Fighting Games General /fgg/

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1st for animal ears

She so hawt

Lord Raptor for MvC4 or whatever vs. game they decide to announce

Daily reminder that sfv is shit.


Reposting because I'm really proud of myself
Season 2 changes

SYSTEM WIDE - Damage lowered overall, juggle limit risen, certain normals can now juggle the opponent, Hitboxes tweaked to better match animations. Hitstop lowered. Characters overall move faster. Certain air to airs and anti airs now cause juggle state
Ryu: damage lowered additionally, can now charge his hadoken and dash cancel ala SFxT. Ryu can now use Joudan Sokutogeri to set up zoning or EX to extend combos, V-Skill recovery lowered
Chun-Li: EX air lightning legs causes wallbounce. CA only goes into animation if opponent will get KO'd, otherwise, she can combo after.
Ken: Overhead kick now causes ground bounce state on counter hit. Can extend combos with V-skill run in more situations.
Necalli: HK crush counter now causes crumple
Laura: System changes allows for better comboability.
R. Mika: Can jump cancel forward HP.
Karin: GurenKen becomes part of her regular moveset, counter moves return. Loses tenko and command dash. New V-Trigger
Ibuki: Gets her old moves back in addition to her new moves
Juri: Gets her old moves back in addition to her new moves
Alex: Gets headbutt command normal back, Headbutt special now ends with spiral DDT, nothing changes besides animation. CC HK now causes wallbounce
Birdie: V-skill is now faster, Hanging chain is now faster
Zangief: Green hand. V-Skill functions more like a parry
Rashid: Can now perform divekick from neutral jump. Divekick hits mid. Can link LK after successful overhead
Cammy: Can now perform divekick from neutral jump. Divekick hits mid. Gets overhead back.
M. Bison: Can now store the projectile captured with V-Skill, can let go with forward + V-skill. Gets CvS2 command normals
Balrog: Screw Upper becomes better reversal with invincibility

Killer Instinct is fun

This dark age is depressing

Have to play other games even thoguh I want to play fighting games (capcom)

Who homohomu here?

Go away, Combofiend. You had all these months to fix your garbage or at least THINK of something. We will not do your homework.

Guile: Can combo into air throw. less recovery on Sonic Booms. Can link to cr. MP's
Vega: Scarlet Terror comes back as a charge move. Can be Crush Countered
Nash: Can now perform V-Skill whilst airborne. Can combo into airthrow.
F.A.N.G: Can now glide like Ibuki (using his CA animation). Poison damage increased, poison damage stacks. Coward Crouch command normal now hits mid
Dhalsim: LP Yoga fire is horizontal.
Urien: damage increased
There, I just fixed your game capcucks

Not this shit again.


>tfw playing too much eyedol made me worse with everyone I used to play

Lobby where?
>captcha has KEITH in it
I'm spooked.

why did you not fix any of laura's problems?

daily reminder to play usfiv

just bought Guilty gear on PSn.
what are some easy to play characters?
wich ones should i avoid?

reminder that you're still stage 1 after +10 months

seek help.

It's not my game to play but I would watch it again.

I don't know much about her. I just know that she needs more.

How would you fix her?

Sol, Ky, Sin, Leo

someone give me some Es bnbs

user, it's just street fighter. It's simple to fix for someone like me.
I think your tiny brain is over complicating it

Is the bottom one SFV Ken? With the hurtbox longer than the hitbox? lmaoooo

Don't spook me ghost girl!


When are we voting on this season's roster?

Get rid of crush counter and nerf vtrigger across the board

See me in cummyblasterz in two weeks.

>conveniently forgets the mountain of bureaucracy and the deaf ears of capcom execs.

bureaucracy won't stop the game from getting updated every year

Fucking disgusting desu

Nice way to start shitposting, goober..

Yes, but it's so zoomed out it makes his look much smaller (it still is, but not in a such blatant way).


I'm talking about how the notation should be, not what "these people use".
You could use an universal notation that explains the inputs required to execute moves or you could hide the execution behind made up abbreviations because your system is shit.

Rashid doesn't need a divekick that hits mid, he literally just needs damage scaling adjustments.

He's a frametrap heavy character, he's got all his tools already

Every divekick should hit mid.
No exceptions

Uh it has nothing to do with zoom

Just look at the numbers you retard

Capcom literally inverted the hitbox/hurtbox numbers for Ken in SFV. That is a huge nerf to his

So it this character from the same series as that one statue I saw a few years ago of a Japanese swordsman as a brown-skinned woman with huge breasts and what looked like moth antennae, or was that a different thing?

fireball hitbox matches animation

fireball doesn't go away on hit

take away or reduce how far her hurtbox moves forward on cause that shit is absurd and makes neutral jumps cross up

actual frame advantage after overhead cause that shit is 22+ frames and -7

either give her more frame advantage or let her be closer after command grab cause its actually irrelevant compared to her normal grab

Nice dodge anonymous... nice dodge...

We take the second variant because that is how we roll in america.
>still not using metric in 2016



Just make the st.HK +2 on block and make the st.HP cancelable earlier for Fang and he's fine.
He doesn't need glide gimmicks.

>st.HK +2 on block

Ded link

>Instead of making SFV better they just make a new abortion

My sister's dog damn near always has that face and I hate it.

dats a different brown gurl

I won't let myself get excited by this
I won't

Yeah, it's retarded that half of the cast couldn't just mash jab against his pressure

I'm sorry for marvel fans but I hope it doesn't. Still, after all Ono has said I really believe there is a chance that was Shin Akuma and it will be a MvC4 announcement.

>a few gaffers and I
where are these forum browsers hanging around with company executives anyway?

so at worst you trade and they eat grey damage, how is that bad

Marvel's team has nothing to do with street fighter, you dumb fucking cunt.

Kill yourself

The Sony releases better see that extra content

reminder that like a week ago we've had an official guy sat that no MVC4 is in the making

What was there

thats fucking dumb. I say that poison should mean more. make vtrigger do more damage so people can't just sit there blocking which also makes his tick throws better

nigga just use instead or coward crouch kicks or jab

That's exactly what I would say if I were making MvC4.

you also told me my anti air lost because it's not an anti air button when the real reason was that ciel's dive meme has an absurd hitbox. you're not to be trusted

Ono literally (literally) said the same thing about SFV. Then a few months later SFV was announced.

kys nignog

the water cooler

It lost for both reasons. It's not an anti air precisely because I can do stuff like the divekek.

Raven is so fun.

Goober gear is actually really good.

I think quarter circle command grabs are lame and I don't know why?

Too easy?

who sat that?

get assimilated

How execution heavy is Marvel

How do you tell all these anime characters apart?

anyone want to play SF5 NA? im not even good but i want to play a long set

They don't. Their brains are fried from all that anime shit so they don't even care if arr rook same.

the hard stuff is really hard
everything else is doable

What have you been doing these past few months, cometsu?

Playing Assfaggots.

playin other stuff. i barely play fighting games

You could be happy and I won't know
But you weren't happy the day I watched you go

And all the things that I wished I had not said
Are played in loops till it's madness in my head

Is it too late to remind you how we were?
But not our last days of silence, screaming, blur

Most of what I remember makes me sure
I should have stopped you from walking out the door

Arcade Shock got sticks like a mother fucker right now. They've been doing Girl RAPs with replaced Sanwa parts for dirt cheap, talkin bout $135 a stick. If you need an arcade stick you should be on the lookout because it's not gonna get better than that this gen.

I need you Yukiko

then get the fuck out of my fighting game thread, you stupid fucking faggot.

>Girl RAPs
Hori you fucking piece of shit phone.

i will give sin, leo and sol a shot.
gonna do all the trials and see who i like best.
thanks /fgg/



wizard just tweeted this after that Neogaf thread

Learn your phone better before yelling at it.


Holy shit...

Mahvel is BACK

oh shit maybe its true after all

no pc version no buy tho

Apparently it's related to a MvC4 announcement at PSX this December 1st.

oh nice

didnt they just say there was no marvel 4

Ah I also went through an ASSFAGGOTS phase. Been thinking about getting back into LoL if SFV season 2 changes don't excite me

based on what

whats the neogaf thing

>tfw momochi got fired

It literally autocorrects Hori half the time and doesn't the other half. It's random.
