Planetside 2 general /ps2g/

How many Cortiums to spawn a thread? edition

>What is this game? (embed)
>How do I play? (embed)
>How do I play? (advanced) (embed)
>Tweaks and optimizations (embed)
>Weapon stats and vehicle weapons (embed)
>Weapons chart some user made (embed)


Other urls found in this thread:

NC are in the right if you don't agree with me just quit life.

Damn we were ded almost a day ;_;

And yet here we are.

The eternal soldier rises from his shallow grave.

fucking necromancers

who /vanu/ here?

Is it true, are the menes back?

Are the benin :-DDD back?

there is no real death on Auraxis

You misspelled /lgbt/


Are they ever going to fix the server lag on Miller?

>Build a base on indar
>It last a few minutes
>Random parts of it suddenly start exploding
>The Hive is under attack
>No noise
>No visible attacks incoming
>People start dying
>No killfeed for it
>Eventually it's all just gone and nobody knew why

I have absolutely no proof but I am fucking 90% sure a fucking vanu had something to do with it

Ion Cannon maybe?

Ion cannons have a very visible effect in the air and when they hit, as well as a noise



They look like fucking space samurais


Good night!

Maybe if you put a little more effort into this relationship, did a little posting, then things would be working out better between us.

I don't mean to complain babe, I'm just saying.


post pics

Please let it stay dead.

Trobes generals had a lot more dignity in death.

...did the same artist who made that picture did some Rimworld graphics for mods?

>TR L I T E R A L L Y has a crutch
cant make this shit up senpai

Pics of what bby?

>dual wield failstorms

That's silly, but not as obnoxious as Grognulf Bumsly's pictures.

I wish I could dual wield the Brawler.

Will we ever have another decent massive FPS game without all the F2P bullshit and that isn't dead? Anyone here play MAG for the ps3?

>Will we ever have another decent massive FPS game


Any company interested in creating such a thing will look for existing examples. They will find PS1 and PS2 and a very small selection of other games that died even faster, run the figures and determine that it is not financially viable.

A small group who may not care so much about the finances aspect of it cannot afford to maintain such a game so it can't happen that way.

The window of opportunity passed for this style of game unfortunately, multiplayer games are REDUCING in players per world/shard/server/whatever these days.

Fuck you

......what is the actual lore of this damned game, anyway?


how do you get the pointing man decal?

Vetted 11 times, all factions, went out as best faction, Raven.

>le pointing man


Look, word of warning, don't get these nerds started on higby.
You can't get the decal anymore.
You don't really want it.

what is a higby?

>tfw bullied


>I won't compromise my faith for the sake of this game
top kek as if daybreak gives a shit about your 10 dollars/mo. how come christcucks are always whining? they are literally worse whiners than atheists at this point

I agree, you're a fucking queer and I'd rather the game was shut-down permanently than knowingly play alongside you.

Your disgusting lifestyle choices, which you insist on building your personality around and forcing upon everyone around, are abhorrent in the eyes of any sane person. Many of the people you believe are fine with you are only saying that to avoid confrontation. They are actually disgusted in you.

Change your ways.

you don't even know who I am user

don't be mean ;_;

There is usually very little else to a faggot than the fact they are a faggot, are there any shallower people on this earth?

What else do I need to know about you user other than the fact that YOU are the one telling people you're a fag and then crying about it?

Strange that isn't it? Maybe you're some sort of fucking attention whore? Wouldn't that be a surprise and a break from the stereotype.

please don't be rude to my fellow LGBTQUIA+ anons


>being straight and cis

Why do people have to be so boring?

aim better

Who said I'm either of those?

My point is, don't walk into a room and shout "HI I SUCK DICKS LOL" and then cry when people call you out for it.

You want to be a fucking queer do it in the privacy of your own home.

I'm trans* and so wherever I go I'm queer. Sorry to barge in on your heteronormative socitey but I'm here and I exist.

>then cry when people call you out for it

See thats the problem right there, that people think enjoying some BBC is something that you can be "called out" for. Please stop bullying people for things they cant make choices about.

No you're mentally ill.
It can be fixed with simple medication.

Build a personality that doesn't solely revolve around putting things up your asshole and you'll suddenly be a much a happier person.

B-but user you seem like the only angry person here, maybe you should start putting things up your asshole and talking to people about it. It might make you happier person

It can't be fixed user it's just who I am.

TR going full helghast ?
also duel wielding hailstorms when ?

uh, that is gandalf poopsys artwork


>fellow anons


Hey, I had to dig through literally thousands of images to find that shit.

>tfw one day PS2 will be ded and shut down and Putin will be laughing and all you'll have is a bunch of screenshots and a folder full of dead memes

The main point in lore is that TR is underpowered

>I canceled my membership over that banner

Wow, right wing nuts are really the same people as SJW nuts



t. 400 ivi score

>Made an adjustment to MedKits that we can try on Live for the next update. It's not a perfect solution, but maybe it'll help. We'll see.

>Not on PTS yet. It'll be setting your health to 500, instead of healing it up over a short period.



I bet all the a2g niggers and explosives spammers are hard right now

just when i thought he had fucked up the game enough and would give it a break for a while

Let's not forget the MAX faggots. Most of all the MAX faggots.



>Medkit tanking is dead
thank goodness

nobody ever used it for fighting vehicles lmao it was just for the retarded infantry fighting, even the devs did it because they had to

t. 200 ivi
but rejoice, view instead of a 5% chance you'll have a 7% chance of killing a competent player


>implying crutchkits weren't the only thing keeping you afloat

good luck friend

sure thing laddie, keep being delusional

>nobody ever used it for fighting vehicles

Are you fucking retarded, that's the main use of it. The only way to survive a Bulldog gal, he prowler, lolpods, PPA.

>shitters being retarded
why are you surprised

hi plebbit



Now that medkits will get nerfed what do you think they'll complain about next? Reso-kits? Medic aura?

it's so fucking op
if you don't agree, you're just a crutching tryhard

The medkit nerf is a good thing and you are fucking delusional if you think otherwise.


Fucking bullshit, you people have been crutching on medkits in ivi forever, it's only last thread we had a discussion where general consensus was you should rebind your medkit key and use it WHENEVER YOU TAKE DAMAGE and everyone was agreeing that they use all four every life.

I agree that vehicle spam and shit is going to be fucking awful now but maybe it'll get balanced instead of "Hey we don't need to balance that, you've got your medkit invulnerability to counter it"

Is this made by Faven

Are there armors for the other factions too

I just want you to know that this will change nothing. We will shit on you komplety in ivi combat.

Is orion still the best vanu lmg, haven't played in a while

I heard that pulsar lsw was better for a while but that it was nerfed

That's fine, feel free to shit on me all you like, at least it'll be because you're genuinely better than me now instead of having 5K fucking health

Yeah Orion is still supreme. Battlegoose for farming.

They made the LSW assault rifle tier, but nerfed it so now it's more comparable to the SVA if anything. Both are decent but don't stand out as much.

All the medkit nerf truly hurts is bads and 2-3kd heavies. Any actually competent player is just going to play a little bit more passively or be smarter about their positioning.

>All the medkit nerf truly hurts is bads and 2-3kd heavies

The majority of the playerbase.

This change is a good thing.

Now what they need to do is nerf aircraft weaponry; AA and AV weapons shouldn't be so effective against infantry so that ESFs actually have to pick a fucking role and we'll be starting to get somewhere.

The medkit meta has been upholding bad practices in game design.

Aren't they fixing implants by removing the chargers? Regen 4 will be the new meta.

/ps2g/ listen to me now! Werl - it's Werl, he's the key. Am I too soon? I'm too soon. You were right about him, you've always been right about him. Fear him! Find me /ps2g/. You have to find me!

you'll be able to use two implants at once.

I personally hope they will be implementing a PS1 style energy/stamina system, being able to run two implants side by side indefinitely seems like bullshit.

>it's only last thread we had a discussion where general consensus was you should rebind your medkit key and use it WHENEVER YOU TAKE DAMAGE and everyone was agreeing that they use all four every life.
>unable to comprehend sarcasm
1.5 ivi kdr shitters, everybody was sarcasm, honest! There's no need to nerf my crutch! PLEASE!

You are fucking pathetic.

>at least it'll be because you're genuinely better than me now instead of having 5K fucking health
>implying that wasn't already the case before


I hope they remove Battle Hardened completely and increase screenshake so those fucking ground peasants won't be able to shoot back at us.

Your day will come airnigger, this medkit nerf is just opening the way to sweeping nerfs to your bullshit, you may laugh now, you won't be laughing for long.

>implying posting about it here will alter werl's decision on the matter
>implying i crutched on medkits
>implying i still play the game
>implying the game hasn't bee going steadily downhill since launch, and has been completely unplayable for the past ~2 years
>implying there are any players left besides newfags, shitters and turboautists like lalunia and [N]
but sure, keep projecting. that sure will make you better at the game.


you were saying? :^)

fug, i screwed up the time axis, but still

our day might come but your day is now