>one female
are you lying? females don't play YGO.
>one female
are you lying? females don't play YGO.
Numeron Network is stupidly powerful.
It doesn't help that in the anime you can apparently activate it and use its effects without needing to declare them.
>tfw lost to a girl once in a tournament
I was sure shes a lesbian because not only is she ugly but also plays pure Majespecter
You just got to keep an eye out
What will Cosmic Blazar Dragon do?
>- Perform death-defying Dueling feats and get rewarded with extra draws every time you do with a card that brings the excitement of Yuya’s “Dueltainer” style of Dueling from Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V.
Are they gonna release an Action Field?
That's just anime rules for extra drama, not a special effect of the card.
hand trap deck
Youtube link you spastic nip lover