League of Legends General-/lol/g

How do I links?


Do like me and uninstall the game

>wake up
>blue demon creature stands before me
>after all these years, the demon responsible for the voices has shown itself
>implying i haven't prepared for this battle my entire life

Breast Waifu!

Brown waifus.

Eyo how the fuck do I use Malz voidlings now

I haven't played him since the patch, do I need to use them differently

Jarvan or Sejuani?

I want to put my tongue in her tight belly button hole

Robo Waifus.

That's cute.

>Eyo how the fuck do I use Malz voidlings now
Easy, the first thing you want to do is pick someone else and then you're going to want to play them instead of Malzahar until you get the chance to make Riot realize Malzahar's rework needs to be fully reverted immediately.


so, i wrote it and waited and waited, the game didn't end, i reconnected, it was even, i disconnected, reconnected again... well they could win with a tiny bit of help so i built zzrot, banner, the healing stuff... and it was a close win. soraka is fucking strong as fuck currently, it was lvl 2 -> lvl 17 soraka at 45-55 minutes. i will not be even mad if they report me -_-

normals drafts are fun

how do i change my attitude/

Why is lucian the worst champion in the game right now

No HAHA *SPLAT* today.

>Gut his keystone
>Gut his abilities
>Gut all his items
>Buff his counters
Gee I don't know

>Own every champ
>Still get nothing but champ sharts from chests

Nice fucking system lolbabs.

because nid, malz, kalista and trist dont exist?

r63 lucian when

but honestly i would 10/10 buy r63 ahri

Witness an extremely rare occurence of my ADC not being retarded (Even though he's playing Vayne, which makes it even more incredible) but have instead a Ryze that decided that he wasn't in the mood to win the game and would rather ruin it

I'm going to check if Ryze isn't an adc main that got autofilled to toplane because it looks like what adc mains in my games tend to do.

In lane, no. The minion 3x damage actually puts his laning back to close how it used to be after you have a bit of AP.

The important thing to keep in mind is that minions only spawn new ones in the first 3 seconds they're alive. This means you need to spawn them right on top of your enemies and not jsut near them.

Jungle is aboslutely gutted, don't even fucking bother.

>Ryze participated in 3 of your 37 kills

who here /never play support but win all your autofill support games/

it turns out he's not an adc main even though he got vayne in his most played champions (surprise!)

otherwise he plays yasuo (surprise!), tf, viktor, riven (!)

Holy shit, what did they do to Malz's laning phase?

>be new player
>reach level 30
>play my placement matches
>win 2 games out of 10
>place on silver IV
>every game is full of golden portrait players
I wanted to start on bronze

Stupid OP can't copy and paste.

>playing placements mid season

because he had his time all last season


Meddler lost lane to a Malzahar one time, so he deleted him from the game.

Post n Rate

i want to scratch the chin of that volibear~

>two bears and a tree

is that voli support?
also how do I win as braum

>super useful flowcharts


bretty goodu, I am going to start playing Mao 'cause the skin, any tips?

>400 armor 400 MR tank tries to initiate in season 6
Well obviously that's going to happen when they aren't building any health, dummy.




As you can see, I'm a rapist.

>ywn wake up every day with shyvana on top of you bullying your morning wood with her ample rear
>then she proceeds with her morning milking habits with her dragon cave until you are dry




>Be tahm lategame
>Instantly die because I either have to choose between the new OPmeme items with barely any hp on them or actual defensive stats
>Can't do both

Just fucking report him and move on you retard.

(Currently at 236k with Sion, and have Yi instead of Brand; can't take a new screen atm)


I'm sorta new to the game, should I get Lux or Brand? I'm playing solo queue now and I need a champion that can do both mid and support incase I autofill

So I can't just throw em out there and hope they'll make dad proud if I've got e on someone probably about to die in a teamfight

Probably more of a defense mechanism if bruisers or tanks get too close to you

>build health because you're up against a very mixed damage team and because riot slaps health on every tank item and most items that give only armor or mres with no health are bad, while some items with health only are excellent like BC and Tit Hydra
>get 100-0 by Elise pressing Q even though she maxxed W because le epic %hp damage
>get half of your hp gone from a poppy combo while she's full tank because le epic %hp damage

thanks riot

At least when we had FoN (or pre-nerf 20% CDR spirit visage) or pre-nerf Thornmail/FH, we could build some heavy resistance to one damage type, but now riot wants tanks to only build health

just look at cinderhulk, it gives health even though it's a jungle item and the jungle monsters deal physical damage

I want a qt adc on OCE in gold or plat to duo with I have 118k Bananapoints pls respond.


CotC is a must with ya W and Q can proc it easy. You can start relic or spell dragger but that depends on how ya play. I start spell and throw Es and max R,W,Q, then E. You can zone the adc with good Es and always save ya W for ganks unless you know were the JG is. Also with CotC you win most trades if ya adc is not stupid.
Not have a stupid team is one. If ya adc don't know what to do when you have ya passive on someone ya going to lose a lot. No idea if ya passive procs CotC yet have not played braum in a bit.
>don't post his to rate

Lux is a TERRIBLE support; Morgana is much better than her in every regard in that role, and can mid as well. Brand is a really good mid laner, too, and can work as a super-aggressive kill support.

brand is currently free so try him

lux is easier to play imo, at least for me but i'm a pussy... brand is much riskier but do more damage

but if you are filled support better buy soraka


>Tahm Kench
>Instantly die
Protip: It's not called "instantly dying" when you get focused down by the entire enemy team in 15 seconds of sustained damage.

>there are people excusing the state of tanks during season 6

That shit was retarded. Stop defending Rito when they do shit like that.

also about morgana

morgana is harder than lux at mid because her q has a long cd and is very easy to miss and if you don't land it you are useless as a mid morgana

lux's poke, her e is pretty easy to land

>Lux and Morgana support do the same thing
hello bronze, how are you?

It's voli jungle. I just can't see myself using him as a support. I'm have to try it out one day seeing how he has hard CC with the flip so CotC works well on him.

>tfw mouse is double left clicking so can't play dota


>pry up left mouse button
>blow air into there to dislodge the hair/dust that's making it jitter
>pop button closed again
If your mouse isn't garbage, you should be able to do this.
If your mouse is garbage it'll just rip your mouse button off, but either way your mouse is about to be ruined forever anyway.

It's "usable" now so I'd rather not fuck everything up until I have money to buy a new one

are you a retarded adc main that implies "the state of tanks" was "they're op because tank ekko and gragas were op, even though all other tanks were garbage" or are you saying their state was disappointing

But he is right. Morg is a better support than lux in all ways. She has a stun, snare, and a shield that stops all CC on ya adc. Plus Lux needs gold to be good.

Lux is a better mid. No idea why people insist on supporting as her.

What runes and masteries do you use as jarvan?

Play manly supports then you may get some qts.
No homo.

support teemo 1v1 vayne at 45th minute.jpg

at least people rarely support as nidalee nowadays

I want to IMPREGNATE Kalista!

I can play all of them.


They seen someone play her as a support on a stream or worlds I'm guessing. Just like MF. I just love going vs a MF support just lube them up with my W and Q as Mao and my adc kills them easy.

You now notice the weird tits on Heartseeker Vayne

Why isn't Jarman played any more?

Shyvana is fail as champion. She is AA based, but dont have tools to stick to target.

people see him as a jungle pick when his real strength is top lane right now



wrong mastery shyvana, pick grasp or thunderlords

>Getting autofilled Support with a shit Vayne that never punishes the enemy when they miss abilities

haven't played in months, what's the new meta?


>he can't play all roles so good that he can carry

what if i don't play tanky tops? i would go kayle or... ahri if i were that guy, back then when the pic was drawn i would go nidalee

also rengar isn't squishy

What champion should I play if I never make 'plays' or anything impressive and generally am extremely insecure about my own abilities

What the fuck is wrong with RP gifting

what role

Congratulations I guess?

One of them weak beta bitches supports like Janna,Sona, or Raka.

is that how tristana learned how to be a bareback butt bitch?

How fun is Kled?


i hate those i die all the time

fucking weak beta bitch enemy janna literally carried a game for her team today, grr

The funnest but he suffers from me unga team bunga.

That art is just absolute garbage

>I'm a lanemaster nigga.