I didn't even realize that they weren't the current menus.
Damn I'm retarded.
Dylan Bell
Do you or anyone have the Vanilla menu photos? I know they aren't as interesting as these but still, the autist in me wants the whole set.
Liam Hernandez
usually it's the BB that happens to
Bentley Watson
user should add this to the pastebin guide
Jonathan Reyes
Speaking of season 0. Any idea how long we have to wait until we can shill out for the next season pass?
Joshua Edwards
Literally 90% of my teammates are like this.
Gavin Allen
Situational Awareness pt. 2
Asher Adams
dec 1st
Justin Stewart
so this is the power of the pc master race
Samuel Parker
They probably won't put one out until January 16th at the soonest.
Bentley Rivera
why even lie there in the first place? You're exposed from behind, the left AND above. that's the stupidest fucking place I've EVER seen someone camp out.
Jaxson Price
I have 25k renown what should I buy?
>main thatcher and rook >don't have buck or hibana >I could get an outfit or weapon skin
I already have the tiger fighting the dragon skin. I just don't know what to get now
Parker Campbell
Hey guys, I did all the combing I could, and to be honest the "Season 0" menu's suck. It's basically the old match loading screen guy in all black, a dude with a shield, the dude with his fists, and then a bunch of bullets, flash grenades, a gun case, and other small random stuff.
But if you want a flashback, feel free to watch this annoying kid
That's my birthday! If you add 10 more days and then 2 more days.
Sebastian Bell
>match 2-3 in ranked on cafe >place claymore by door >teammate proceeds to shoot it for some reason >keep asking for a response on why he did that >nothing >30 seconds later bandit goes out that door where my claymore is and kills 3 people >"shouldn't have shot my claymore" >4th remaining dudes start talking shit and says he'll TK me every round if I keep bitching about the claymore >one top him and camp out rest of the round on the roof
Best part is I was the reason why we won those two rounds
Gavin Torres
We don't know for sure but >Year two content kicks off in February with the Rainbow Six Invitational.
Justin Perez
reposting colorized version
Dylan Foster
> people always claiming we have better drawfags than reddit > shit like this gets posted
Tyler Lee
Thermite charges don't activate after about a second after the jammer is destroyed
Shit image/10
Nathan Butler
What is this?
Evan Campbell
>Open the Black Ice Link >Firefox tries to fucking murder my computer >80% cpu usage >CTD
Anybody wanna be a lad and upload those elsewhere?
Grayson Flores
i never said i was an art-fag friend. i legit colored it in less than 30 minutes and thought "wow, maybe rsg would like this shitpost"
Liam James
it's a prototype for a statue they're going to make soon.
>tinypic pure fucking cancer. can't even post direct links. Rehost on imgur. ironic that the fucking reddit hoster is the less cancerous option.
Jaxson Flores
>Casual >Get put as Defender first round >"Aight." >Attackers spawn >10 seconds later >"Last friendly operative remaining." >Get blown the fuck out from somebody shooting from the floor above me nowhere near the hostage >Hit tab >It's an obvious stack >Just fucking leave
Kayden Ross
>Capitao and Caveira don't have Black Ice or Dust Line seasonal headgear >Neither do Hibana or Echo; and they don't have Skull Rain ones either Don't tell me new DLC operators from now on aren't going to get previous seasonal headgear
Brandon Brown
i had to upload them to tinypic because the images were too large for imgur you fucking mongoloid.
did you not read
Brandon Butler
that just doesn't sound fun at all how often does that happen?
Christopher Nelson
Of course I didn't read them, who the fuck do you think I am? Mr-Reads-the-whole-thread? that's like 15 posts man. fuck off.
just make an account, should be fine nignog
Noah Williams
Kids these days
Juan Ramirez
Do you honestly think vek draws better than that?
Michael Ramirez
> user is having trouble reading
it's okay. i know normally your books have lots of pretty pictures and not so many complicated words. i understand.
Grayson Green
>glaz kills the person im interrogating so i dont get any info what the fuck he just tked what the fuck that wasnt on purpose goddamn slavnigger
Brody Hall
It probably was. I do it as twitch and glaz all the time if I can't save them.
Kevin Morgan
No offense user but your coloring is awful
Justin Evans
>South Korea CTU for next year >They name the female operator Diva
Ryder Campbell
To me? All the time.
Evan Sanders
That saves it as a text doc.
Jaxson Harris
I think it's spelled D.Va
Jaxson Sullivan
>glaz can shoot you >shoots his teammate instead
Dominic Bennett
did the tinypic work user?
John Harris
>When you get called a hacker in casual Mmmmmmmmmmm.
Henry Carter
yep couldve shot me and then revived his teammate shot his teammate instead then me, because apparently my target dying doesn't break me out of the animation
Jordan Campbell
/r/ing pic of operator in deep shock trying to get info out of a victim without a head
Mason Reyes
How were you not shot if he could shoot your interrogationee?
Connor Clark
Snitches get stitches.
Jaxson Reyes
Glaz is Russian. He's just maximum roleplay.
Jackson Smith
why is echo the best defensive operator?
Christopher Wood
Tyler Perry
He isn't. The amount of work you have to put in to make use of him isn't worth the effort. The yokai drone is interesting in a sense, but requires good communication skills to make use of. His guns are both amazing and shit at the same time contributing to the worth being unable to match the effort issue.
They need to either make him 2/2 on armor and speed, increase the damage on the MP5SD, increase the fire rate of the super nova, or give him 2 drones for long term value.
As it is you can just play Valkyrie and get all of Echo's utility with better weapons(Even post nerf on them), losing only the sonic blast in the process.
Luke Anderson
He's hella fun, but not the best.
Noah Ross
is playing valkyrie and getting the perfect camera placement the best feeling ever?
Evan Jackson
Defense >Look at all unlocked ops and see they all have their own merits >Kapkan/Frost for punishing rushers/careless opponents >Jager for good gun and no grenade worries >Mute for cockblocking Hibana & Thermite >Bandit for maximum cockblock but risky, although faster and better guns >If we pick mute maybe we should take castle? That could be a decent combo >Pulse has got those sweet walls, can deny bomb plants from below >Valkyrie has those spicy cameras, more intel is never bad >Ahh but then there's Rook, his plates are always nice >And Doc's healing is really helpful and he combos well with Rook hmmm >But only 5 slots who to pick, who to pick
Attackers >Hibana and/or Thermite obviously >Thatcher to avoid cockblocking >If we're taking Hibana then you bet your ass we're taking Blackbeard >Only 1 slot left, I guess Sledge/Buck for breaching utility and nades >Done
Seems to me that defense lineup is extremely flexible with who you can get away with picking, but attack simply has a "correct" lineup.
Xavier Gutierrez
Nah, you can get away with almost anyone on attack, as long as you have a reinforced wall breacher and Thatcher.
Julian Butler
I pick buck for his CAMRS
don't give a fuck if we 0-2
Daniel Brooks
>It's a "Die because the netcode let Sledge see you when he sprint in to the room while you tried to sprint out, so he onetaps you with his ghost magic" episode.
Logan Carter
I always thought it'd be nice to have a picking phase in ranked where you can counterpick each other but then the whole UNKNOWN factor is lost
Henry Brooks
That's because your mind isn't flexible and you somehow believe there isn't a similarly strict "pro" meta for defense.
High tier games look the same on both sides across the board no matter who is playing.
Soft picks like castle or montange exist to throw a wrench into the gameplan right now, but once you're at the top the picks narrow on both sides just like all games.
Justin Turner
Parker Robinson
don't you just find that so boring though?
Evan Turner
nth for Ash
Joseph Jackson
>tfw trying to headshot a peeking ash
Cooper Reed
Jordan Baker
>Battle of the Dev Memes >Everyone on /r6g/ kind of hates Overwatch because, well, it's kind of shit >Rainbow Six Siege dev's add some new characters that shake up the meta, but refuse to fix broken operators and then do shit like make headshot hitboxes bigger and nerf already useless shield operators by making them take more damage >Siege promised a new game mode in their year 1 roadmap which we never got >Siege still hasn't even added the fucking university as a multiplayer map yet >Overwatch is actually constantly trying to re-balance characters, introduce random ass modes like Soccer, a Horde mode co-op thing and special event playlists >They just added a 3 v 3 mode with no respawns that is just like a super cartoony version of siege and it's quite good
ubisoft for fucks sakes PLEASE TAKE SOME NOTES
Dylan Wood
No, because at that point individual skill starts to show even more. When there is a universal tool set the quirks of a player show.
It's like how in Street Fighter they say you can really see what kind of player is, what their style is, based on their Ryu.
The meta gets tweaked and changed of course as they balance things and add new characters but characters that adhere to the fundamental goal of the game and functional within it at a level superior to the others will always be the top picks.
However we're also talking about high level play, not general play. The original post approached attacking with that in mind(high level play to win) while claiming defenders had more flexibility which isn't true at that level.
Certainly someone can use a low tier character, or an unusual team comp to win but they're going to have to work so much harder once the skill level increases. Yet it's at the higher levels that you really begin playing against other players.
Nicholas Ward
>comparing harambe and friends: Defense of the Ancient League of Legends edition to a somewhat tactical shooter like R6
Owen Cruz
>mute and castle if your idea is to block doors from being able to break them: no. fuck no man. If you block interior doors you give the enemy a better angle of attack because now you can't flank around them in any effective manner. Barricades should only ever be doors and windows that lead to the outside and even then they're kind of questionable because someone like glaz loves to set up shots trough them, and they're basically free cover for fuze. in short: using Castle is difficult and with all the defenders that are available there really are better options.
Isaiah Stewart
You could just have bans instead. That way they don't necessarily know what you brought, might need a few more operators though for something like that to be reasonable.
Lucas Parker
Why would you want to take notes from Overwatch? They should instead take notes from a successful game that doesn't have to try an reinvent itself constantly to stay relevant and stop the bleeding of users.
If Siege takes notes from Overwatch then they're more likely to kill Siege rather than continue the steady growth that got them to year 2 in the first place.
Gavin Brown
>It's like how in Street Fighter they say you can really see what kind of player is, what their style is, based on their Ryu. They're all faggots.
Fuck Karate Man and his gay ass "My 3 hit safe combo does more damage than Juri's fucking 12 hit LMAO" memes.
>You could just have bans instead.
>Defense >Ban Thermite and Hibana
Mason Williams
>3v3 is a cartoony version of Sieg I mean I get what you're going for but not really?
Charles Roberts
...what would happen if defenders weren't marked when outside the building?
Ryder Brooks
>comparing a set of devs that are actually patching the game and experimenting with content to devs who play it so safe the game hasn't had a meaningful change in over a year
Yep there can be no comparison because the games are in different genres! (y)
I don't know, how about start by adding that game mode they promised and those "Seasonal Content and Events" they promised but we haven't seen?
Jacob Carter
thats why hes saying u might need more operators epic cavia memes
James Sanders
user are you daft. We've literally got a seasonal event going on right now. It's shit sure but no different from what everyone else offers for seasonal events these days.
The only thing we haven't seen from that picture is a new game mode.
Lincoln Rodriguez
r6 fag since day 1 here. Fucking love overwatch. Amazing FPS. I see no reason why people would hate it. There might be a "I don't like team vs team hero based, goal structured FPS" but then again I wouldn't know why that person would be into R6 so much.
Thomas Bennett
in my experience you're underselling the effect of the sonic blast.
with the cut down on round time it is an amazing deterrent and delay tactic. There've been several times on defense where, when outnumbered and holding the point, we've turned attackers away from a particular entrance using nothing but the drone because of how thoroughly it fucks with being able to jiggle-peek
Ian Lee
>there can be no comparison because the games are in different genres!
Yeah, basically this.
Mason Jenkins
Of course it would be a salty Jurifag that doesn't understand what the statement means.
Logan Peterson
It suffers from Blizzard syndrome.
Every match is the same and the balance is fucking ass, and takes four months to get fixed.
I like the game but it gets old, and fast.
Anthony Wood
Whats the seasonal event? Please tell me. I sure hope you don't mean the turkey leg charm.
I have 10x the hours in Siege than I do Overwatch, and still play Siege more than I do Overwatch, but whenever I go on Overwatch there seems to be something *new* and when I go on Siege I tend to have to make my own fun by going "Well I'm gonna play Montagne and try and make it work today"
You are an idiot friendo
Joseph Gray
Newfag here, what's the concensus on supressors?
Jose Hughes
Shit, only use on pistols (for sneaky murderholes) and caveira
Austin Lewis
So you're being daft on purpose. Good for you I suppose.
John Green
if you plan to flank can be decent. should put one on glazes sidearm, otherwise pass.
Owen Allen
Shit, because you can still see the bullet trails. They are good to put on pistols, however, because it allows you the OPTION of being silent... but for most guns a suppressor is just a massive handicap.
Run a Muzzle Break 24/7.
Sebastian Roberts
>comparing a set of devs that are actually patching the game and experimenting with content to devs who play it so safe the game hasn't had a meaningful change in over a year you're simply retarded if you think R6 Siege was the game for Ubi to take massive risks with. It's awesome that the game has increased in playerbase size as it was a genuine tossup as to what would happen.
Also, Activision Blizzard is fucking massive when it comes to money. They can afford to make gay as fuck cartoony games based around meme mobas in FPS form.
Ubisoft, not so much. I'd be assmad if the devs spent resources trying to come up with some fucking nitro cell based soccer match or whatever gay shit blizzard pumps out and calls content.
What heritage does Overwatch need to nurture? Jack shit unlike Rainbow Six which has a rich history of tacticool.
Robert Bell
I know what that statement means, but Ryu's still fucking cunt. I could even replace Juri with Ibuki. Or Rashid. Or half the cast.
Leo Williams
>You are an idiot friendo
That's your opinion and I value your opinion because we all have our own.
John Allen
It's okay brother. He probably thinks Quake and ARMA are the same game.