First for reminder that the following are rightful Asur clay, and therefore rightful Asrai clay so from now on please refer to them with their correct names. Athel Toralien - Dietershafen Sith Rionnasc - Marienburg Kor Vanaeth - Altdorf Athel Maraya - Talabheim Athel Numiel - Kislev Tor Alessi - L'Anguille Thank you
Evan Watson
>no Medieval 1 on the OP
Anthony Morgan
Total warhammer is a good game.
Aiden Morris
yes they did, they destroyed his physical body, but Morghur keeps being resurrected by the Chaos Gods out of thin air.
Morghur on the other hand, never managed to kill either of them.
Cooper Williams
Anthony Campbell
IGdood never 5get
Joseph Russell
Is Drachenfels canon, /twg/?
Luis Watson
So once the 8th comes (and the stupidly long download process for this game finishes), what campaign are you going to do first?
I was thinking of getting the Mini-campaign over with as Orion and then moving onto a grand campaign with Durthu personally.
Then after that do a Beastmen one with Morghur just to get the achievement for finishing a Grand Campaign as the Beastmen (since when they first came out that achievement was bugged for some fucking reason).
Carter Russell
it predates the re-release so nobody on /twg/ really posted about it at the time also gook was a normalfag and a casual
Daniel Bennett
>only 3 armies >only making 3K a turn >enemy navies keep raiding my trade with single ships >allies barely doing anything >have to raise taxes just to make positive income >have to sit in towns forever to deal with unhappiness before i can move on >no money for building anything >only a few turns left till time limit
Think I messed this one up lads
Sebastian Johnson
Elijah Ortiz
>Morghur on the other hand, never managed to kill either of them
To be fair though, he did end up causing them a shit ton of grief and suffering, with Ariel even going full on batshit resulting in the death of one of the most sane Treemen Ancients. He's half the reason why Durthu stopped caring for the elves as much, just indirectly.
He himself isn't much of a threat, but the corruption and the desperate actions they make in response to him is what makes him so dangerous.
>Adds knife-ears to kill >Adds more tools with which to fuck over knife-ears.
Yes, it's pretty good.
Brayden Foster
say that to my face pussy
Joshua Hernandez
What's the best cavalry faction in Attila who AREN'T some kind of weird mongol horse archer shits? I want to Rohan.
Asher Jenkins
>Tomb Kangz invade Nippon
Mason Martin
It's almost always like that before you start the steamroller though.
Matthew Morgan
IF OUR LORD IS T'BECOME KING How hard is it to get into PFM? I'd like to try modding sometime
Charles Lopez
Go away Slaanesh. I don't want to speak to your face pussy.
Juan Hill
maybe when you stop hiding behind all those cannons cakeboy
Carter Ward
sure he causes problems, but he's also the best the Beastmen got, and causing inconveniences to Wood Elves isn't really that much to boast of.
when push comes to shove, Morghur is just another prey of the Wild Hunt.
Jaxson Campbell
Just finished my Maratha campaign on the Empire and by Tengri it was easy. Just kick the door and the Mughal Empire comes crushing down. Finish Mysore, establish trade and expand into maritime trading areas. Then go to Americas, send your armies to Persia and conquer the Ottomans. After that you can steamroll Europe. Indian units are worse than Europeans but it doesn't matter when there's 3 Indian armies against 1 European. >all of Europe will poo on the loo now
John Green
>mfw welfs soon.
Carson Adams
Not until you take that mask off and we see the real """"man"""" underneath
Ryan Hernandez
>mfw Norscan Genocide soon
Isaiah Cox
you're not even man enough to face me in real combat
Jace Diaz
>saxons >knowing anything about REAL combat
Robert Gutierrez
>Gobbo archers
Ethan Robinson
>t. prussian pro memer
Isaac Murphy
you faggots just can't handle the coming anschluss
Robert Martin
Bold words about a civilization whose only accomplishment is.... oh yeah, that's right.
Luis Garcia
This is legit the only reason i'l touch wood elves.
Rushing with Durthu and genociding Norsca best day of my life
Brandon Flores
germanic cavalry
Cheap, fast, good enough hammer to route most infantry lines from behind, and in multiplayer it's the most cost-efficient cavalry unit with upgrades that are actually worth getting. The noble germanic cav is slow as shit and not worth the almost double upkeep. You'll need some for the Huns though, as germanic cav will get absolutely raped by nokkors and shit
Hunter Ross
it wouldn't even take a lot of effort to fix them.
>dryads don't make FEMININE angry tree-screeches tREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Jonathan Howard
Michael Cox
saxon high tier units are some of the best looking units in attila
Asher Russell
sure thing homo
Nicholas James
>that mask off it would be extremely painful
Robert Powell
easy enough, you should give it a try
Ryan Jenkins
4 U
Samuel Thomas
I really do hope the Old World Edition introduces some changes to the vanilla races. It really does seem to be a case of them playing it safe in hindsight; with them thinking going to far will make the game unbalanced. But it's pretty fucking clear now that the playerbase doesn't really care much about balanced stuff, as long as the shit is unique and fits the flavor of the lore.
They keep mentioning how they are too busy to revisit the Old Stuff since they are already focusing on making more new content (with the main team making the second Warhammer game, and another for the DLC), but I don't think it will be too much to divert a few people to see if they can spice up the vanilla content a bit.
And considering they've included literally whos like Ghorst and the Bordeaux guy, I'm sure they can do other shit. Like say give Kemmler another quest battle to get his flying cape, or other little additions.
Also I hope they update the voice lines too, it was pretty disappointing to not have any interesting responses playing as the Beastmen at the diplomacy screen. You'd think that such a minor thing wouldn't have been overlooked what with how much attention to detail could be found in other parts of the game.
Matthew Myers
Reminder that Orion and Ariel (the avatar of the godess of PURITY) are the best the Woodies got, and they can't even deal with a stray goat
Dylan Nelson
I want to be dominated by a best elf!
Cooper Clark
Just beat Chaos legendary campaign, i do not want to play Chaos ever again.
Holy fuck that was a painful campaign, just running back and forward chasing armies as they settle in destroyed settlements over and over again.
The empire confederated 3 times whilst they were on deaths door, luckily marienberg took out Bretonnia.
Landon Rivera
What's the best song from the total warhammer ost?
Hello /twg/ quick question, Looking to pick up TW: Attila since its on sale for cheap, I've heard really good things. Am I making a good decision and is any of the DLC worth the price?
Nolan Garcia
It's alright
Sand niggers and Charles magnet are the best DLCs
Thomas Stewart
Age of Charlemagne is the only good DLC.
James Long
Only things worthwhile are Empire of the Sands and Charlemagne, pretty much everything else is shitty.
Parker Scott
Thanks lads.
Justin Ward
Joshua Smith
We'll always be friends, won't we, Gobbla?
Hudson Thomas
what is it about Saxons suiting that orange/beige colour so well? Also dunno where they got the stag motif from, there's not much evidence but mostly it appears the royal arms bore a sea serpent for Wessex.
Jason Wilson
What were they thinking he has absolute trash units, at least he is something unique on a green skin roster since he can fly.
But fucking gobbos as a starting unit, and shitty gobbo spider riders.
What were they thinking.
Austin Sullivan
What units would fit Azhag best?
Jordan Lopez
>kill tens of thousands of them every Spring
Beastmen are LITERALLY kept around for entertainment.
And "The Best they got" isn't quite accurate, Orion is probably the most capable combatant in the World, with being a Demi God and all, but most Wood Elf business is done on a voluntary basis, the vast majority of Asrai just doesn't care if some stray goat got lost in Athel Loren.
And if you don't count the End Times Skubfest, neither should anyone have a reason to be worried for Athel Loren.
Liam Parker
did warhammer ost get pulled from youtube? I cant find proper lenght chaos ambient tracks, they were the best ones
Chase Morris
>Orion is probably the most capable combatant in the World
Jace Richardson
Story about him protecting Karl Franz has Orion getting fucked up fierce by minotaurs. he survives, but clearly he's not that good since he was worried about getting shrekt by them.
Oliver Bennett
a lore noob here, isn't Nagash supposed to be the stronkest character?
Matthew Morgan
>the vast majority of Asrai just doesn't care if some stray goat got lost in Athel Loren.
The forest is literally being slowly consumed by the slowly spreading corruption created when said rapegoat died.
How lazy are these fuckers?
Nathaniel Hill
Lincoln Fisher
Why do the branchwraiths sound retarded ffs
Jaxon Lewis
Wouldn't be elfy enough if it didn't sound retarded.
Owen Richardson
They've been too long around the elves I wager.
Charles Turner
they sound masculine which is weird
Landon Bailey
This tbqh
Julian Green
But who can I witness true power from then?
Julian Lewis
Me tbqh
Andrew Ward
I need Ogre kingdoms and I need them now. >can't eat the Orcs after a fight
Owen Sanchez
>the vamp regiments of renown are literally the same units with a simple blue tint seriously considering a refund, the empire units are nothing special either
at least the crooked moon is a reasonbly fun start
Daniel Collins
>tfw we'll never get Radious Ogre units >No Armored great weapon Ogre maneater slayer with 2h artillery (Skinny...For an ogre)
Caleb Smith
Archaon is canonically the strongest since he gets the blessing of all the gods and shit. Though Nagash can match him, especially once he went and eat a death god during the End Times.
In terms of combatants Orion is pretty up there being an avatar of a God and all. But other characters like Settra could probably give him a run for his money.
But power levels in general with Warhammer has always been a mostly pointless conversation. Since each armybook will play up their forces as being the best things ever. Hence why the Chaos Knights, Grail Knights, and Blood Knights all say they are the greatest in the whole world.
We've known from pretty much the start that the Regiments of Renown would just be simple reskins visually though? They are just supposed to be slightly different flavors of existing units after-all. Not to mention people buy that pack for the new units and LLs rather than the RoR.
James Sanders
Apparently you were right, my income started going up dramatically. Guess I'm making it after all.
Michael Watson
The fact that Settra 1v1'd a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth like it was no big deal probably puts him in top 5 for human sized warriors alongside guys like Abhorash.
Jaxson Green
whats the point of free companies?
Jason Peterson
torch the grobi
Brody Moore
literally how
Nathaniel Cooper
yeah, an Army, or at least large horde of Minotaurs. All the while having to protect a stationary point.
That's quite the accomplishment.
Caleb Ortiz
>tfw starting 100 years war 450 years early Fuck France.
Adam Ross
>a Dragon Ogre Shaggoth that was Kholek...
Joshua Taylor
I don't know if this is a recent bug or something I just never noticed before, but is the unit masses messed up at the moment?
I was just playing a battle between Chaos and Greenskins, and my Chosen were getting tossed around when they charged into a unit of fucking goblin spearmen. Which I'm pretty sure didn't happen before.
Aaron Gomez
>Chaos Knights >greatest in the whole world
Adrian Rodriguez
There's definitely something fucky. I watched a unit of minotaurs charge a unit of stationary grudge throwers from behind only for half of them to get launched back like a giant just punched them.
Maybe units are colliding with themselves on the charge? That's the only thing I can think of.
Hudson Martinez
Unless I'm misremembering he killed two dragon ogres
Kholek offscreen in a 4 day murder duel
And a Shaggoth that tried to gank Nagash in the big final battle which took all of 10 seconds