/indie/ - Indie and Obscure Games General

Steam sale edition!

Last Thread: Steam Autumn Sale 2016 is live!

>What the fuck is this
/indie/ is the general for all indie games, such as LISA, Yume Nikki, OFF, Middens, Underrail, Machinarium, DashBored, Vampire of the Sands, Braid, Limbo, Axiom Verge, Guacamelee, The Desolate Hope, Burrito Galaxy,Cookie Clicker, Stardew Valley, etc. as well as other games that just don't fit in any other general such as Atelier, Rayman, Rise Of Nations, and Valkyria Chronicles.

Mobile or consoles, flash or unity, freeware or early access. This place is a home for the indie game community and indie and obscure games that don't have a home. So be free to talk and share all your hidden gems, forgotten games and starving devs here.

>Can I talk about games that already have a general?
We mostly discuss games that are not popular enough for their own threads (since they have no other home in Veeky Forums), however, all indie games are allowed. So talk about them if you want, but don't overdo it since you already have other generals for that.

>How can I contribute?
All we need right now is people to talk about their loved indies, so don't be afraid to post, bump and reply your fellow anons. Also we're looking for anons to make new pastebins/wikis/images and update the ones already made. And please give lots of feel, love, kind and nice to everyone, except namefags. And be sure to make a new thread if nobody else does.



>Steam Group

Other urls found in this thread:


First for comfy thread

Just bought Underrail.

How do I maximise fun for my first playthrough?

nth for buy Owlboy

Any interesting, obscure indies on sale?

Game is too expensive and too short and the plot is predicatble as hell. Hard to believe it spent a decade in development.

the assets are absurdly high quality, I think it looks like it took that long to make it

the price is a bit much but I think it's because they're paying off Norway govt


epic battle fantasy 4 is a pretty solid rpg game if you can stomach the "juvenile" humor. its 4 bucks right now.

It does look like it has very high production values and good art/sound direction, but it's still just simple pixel graphics.


Metal Slug artists rolling in their grave

S-sorry. I didn't mean it like that, it's just that pixel art is comparatively simple.

pixel art is much more simple than 3d, user.

doesn't it depend on the level of effort?

I forgive you babbu

I wouldn't be so sure about that.

3D has you create Models, how they eventually move and act is inherently abstracted from your direct actions. Even relying on real-world examples of expressions and movements can be hit or miss.

pixel art handcrafts every sprite, every frame that goes to the screen. You will very often see more polish and tighter transitions because of this.

but every frame in a pixel animation is made out of a previous frame with a minor change.

yes? That's why I mentioned polish: those minor changes can get really important.

>Card City Nights is an adventure through a city filled with card-nuts and lunatics. Battle for the 8 legendary cards to enter the biggest competition this city has seen yet.

>CCN is not a traditional card-trading game. It's an adventure game with zany characters to meet and weird locations to explore. In the center is our new card battle system that breaks away from the fantasy TCG mold with connecting cards to form combos.

that was one weird game to watch someone else play

>old jonas said something about shadow crawlers showing up if things get too quiet
>thought nothing of it
>tunnel with no music, no ambience, nothing
>ambushed by 4 of the fuckers

Underrail General

Whoa I got it thanks. I loved Ittle Dew and the sequel is a guaranteed buy once it gets a decent sale.

Gonna add health stations, which heal the player for free, but also are somewhat rare.

How would you guys want Hardmode to be implemented? What do you think a subtle way of asking the player if they want to play hardmode would be?

Back in my day, flash games were free!
Young whipper snappers...

"Are you feeling lucky?"

that game is free. the higher quality graphics/sounds and the extra content are what you are paying for. that game can easily take you 26 hours to 100% (more or less depending on the difficulty).

Playism continues their mission of puting paid versions of free games on steam.

>gang showdown
>leader dies before I can act
>throw molotov
>kill everything
>wait for fire to subside
>friendly gang member walks through fire instead
>now hostile to both gangs


Showdowns, not even once. There are about three of them in the game, and really, the challenge is to keep your mentally challenged sllies out of danger.

On my third attempt he got to about 10% hp but I was able to box him in with forcefields while everyone else killed the enemy.

>there's an epilogue
well fuck that's going to restrict the sequel if he ever makes one

Not all that much. Only one version of the ending slides is canon, it becomes incredibly obvious when you realize that if you pick the right ending it immediately invalidates some of your previous choices.

I guess I didn't get the canon ending or something? I just don't know what I'm supposed to realize
I was mostly talking about how the epilogue said
>you never found out what the faceless medallion was for
Feel free to spoil me if you have the time or feel like it
>pick the right ending
shrug, didn't know you get to pick your ending unless you mean attack the faceless at the end? don't see why you'd do that

Planet Coaster lived up to the hype. Shame about >Denuvo

You can either follow Six to the North, or end the game becoming a councilor of SGS. If you pick the latter, your relationship with the Protectorate can change a lot, to the point you can almost completely push them out of the South, and begin planning to conquer Core City. However if you follow Six, which is the canon ending, even if you did everything in your power to stop the Protectorate, the South will eventually fall and SGS becomes part of the US.

That part about the medallion is not completely accurate, from what the devs told us it has a purpose, but will probably have to wait until the next game.

Im certain later Metal Slug and SNK games used 3D models converted to pixel art.

Havent played the game yet, but something that makes sense in the context of the game but you'd understand on a first playthrough.
avoid memes

Oh that's what you meant. Yeah those are the endings I got. The endings were almost exactly the same for me regardless of what I picked since I did the Protectorate quest line
Obviously the following the guy would be the canon ending since it opens up to another area of the world
>part about medallion is not completely accruate
Nice that's what I was worried about. Boxing yourself in with the previous games endings. I don't really have a problem with the Protectorate at all, even though they're basically heading down the same path as old biocorp
But history likes to repeat itself so what are you gonna do.

Not even one (you)
well take it anyway you fucks

Thank (You) user

>Have to get quest item in footlocker
>its trapped with a mine nearby
>no grenades or perception
>only solution is to inject as many drugs and tank it
>run up and survive the blast with about 5 hp

if there's a will there's way !

Well, you still can bargain for a more acceptable position. Especially if you showed the Protectorate you do not fuck around, by doing the Gang showdown with SGS instead of them. In that case they will actually treat you as an equal, instead of just some southerner untermensch.

The two endings are really good at driving the point home exactly what Six demands of you to sacrifice. By agreeing to follow him, you give up your chance to influence the politics of the South, and the fate of the station that is your home. Unless you defy destiny, everything you worked for will amount to nothing.

Generations will come and go, but Biocorp is eternal.

I wouldnt worry about it.

>by doing the Gang showdown with SGS instead of them.
The what now? Do you mean with Gorsky and his group? The ending I got by becoming council member didn't seem that bad? More of a mutual agreement to join their thing
>and the fate of the station that is your home
Home is a strong word, we just got there a couple days ago
Also reloaded to see what would happen if I killed all of the faceless and kept their cube
fucking Six the nofun cyborg
I really want to know more about his background

This game has a ton of optional dialogue. I keep pressing talk and new lines just keep coming. Even new ones after you battle them.

>wait a second that "proxima"

What game?

Junkyard. If you assist the Black Eels, they will ask you to get SGS to help them with taking over the Scrapper territories. You can go to SGS, they'll do a council meeting, but unless you pass a Persuasion check, they will not do it. In which case you have to go to the Protectorate and get their help. Whoever helps the Eels gets into a better position, and placing SGS troops into Junkyard makes it harder for the Protectorate to put pressure on SGS.

It's the only home I ever had in the game, alright? ;_;

>fucking Six the nofun cyborg
Ah yes. I tested basically every possible combination for that part. Attacking Six before that encounter, never meeting him before the elevator, trying to hide the Cube or smuggle it out, killing the Faceless when they mindread me or at the gate, bringing two Cubes with me, abusing a bug to leave DC without meeting him at all, you name it. I tried it all. But all you ever get is a punch to the dick if you disobey.He really doesn't want you to get your fun.

Only kof13 and kof12 actually.

It's by the ittle dew devs and I just got the key in this thread.

Yeah I never did that gang war but that's cool.
Can you actually kill Six? I tried at around level 19 in Oculus once but he just whooped me hard.

Fucking hell i already bought 3 games because of this thread today i don't know which to play

Nope, he is immune to every kind of damage in the game. You can't even scratch him. Same goes for Tanner, although at least he was possible to kill before due to an oversight. Got fixed since then, though. Aliens are just way out of your league at this point.

You should do that quest. It's incredibly fun to see Vera and Gorsky getting into a heated argument.

It even has an alternative version if you do that quest later, and Gorsky is no longer there to take part in the meeting.

>mfw Nuclear Throne multiplayer mod
FUCK. This is way more fucking fun. I really cant get enough of this shit.

how the fuck does fishing work in underrail

I'm sitting here watching my rod like a jackass and it hasn't moved in 5 minutes

wish there was split screen tho

Who are you playing it with?

There's the option of random hosting/joining so I played with all of two people in entirety. Made it to the throne with one of em. There's hardly ever games hosted it seems. Im hosting right now.

On my next run for sure. I'll actually invest in persuasion this time so I get more dialogue options. Probably going to do a psi wizard, not sure.

>Aliens are just way out of your league at this point.
Can't say that doesn't bother me. But I guess that's the only way we could expand into a sequel. Regular bandits and rathounds aren't exactly a threat to someone of your caliber, but at the end of the day we're still probably human. Can only go as far as our body and technology allows. Also it's funny you call them that. I know Tchort refers to Six as a High One or something but does that imply he's one of the "Godmen"? Six basically called Azif stupid so there's that. I think at the end of the day I believe Abram's theory. They were just regular humans like us at some point but through extreme technological advances Six/Tanner became as powerful as they did.
The only thing that leaves me confused is the talk you have about Tchort with Six. When you ask him why he doesn't go fight Tchort himself it was something along the lines of Tchort's powers being more effective versus more intelligent/developed creatures. Which implies two things, you're most likely a regular human and Six/Tanner are evolved beings.
I wonder how the sequel would work gameplay wise since you're so strong now though. Either they'd have to take your equipment away which would be understandable in a few circumstances. Or they have to wipe a lot of your character's powers which would be bullshit and I doubt Styg would do something like that. Then there's brushing off older/regular enemies the same way you would right now walking around with a big shield emitter and high stats while the newer enemies are a lot tougher but your character can advance much further than Humanely possible with the help of Six.

Not every tile has fish. If nothing bites after at most a minute, pack up and find another tile.

I don't want to tell you how long it took me to realize this, but it was not pretty. I even asked on /v/, but back then no one really knew for sure.

Yup, hardly anyone is ever online. Rip. If only I was months earlier.

Since you finished the game, I think you should give this thread a read. It will get you more or less up to date on where are theories stand right now:

well so far every fucking tile I try isn't doing anything, am I supposed to buy a shitload of rods and mount them all along the river together?

Where are you trying? There are some lakes that simply don't have fish whatsoever.

the one area outside the building where newton is found

This guy, or should I say fine gentleman.

>reading through this
>go back to Oculus to check the terminal for myself
Well now the Anton/Ezra comparison is pretty obvious

I remember going through that map once, and only 3 tiles produced any fish for me. I think it's random, but I'm not sure about the exact mechanics. The only thing I know for sure is that a tile that doesn't work now, isn't going to work no matter how many times you try or how long you wait.

Try this place, it almost always works for me.

See? The information was always there, you just had to find it and realize its significance. Man, I love this game so much.

Yeah but you gotta understand, this is the first good game I've played in a long time. I didn't come into it expecting anything special. Most game have lots of useless filler and very obvious in your face story. It's been years since I've actually had to read through a lot of text to make connections. It's really well done in this game.
Yesterday when I was confused and had trouble to connecting him to someone specifically the only thing I could remember was the talk in the depot a with the immortal guy about the biocorp scientists appearance and that Ezra knew a lot about psimorphs
Don't think I bothered reading through everything on oculus terminal at the time, which was the concrete link I was missing


>it's the user impressed by windows from the /v/ thread
How are you liking the game my dude? Also I recommend OBS if you're going to be making webms/recordings. It's free and gud

You got the wrong guy, I finished the game back at release. I downloaded the first shitty video recording software I could find to show user how fishing should look like.

Any good /indie/-tier FPS?

Demon Dagger
Lovely Planet

why is that girl flashing that man

why does she have a white string on her head

Thanks. Already tried the second two. I'm not very interested in roguelikes, but I'll keep an eye on Ziggurat.

It's Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei fanart.

Oh, I understand you perfectly. I wasn't expecting this game to have any good writing or lore either, I came in thinking I'm playing a dungeon crawler. I remember someone mentioning players on a forum praising the writing, and I thought they were insane, as at that time I was still very early in the game, and tutorial SGS combined with the cave system open to you at that point is anything but exciting. And I fully expected the amount of writing to only decrease as the game goes on, like it usually is the case with RPGs. My opinion of the writing went through like five stages as I got further into the game, and I think it made it an even more memorable experience.

So welcome to the club.

OBS does webms? I thought it was only for recording and streaming?

>tfw want to post a picture of the final boss fight but unsuspecting newbies might click it regardless of it being spoilered and me mentioning it's a spoiler
I just want to share my memes

Well not directly but you just record regularly and use a convertor like webm for retards
They come out good quality if you know what settings to tinker around with in obs settings (easy google)

>search for solution to obscure problem
>somehow stumble on this video
>brain hurts so much I forget what I was searching for


Now I know why CRPGs died. Your average Joe is literally too retarded to get past the first enemy.

chilling out in the man cave

Huh, the timelink didn't work. Skip to 5 minutes to be amazed.

that's pretty lewd

what's your obscure problem?

I can't remember. The shitter from the video blew my mind so hard I forgot everything I was doing.

>calling a video game character that you directly control an idiot
really got me thinking

I used it a few times but the quality is just ass compared to the windowskey+g thingy from the xboxapp.

>why can't I shoot

Are all Americans this stupid?

I've not played UR, but how did he fuck that up?

The combat system looks like classic fall-
>this is why we never play fallout
Guess that explains it.


Welcome to Facebook gaming. Fuck tutorials, let's shoot some shit.

Because you didn't adjust the settings
>windowskey+g thingy
What? Is that a windows 10 thing? No wonder you can't figure out the settings for a simple program.

Actually going by his uploads, he plays a ton of fallout3/4
casual nugamers everyone

I adjusted it several times but it always gives crap results.

>not using shadowplay

Then you adjusted them wrong

Actually I used to use shadowplay but it's bloatware garbage now with an unintuitive interface that requires you to install so much bloat

See, now this is why Underrail is fucking amazing. It's the design philosophy. While the average game tries to sell itself to dumb reviewers who play the first few hours and then drop the game, Underrail just doesn't give a fuck. It tells a good story the way it should be done.

/v/ also has some funny theories that aren't in that thread. Hail Moloch!

And it's extra funny how even that thread was started by someone who hated the writing because he didn't get it.

Needless to say, I'm hyped for the expansion.
>Your voyage through vastness of the Black Sea will shed new light on the history of the world of Underrail and the forces that shaped it.

Just how many things can you possibly do wrong in such a short amount of time?

Jesus, how do these people even function in real life?