League of legends general /lolg/


The last champion you played is going to fuck you whether you consent or not

How does it go?


I don't really know

Not bad.

Xth for leaving games.

I don't even care anymore. I clearly can't get banned for it, and leaver buster means literally nothing to me in fact the 20 minutes helps me utilize my time more productively.



fix that fucking image. don't disservice boxbox like that again.

Probably die, but I haven't gotten laid in a very long time, so silver lining.

why is this allowed

>Frostbutt Irelia
I'm ok with this

He's the best!
I leveled up?!?!?

buff nidalee!

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets

last 1 of the night cast ur shekels now


I'm okay with this

what you mean


>tfw just had a melee mode Jinx
>tfw abandoned her and grouped with Ahri and won
Jinxbabs please go.

With all the healing % items at level 18 it heals for 735 and if you have spirit visage for 857.5.


post OTP names

janna no mastery gg

i still miss it, bros


Do we count remakes?
If not, ____Vi

My money is on my man Jax

>tfw play so much aram that my MMR there is higher than my normals and ranked

There's literally nothing wrong with leaving a game.

If you stop enjoying the game, you're not obligated to keep playing it. You don't owe anybody anything, and your time is valuable. You don't have time to waste 30, 40, 50 minutes, even an hour of your life doing something you hate and don't enjoy but has no practical purpose and is supposed to be fun.

The game's literal single purpose is to be entertaining, so if it ceases to be cease playing it. I've left promo games. I've left games with friends. I've left a Veeky Forumsv/vg/. Nothing bad happens.

Kat murders me.

how is kennen mid not better than top?

>mfw maining Hecarim

Take your bait elsewhere, we have importing things going on like trying to figure out how utterly fucked you are by the last champion you played.

>The surrender vote has failed.
Fuck this bullshit, even ingoring that 3/1 is a clear majority, if the last player can't be bothered to vote, he should just be outright ignored, as it is not voting is the same as saying no instead of actually abstaining like it should be. It makes it harder to surrender when a cunt goes AFK without actually DCing as well.

as long as it's not ranked then yea sure

bait implies I don't believe it or I'm not genuinely advocating this.

Kennen's waveclear isn't good enough to contend with any of the good midlaners and it's a short lane, so you'll permanently be at tower unless you use cokeball to clear the wave, which then means you have no escape and no way to win a trade.

He has no pass-through skillshots.

doesn't leblanc have to use her escape to clear too?

>enter game
>1 min in
>a summoner has left a game
why even bother

ahri is boring to play im disappointed

His waveclear isn't enough to contend with shit like Ryze, Cass, Viktor, Syndra, Ori, new LeBlanc, etc. Also, it's a lot easier to abuse his kit against most toplaners since most toplaners are melee. You can still take him mid though.

ADC should not have gap closers they already have some of the longest range shit in the game (albeit Xerath, Lux and Ziggs)

Because you wanted to play but then you started losing and don't want to play anymore, and you're not going to waste 45+ minutes of your life playing a game that exists purely for pleasure that you're not enjoying?

Technically, though its not like it matters in her case. She W's the whole wave, hits it again to port back to her side, hits Q, whole wave is farmed, retreat to tower until the next wave hits.

>Vel Koz
please, be gentle

>You started losing 1 minute into the game

oh no i enjoy the game

>my time is so important that I will waste the time of 4 additional people

>I owe anything to strangers I will never meet again

Yes, and that's why it's advised to shove her in so she can't just jump at you. The difference however is that LB's W is a lot more potent at clearing waves then Kennen's cokeball+W, plus LBs only using 1 ability as opposed to Kennen's 2.

You stop enjoying the game when you start losing? you're retarded

I agree that you should leave the game if you're having a very bad time as long as it's not ranked but you shouldn't stop enjoying the game just because you're losing

>enter game
>30 seconds in
>First blood!
Why wouldn't you?

I'm probably just easily demoralized. I'll give up first blood at level 1 because of a mistake or an invade etc. and I'll stop playing because I'm not at all willing to play uphill after that from that huge initial disadvantage.

I won't like it, but I probably deserve for playing Yasou

Overcoming the disadvantage is how you get better at the game. Any retard can play when they're ahead.

300 gold is hardly a huge advantage. You're turning a game that's still nearly equal into a instant loss because you're a fucking bitch who can't stand a challenge

Learning to play from behind and turning that disadvantageous start into a lane win is how you get good at the game

Oh well then maybe I'm just a huge faggot because I only like playing when ahead.

First it's 400 gold, second it means coming to lane late, being a level or possibly 2 behind, and it means he can kill you even easier the next time. that's way too fucking big a hassle man.

Can someone please tldr how that pink sparkles girl streams again? I think I heard something about her getting banned for viewbotting and now shes on the first page with a sub button.

ziggs has one, lux and xerath both have hard cc with low cds

jessica nigri streams?

I had plenty of games where we won despite how badly we did at the start of the game. But sure be a faggot and leave because you can't handle anything. At least its nice to fight people like you and make it an easy win.

Then why are you playing pvp in the first place? If you only want to play in stomps just play bots like the rest of the 10 year olds who can't stand being told "no"

Thanks man, it's nice to stop playing and do something else instead of stressing out about difficult games instead if I'm not having fun anymore too.

your point?? ADC also have some for of CC (snare, displacemente, slow/ stun) ETC..

ADC already have it easy, get close, point and click, do damage.

having a gap closer to let em unload 3 AA before you can get away or burn flash is not balanced. and there are prefect ways to get around no having a gap closer (twitch, Jinx, Jhin, Ashe)

Life isn't fun you should probably quit that too.

any Veeky Forums up?


Evolve or die.

because I get no satisfaction out of bots but I do get satisfaction out of the occasional PvP game that goes well?

lol what a fag, its turrents.




So I've been playing a bit of Pbe with Eve and the item changes and holy shit you lose out on so much utility with everyone and their mother just walking away from you after your reduced burst.The Rylai change really hurts her.

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results

AP Shyvana is so strong

>Enemy team is ahead in kills, gold, and towers
>We ace them once but can't push
>They surrender

I forgot how much people are such wussies in the game the second something that don't like happens.



that is who is in the pic


Yes its called
go make your own you stupid cunt


If you opt to queue in for a game then yeah you do owe the 4 other people on your team however long it takes to play the game. If your attention span is that lacking or you're that inept at managing your time then don't queue up in the first place. You won't be missed.

Idk I realize I play at a downwards trajectory as the match goes on. I can get fed in lane and go 5/0, and then if the game is short around 20 minites I might end the game 6/0, or if the game is longer I'll die a few times but still win maybe end the game 5/5 or 5/6. Or I might win lane and then fall behind and go from 5/0 to 5/5 and lose the game, but I've never once made a comeback in this game after playing around 400 matches since I started a few seasons ago. A lot of games if I don't get stupidly ahead in lane I go 0/X almost assuredly, so I've realized that it's just not in my ability to play up hill so I usually quit when mt KDA goes negative, because once laning ends, my KDA and my agency or influence on the game can only go down from there. Typically I'll get any number of kills, whether that's 2 or if it's 10, and then once I die a single time I'll be unable to get an additional kill for the entire remainder of the game even when I maintain a lead.


Learn how to play outside of lane then you cockmongler. Laning's the easiest part of the game in terms of decision making. You're gonna constantly be stuck in the cycle of "I can't end the game before I start sucking ass" and then quitting unless you actually git gud.

You need to git gud at late game and stop playing early game champs

what champ should i play if i want a one way trip out of bronze

mage support since you fill both roles while carrying your shitty ass adc.

I'm talking about the Pink Sparkles girl, never heard of Nigri streaming.

But see, laning is the only part of the game I enjoy, because it's typically one on one and involes only keeping track of a single enemy's abilities.

I can't even tell what's going on once fights that aren't 1v1 duels break out. Like it's straight up impossible to tell what's going on on any sort of tempo level, even disregarding micro and macro.

counterpoint, you can't stop me, and when I queue up I accept that I can't stop others as well. That's why I don't mind if someone else in my games DCs.

oh hell yeah

if he wants to try and top me hes gonna have a tough time with that cute twink body

one v one me howling abyss
Name veegee
You know the password

They're just people, user.
Being decent to your fellow man shouldn't be considered a chore.
I for one want people to know I was raised right.

Yeah, that's why you need to git gud at late game and teamfights, so that you can learn to enjoy them.

Kayle or Jax in top lane

Honestly I think you are just making this shit up because I refuse to believe you are really this pathetic.

>MFW low elo shitters think playing any kind of champ will magically improve their rank and instead of learning how to play the game they ask retards on a vietnamese message board for jacking off to floor tiles

There's not enough visual clarity user. I literally can't tell what's going on. The screen becomes too cluttered. I only really like playing one vs one because CDs are long enough and there's enough clarity that it actually feels like I'm even playing a game at all.

Nope. All true. Excluding the leaverbuster queue games I'd estimate I leave about 40-50% of my games, even if they're my promos, because I just get that disinterested and demotivated.

>Azir's too shit for early game and the majority of his damage output can be ran through, dodged, or out traded by everyone else
>can't even reliable defend himself with his ult
>Once Azir gets Rylais and hits level 14+ everything Azir should have been doing is now doing too well
>except he kills you before you put any meaningful damage back unless your fed, then Azir still dies without putting out anyway

I used to love playing him now it's just bland. How is Riot going to fix him without making him OP again?

go play battlerite, moba arent for you

Why the fuck would you make an account for the sole purpose of being bodied by someone?