Had to step out before. Any thoughts on my 1/4 kai character, Chun Juan?
/dbg/ Dragon Ball General
>oh god where am I
>oh, hold on I see a light
>Gine's color scheme in Fusions
Holy fuck this is better than melons. Battle Armor (Gine) when?
I'm not seeing ye old android at the meeting anymore but i swear she was here earlier, Pomatio vanished from existence after our fight, i think this meetup is cursed.
Two men enter.
One man leave.
I seem to be unfindable in the player menu. And I can't happenstance into y'all's meetup
Wait, could it be because I'm further behind in the story then the rest of you?
Just looking at this makes me mad, how fucking lazy can you be?
Zanzibar looking stylish like always
>Kyo's practiclly lining up to fight the android when she got back
usually the loser doesn't leave though
i don't think that's the case, though i couldn't find you on the player list either.
I sure do love doing PQ's don't you guys
>17 is the nerdy one of the twins
>Legitimately thinks Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade is cool and has a cool name Which is absolutely correct.
>Internally geeks out over 16's rocket punch
>Was so happy to have a chance to drive a big rig until Vegeta blew it up.
Is Abridged 17 /ourguy/?