World of Warcraft General - /wowg/ - The day the water came

>Frost mages 6th place in top dps
Is this because of their bursst? is it just the highest they can get or are they actually good?

>Resub to Legion a week ago
>Hit level 110 from 90 two days ago
>Use LFR and do the raids I can do
>Do Rift of Aln first time
>Pic related

really makes you think

they will be good in a week

Well I do have way more AK on my shaman; however, I have been leveling my hunter and I have been having fun, with a little nostalgia thrown in since it was my main since i started playing.

Also isn't there a shit ton of Hunters too lol.

i just like my numbers counted in a different way to how recount does it
it's hard to explain... ~_~

i want to fucking tear your limbs from your body

>when you're so destroyed in life you samefag this kind of shit

>manda mage
good taste

not even all of the changes are on the PTR yet, it will be mid December before 7.1.5 is out.

Do you mean like >.> you don't like the colors or something?

I get it, you use skada. No need to be angry. :)