movements looks really creepy

I love Noire more than anything in the entire world!

Big Nep is for nepping!

Nobody can have her to themselves!

Big Nep must be able to be nepped by everyone and be able to nep anyone!

So the one without the dlc? Also what do the DLC add to the game?

Big Nep must not be nepped!

We've been over this, gearfag is not and will never be canon, the fanbase will hate it

I want to destroy Nitroplus' butt. And Tiara's. And Orange Heart's.
In fact, everyone.


Is it that time?

In RB2, not much. You get an overpowered sword. There are no DLC characters or anything

still a WIP, needs more tables

okay how about the other neptuna games on steam then? Should I get the DLC for them?

It's always time to beat a nep.

Re;Birth 1 has some decent DLC characters that you might be interested in like peashy, plutia, and histoire.

If you're looking to get all three, you can get them in a bundle with all DLC for 24 bucks.


Nice edit

Compa, desu!

the despair is real, isn't it?


The font is not even the same. 0/10

They'll get over it soon.

That's what I told myself two months ago.

because this thread is ruined forever thanks to that fucking piece of shit gearnon.

I want to nep Compa.

I want to bully Blanc for being so inferior to the other three goddesses!
I want to bully her until she cries!

Call her a boy.

Where did it go all wrong?

maybe because the mods and jannys are fucking useless

Ohhhhh thank you good sir for linking this to me


I love Nepgear!

Since Fairy Fencer F is similar to the Neptuna series I am wondering what are your thoughts on it, is it good as neptuna? Its on sale too

I love Gearnon!

I haven't fully played through Fairy Fencer F, I actually just recently got Advent Dark Force and started over. As far as I did play though, it's pretty good, I like it.



I want to rape Uni!


The neps are not for raping, they are for consensual sex while hand holding!

No Uni, you already have your own

But Uni wants to rape Noire

I hate Nepgear!

Good evening

This is true of most neps, but not Uni!

Maybe we can form a human-centiRapepad.

You're next line is "Nepgear a shit, you have the shittiest taste."!
I still love Nepgear though.


I'd say it's better in terms of RPG gameplay and story. Character design is a little weaker and as a result so is the humor.

For me the biggest change was that you get points on levelup that you can distribute, build your characters the way you want. That raises the skill ceiling at least a little bit and makes playing smart more rewarding.

Also it has male characters, which I think is a nice change.

Let's make it canon!

It's got the same kusoge gameplay but without the humor

Making him canon would make Nepgen Mansion canon as well, are you alright with this? I am.

How about: NO
Seriously no, it will ruin the series as a whole


No, Nep. I don't want you.

How many soldiers can they take on at once?

We don't want the series to be ruined now do we?

Good, I'll take her and hold her hand while we engage in consensual sex in missionary position for the sole purpose of procreating.

What the hell does he even do? Does he give anything?

Fuck off. Nep-Nep is mine.

He gives a plan for a gunblade in chapter 5.


If you're going to copy gearnon, at least remember it's "leglock-missionary position while passionately kissing"

probably a plan for a weapon for nepgear maybe even a costume.

>If you're going to copy gearnon
T-this is bait, right?

Duly noted.

>Not know he'd have consensual sex and handholding in leglock-missionary while passionately kissing for the purpose of procreation
It's like you've never seen him post

..You DO know that "missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation" goes back WAY WAY WAY farther than the gearnon meme does, right?

Well yeah, my point is I've seen him be the first to post that here that or I'm just an idiot for not noticing the others posting it

>You're next line is

how about you go fuck yourself and stop attention whoring?

Dude, meme's been existing for long, I'm not the first one to do it here.
I'm sorry, I fucked that one up. Please no bully.


>everyone I don't like is X
N'aww man, you can go fuck yourself.

do people here have microcephaly or what?

That's just Neptune's excuse for having too much fun last night with Plutie. The rest of the cast is straight, so Neptune has to keep her lesbain relationship with Plutia a secret.

Sounds fishy.
They were caught in the act with those soldiers.
Seems more likely that the rest of the cast are trying to keep their lesbian relationships secret.

Fuck off and die

Thank you for protecting Neptune x Plutia, F-kun.


No, I'm telling you to fuck off and die because there are no "lesbian relationships" in Neptunia. At the very least, none involving Neptune. Now piss off

Don't be such a hetfag. Real hetfriends know that Neptune and Plutia are the only les neps and are in love with each other, the rest of 'em are straight.

>No, I'm telling you to fuck off and die because there are no "lesbian relationships" in Neptunia

really cute tho

I don't think so, friendo. Nobody is obligated to go along with your delusional headcanon fantasies.

What does that even mean?

I played all the mainline games. Once again, your delusional headcanon is not reality. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it's time that you stop pretending your fantasy is real.

>Implying Nepgear and Uni are totally straight


insecure nepnoway shippers always love to post after being told the truth...

How delusional can you get?

The only one I can think of is VertxIffy. Only one that is somewhat overt.

>One game
>One game that was retconned
>Literally this relationship dynamic does not exist anywhere outside of RB1
Keep clinging to that one example of yuri pandering, retard