>Social Club still won't process Snapmatic Selfies. >This issue exists since forever. >There are thousands of threads on their forums. >Not a single response from Rockstar, no way to resolve it yourself. >Rockstar still advertises this feature at Social Club's front page. >Taking the link there, selecting your selfie and accepting does nothing. >Get told to wait a few minutes for the changes to apply. >Months later my avatar is still the same. >I tried from different IP ranges, different operating systems, browsers, hardware configurations and devices. >Didn't change one time. I can still change it to whatever fucking Rockstar pre-made avatar I want, not Snapmatic tho.
Jordan Thomas
Hunter Nelson
How does one aquire friends in GTA Online?
By friends I mean people who:
1. Use Voice Chat 2. Are in the United States 3. Don't talk with an accent 4. Are white 5. Are not little kids 6. And people who's idea of fun is not playing the game like an npc programmed to kill
anything that moves
Or should I just buy a console since the PC version is full of modders, foreigners, and
kids who can't use a mic properly?
Ethan Torres
>it's a "the SecuroServ menu bugs out ten times while you're trying to hire Associates" episode
Adrian Moore
>tfw you use bikes all the time
Ayden Rivera
Friendly reminder that Jetfriends are important in keeping your safespace sessions safe.
Ayden Mitchell
I think GTA isn't a game for you, try irl friends, you will meet thousands of shitters for every single good person
>"I like tinted windows" >"LOL XD you're supposed to roll them down whenever you actually want to drive your car" Wouldn't it be easier to just NOT have shitty tinted windows in the first place? Nah, logic thinking is something you're clearly missing.
>being so triggered about tints he has to make a thread ahead of time for it
There's no need to be upset.
Cooper Collins
>Vaccafag doesn't use tinted windows based
Nolan Foster
I prefer to actually have some peripheral vision.
That plus it looks like dogshit on literally every car.
Owen Price
Jets are the best weapons in the game. If you don't agree, post your SC so I can dunk all over your Insurgent/Tank/Homolauncher, you pathetic ant.
Nolan Cruz
t. passive toggling ill show them when I get my cancerbird shitter
Brandon Martin
get a controller faggot and make some new vacca pics and webms which arent on that faggot parking lot
Henry Jones
t. BloterWancan
Cameron Lopez
Dildo returns as a weapon when? With it's own quickplay action for __men only of course
Connor Clark
>controller But user, I'm hetero.
Charles Foster
Eli Russell
Reaper kinda looks like iron man
Zachary Jackson
wrong wheels
Dylan Collins
Please go to console, we do not want you.
Sebastian Thompson
so there's no black friday vehicle thing?
Blake Jackson
>hiring associates >having people watch your back >grinding money and occasionaly having fun together
I wish I knew this feel...
Owen Collins
I love helping people grind crates and do VIP stuff. What's your SC so I can keep my eye out?
Landon Morris
>faggots like this are probably the reason why businesses are so difficult without friends
Easton Robinson
I don't actually want to know that feel, who do you think I am? A faggot?
Gabriel Mitchell
>buy first crate ever >it's a 'destroy the chopper flying away episode' >forget to buy homing missiles for new character >use marksman rifle to take out the chopper >it doesnt go down >shit shit shit >order buzzard for $25,000 because new character >marksman actually worked but chopper went down a couple of miles away.
most expensive $1,000 crate I've ever done so far.
John Collins
Who are you quoting?
Levi Anderson
you could've just bought homing launcher ammo in the interraction menu senpai
Kayden Morgan
I'm aware of that, but I had to buy the weapon itself first. :(
Dominic Smith
He probably forgot to buy the launcher altogether.
Jeremiah Garcia
So how do the general stats of bikes work? I'm assuming like, touring bikes go the slowest and have the worst cornering, then cruisers, then standards then sports, yeah?
Chase Gomez
I hate that one. Even witht the welfare launcher it can be a whore.
Ryan Taylor
see Broughy after class
Ian Green
Owen Cook
>mfw the helicopters all fly northeast over the dam at mach 2
I swear those fuckers rubberband.
Elijah Phillips
Wyatt Wood
Youtuber Broughy1322. He has done extensive testing and vehicle fact-finding.
He has a playlist Best Fully Upgraded Cars in GTA Online that has the times for all vehicles around the same racing circuit. He also has a separate playlist of videos that compares top speeds of vehicles if that's what you're interested in. He has also compiled this information, as well as the actual game code that goes into determining vehicle handling, into an Excel spreadsheet located here docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nQND3ikiLzS3Ij9kuV-rVkRtoYetb79c52JWyafb4m4/edit#gid=753713977
At this time, not all of the bikes released in the most recent DLC have been tested. The DLC changed how some vehicles handle, so he is doing re-testing and updated videos for all the classes to be released in the near future.
Colton Stewart
Hudson Fisher
So his stuff is useless then?
Xavier Morris
>Black Friday >only 25%
Oliver Gonzalez
I wouldn't wait in line at 5AM and elbow an old woman in the face for 25% off. 30%, maybe.
Hunter Long
>discount on a bunch of useless shit that no one would ever want >It's been own for so long that even if they did want it, they've already fucking bought it
I was told there would be discounts on all vehicles in game.
Hunter Phillips
There was never actually any confirmation on that, though. It was just "hey, save your money, there might be a Black Friday sale since they've done them in the past." I'm negligibly grumpy over it, but it's not that big of a deal since I'm no worse off in the end.
Brandon Walker
Good morning /gtag/
the peyote looks fly as hell, but it drive like shit!
Eli Adams
None a single car you can grab on free mode and keep is worth a damn by now.
You should know better.
Anthony Bennett
Well that's not really true, a lot of good cars can be found in freemode.
Cooper Green
Name 1 (ONE) that you can take to LS Customs and put an insurance on it woth a damn.
Jaxson Perry
Dominator's the second best in it's class, Sabre Turbo can be found as well and customized to be the best muscle car too.
Justin Hernandez
Ayden Watson
Felon Jackal Vanilla Sultan Ruffian Bison
Jonathan King
Elijah Green
Rumpo and speedo
Adam Campbell
Eli Mitchell
>Unironically picking muscle cars in a game that made them shittier than compacts
Why do this to yourselves?
>Sultan Any non dlc sport car outperforms the Sultan and are barely over 100k and you could get the Elegy for free (not sure you can now)
Carson Lee
>being a performancefag nys
Mason Stewart
He's not even a good performancefag. Track times arent that useful for free mode, where it is more about going straight and off-road. Dominator has a mush higher topspeed than elegy
Mason Richardson
>"name one insurable car that doesn't suck" >gets a number of valid answers >"those don't count!!"
Michael Price
It's not that they don't count, they straight suck. GTAV has ruined the muscle class for no reason. Even IV managed to make them drivable, and the driving in V is dumbed down, it makes no sense.
Wyatt Perez
So you're wrong then.
Hunter Hall
You keep going back to the muscles and m-muh track times. The initial question was for insurable cars that are worth a damn, not insurable cars that are epic fast and OMG THE BEST. Plenty of street cars have their niches and redeeming qualities.
For example, the Bison is worth a damn because it's one of a select few vehicles in the game that can seat six and not four. However, with your negative-nancy outlook on things, I can see how that wouldn't be of much use to you.
William Sullivan
Isaiah Gomez
Benjamin Hall
you still didn't address rumpo, speedo, and based duneloader
William Johnson
I'm a little confused with just how he words things. It comes off with him not really caring about anything if it's not in the top batch in speeds.
Mostly I'm wondering about handling, specifically on the Esskey. I know that off the line it'll beat my Nightblade for about two miles, before the Nightblade's higher top speed will finally win out, but since the Esskey is a shorter bike, is it more nimble? What is its turning radius, can I take turns at higher speeds? He spends the time talking about the fucking light mod when that could take two lines to mention.
Kayden Cook
David Morris
>I'm hetero >hetero What are you GAY?
Benjamin Bell
I'm not gay and I have never been gay.
Leo Gonzalez
Alexander Richardson
virgo, felon gt, karin sultan, bati, ruffian
Jason Sanders
>npcs with chrome cars
Lincoln Williams
someone decided to finally play story-mode. there are alot of cars that can be found chromed
Ryan Cooper
Felt like I was playing online for a few sec.
Evan Murphy
can you stop false flagging jetshitters?
Kayden Butler
you're going to remove Jimmy's mods? no taste, dude...
Angel Jenkins
I fucking love driving around Michael's tailgater.
Why is it best car bros?
Evan Watson
stop playing single player and join the cool kids.
Parker Sullivan
but I play them both and I enjoy driving Michael's tailgater more than my online tailgater for some reason. It's just comfy driving around in SP with the ultimate sleeper
Wyatt Rodriguez
Best sounding cars?
I love the screams of Tyrus and Carbonizzare as well as the purring of Banshee when you let the RPMs slow down. Are there any other cars with similiar sounds of these?
Lucas Brooks
>mfw I sold my carbonizzare
Juan Harris
I love the muscle car farty sounding engine.
Joseph Powell
help guys where do i get sex mod for gta 5 on playstation 3 please help i dont want my mom to see it yes i live with my mom no i am not underage thanks
Brayden Wright
Hey it's LJT here.
Oliver Perez
Is biker update literally the worst update in GTA:O history? You get a phone call no matter what do you purchase or not purchase, a phone call that you can't hang up until you pick it up as well.
Chase Perry
Well I wouldn't say it was a bad update. The money rewards were great thanks to the bonuses. I was 2m when I invested in all 5 businesses.
The bike anywhere anytime and return vehicle to storage is nice too.
Caleb Thompson
stupid catposter caring about such inane things as window tints, lights and car sounds
Adam Moore
The "return vehicle to storage" is literally the only good thing about Motorcycle MC Clubs.
Who gives a shit about money? Not like you can't just hack more without any repercussions, besides crates pay better anyway.
Oh no, he's discussing a game instead of people that play the game! What a stupid image poster on an image board.
Grayson Hernandez
Stupid catposter Actually caring about engine sounds and not just GOTTAGOFAST
Julian Sanders
I've made so much more money with lesser efforts with mc business compared to ceo crates.
Michael Butler
not everyone has the support base to run 5 businesses, that's 5 complicated biker sells every day that each require 3-6 teammates, and associates only make decent money on weed and cocaine. >"you successfully sold your shit business product, here's your well earned pay!" >hooray, that only took 15 minutes of driving a boxville from Paleto Bay to the port of LS. > $5500 dollars have been deposited into your account.
meanwhile >"you've successful sold weed!" >took 5 minutes to drive 4 bikes >"40k has been deposited into your account!"
literally wut rockstar?
Nathan Morgan
This, what a stupid catposter, using anything but the best in class at all times.
Reminder you have to put on all the most expensive mods for your car to go faster. Reminder to use best in class vehicles for everything, not only races. You want to be comfy? Why not do laps around Cutting Corners but with traffic and shitters and without checkpoints instead!
t. not falseflagging catposter
Adrian Jones
Stupid catposter always forcing their unwanted opinions down other people's throats with the presumption that their opinion is the only correct opinion
Lucas Bennett
Are you quadruple bamboozling me or just triple bamboozling at this point?
Matthew Lewis
Vacca poster vs Cat poster 1 v 1 dm when?
Liam Cook
Stupid catposter Just spouting memes all the time, with no substance behind it
Jose Wright
Sebastian Reyes
Stupid catposter having a heart attack and just posting a reaction image to act smug
Kayden Peterson
Well buddy, you got me there. I thought that you might realise what a stupid statement you made: >spouting memes [...], with no substance behind it But I guess not. The "substance" initially was someone getting butthurt over the fact I and others enjoy driving different cars, not just the best in class.