>he doesn't do his own tests to calculate this kind of shit
>he trusts a fat Philippine streamer blindly
One Piece Games General - /opgg/
>Luffy has the dream of becoming Pirate King, the most powerful pirate in the world
>This is constantly said over and over in the series
>0 Ambition Luffys
Luffy is not an ambitious person, even if that is his dream
he'd rather be the most free person in the world, and as he says, that's the Pirate King
fits more as a free spirit desu
How can anyone say this with a straight face?
>Luffy wants to become Pirate King
>because the Pirate King is the freest person in the world
Try again, Spee D. Reader
Then why not have a Luffy be Ambition/Free Spirit
well I suppose that's an option, but still Luffy is not an ambitious person, he doesn't give a fuck about having some sort of army or controlling the sea or becoming a yonkou or w/e
Point out anywhere in the manga post timeskip where Zoro lost a fight or even struggled against an opponent. I'll wait.
Zoro's only hard fight post timeskip was against Pica and only because he kept running away and hiding in a skyscrapper piece of stone
he got one shot when Zoro found him
how did u get these?