#926 -> #927-> #928 -> #927 Holy shit how do you fuck up that badly
Robert Perry
>mfw no one realized I didn't count correctly last thread
Noah Johnson
Me too.
Aaron Anderson
so do I
Chase Rivera
Umi is love.
Nathaniel Wood
Fuck yo thread.
Jaxson Green
That's what you get when you let dumb crackposters make the OP.
Jonathan Carter
Saving Nico's smile with Honoka!
Eli Gomez
*Nursing Chika back to health*
Parker Perry
Crack dumbposter
Adam Taylor
Final progress report go!
Charles Hall
I still have 75 flowers for a final push!
Henry Rivera
choose one
Mason Carter
But, I love You. Anyway, I have like 85k friend points so it wouldn't be hard to gain more N seals r-right? Anyway, if I ever gain more then I'll idolize Yohane-sama and Wooby.
Chase Mitchell
Easton Brooks
Umi is the closest to a ninja out of the two
Landon Roberts
Does the EN event end at 2am EST or 3am EST?
David Thomas
the non-shit one
Kayden Smith
419xx Out of tokens.
Christopher Smith
it ends in 1:25 hours
David Jones
31019 I got real lazy early on and when I decided to do some real damage Pkmn Sun arrived. I've failed You and I'll never be able to forgive myself. ;_;
Jason Gonzalez
01 hours 27 min
Henry Allen
I'll take both
Isaac Garcia
Okay, good, means I have time to play the normal event songs instead of x4
Luke White
Hopefully I get something good with this scouting ticket.
Thomas Lewis
rigo a shit
Wyatt Mitchell
Enjoy your repeated R
Connor Phillips
Last week, top girl!
Connor Gutierrez
mfw I'm just one play away from S clear for 4x event song but not enough tokens
Jonathan Adams
>tfw phone can play sif nonstop for 8 hours
Cooper Robinson
about 44 thou. wasn't gonna boost it from 41 thou but i freaked out from the event cutoff
Nolan Miller
Finito. Let's all T3 together!
Eli Nguyen
8 hours!? How the hell you guys can handle such long gaming sessions? I always felt this game was insanely tiring...
After 1h my fingers start behaving erratically. After 1.5h my fingers get a second breath and I can get some good combos again. After 2h I'm just playing on shitty auto mode.
Bentley Davis
Ugh why is Maru so cute ... I wish she wasn't such a spaz with a shit VA
Caleb Miller
Riko can't fight and she's a loser.
Adrian Brown
Why do I stink~
Easton Martin
My bbygrl Chika Ya got me all thankful
Im thankful for ya lovin
To quote the goat king of pop "i like the way ya lovin me"
Ilu bae
Oliver Barnes
Does chikafag even play the game?
Ryan Sullivan
I remember first watching the Valentine videos and couldn't decide between Mari or Maru
Elijah Nelson
Thanks for letting us know you're a newfag.
Justin Martin
There it is, I did the best I could do again, rushed a little bit yesterday because of that broken tracker, lots of wasted lovecas. Anyway, hope Fuuko senpai notice me again!
Jayden Mitchell
Nope. He can't afford a smartphone to play on.
Isaac Ward
he's a legend
Jacob Wood
I should've made this 70000 flat.
Hudson Perez
I want to fuck Maru so that her smelly odor will stick in my cock
Gavin Sanders
Rank 55
Parker Morales
kys, and thank you for this hour's fap material.
Josiah Hall
Leo Diaz
why did this meme even started? Hanamaru doesn't seem dirty
I remember him triggering Youcucks by feeding a You UR to a Chika R.
Robert Myers
41k too, just a few points above you. I seriously hope you'll play a bit more for that 3rd Maru and T2.
Gabriel Rogers
>that UmiNico
awwwwww yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Aaron Robinson
the story goes: someone randomly says stinkstar then other people started saying it, that's literally it
Brayden Ward
UmiNico is the best non-canon ship.
Liam Torres
Jason Bailey
Cuddling with Riko
Jayden Bennett
Yes, I'm going for 40k after grabbing a bit of grub. Don't worry.
Nathan Reyes
David Sanchez
>that makipana closeness
Josiah Morris
dumb crackposters
Carter Hernandez
Some dude on /a/ made a post that got a lot of (You)s about how he wanted to drink her piss and all this other shit, and ended up coining "stinkstar." That post actually stemmed from the anime and dengeki profiles indicating that she was some kind of caveman, and then the "doesn't shower" thing stemmed from that, then we got "stink pussy" and finally we got Stinkstar.
Christian Cooper
best canon* ship
Hudson Ross
hello newfriends, be sure ta read my award winning masterpiece.
Stinkstar/turdtank/pisspot is a quality product of /llsifg/. Stop grasping on straws.
Ethan Morgan
I'm not pretending. Holy shit, the whole shtick about newfags calling people new shows once again. I've been on /a/ and /llsifg/ since before Aqours was even a thing and nobody was saying stinkstar until it was spread on /a/. Hell, I was one of the fucking people who spread it here. Jesus fuck, educate yourselves.