Veeky Forums survey - August 2016

If you fill uncomfortable with the question (like political compass one, just do not answer it), I will only delete completely empty responses.
Results will be published on 1st of September.

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping, answered





tfw: I dont have a philosophical system

I contributed btw

Explain the pic

Diocletian loved his cabbages!!!!!

At Carnuntum people begged Diocletian to return to the throne, to resolve the conflicts that had arisen through Constantine's rise to power and Maxentius' usurpation.[200] Diocletian's reply: "If you could show the cabbage that I planted with my own hands to your emperor, he definitely wouldn't dare suggest that I replace the peace and happiness of this place with the storms of a never-satisfied greed."[201]

The people wanted him to be emperor again and bring stability back but he refused because he was nice and happy at his palace growing cabbages. I'm pretty sure he meant the part about the cabbages as a joke but still. Its funny af

He's also one of the only emperors to officially resign from being emperor.

Gilles it m8


Bump, done

Um ur welcome already

The political compass question is somewhat lacking. Though i do think that should be included, you should also have a kind of open-ended; "What is you political affiliation" question.

Oops sorry about the name, that's from another thread.

I'll add other option in the next edition and add probably other nice questions.

I helped

Glad to help.

>im naive
>i actually believe in anarcho shit and wrote an essay about it and how its right and im totally not naive and im right and shit

>Implying I believe in anything in that .jpg and didn't save it for shitposting

Fuck, I love this picture.

The coziness of Fall and Winter is coming, lads. I'm excited.

Done, I look forward to seeing the results.

>not including apolitical

>tfw home isn't cozy, neither in summer nor winter