League of Legends general /lolg/

Old thread: eyosongive.us

ded night edition

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>get secondary role
>ask person to swap
>they say no
>they feed their ass off and lose everyone the game

Love yordles!

xth for authority

buff nidalee!

also i'm really tired rn..

xth for EUW sucks because of frenchies

the fast essence exist is cancer. I have literally used least all of the 7.5k IP I've earned recently just for it so I can upgrade these masteries. I don't get Key Fragments fast enough for all these chest.

Why user?

because she's weak and needs some help!

wasn't sleeping well last night soo

Is waveclear robot still freelo?
also why do I keep losing to him (but winning lane) as syndra?

Despite dealing with Hextech is shit, this does me the biggest ego boner.

He's gonna be OP until the Rylai's nerf, but then Syndra also gets nerfed. Viktor is freelo still.

well i agree that she is weak atm, but i think she will get stronger when this retarded mastery is fixd

Also do you have sleep problems regulary?

because his lane phase against u is shit. you outrange/zone him with your E and Viktor is very good in Teamfights

did I do good lolg?


pentakills are always praiseworthy, no matter how shitty or easy it was.

yea, i hope she'll be good again once the season actually starts

no.. not really, i just messed up my sleeping schedule :(

that's not a girl

No. If ya bad I'm not duo with ya. Stop thinking with ya dick/vag.

is it just me or have there been more autistic meme-spouting niggers on this game lately

I blame /pol/ leting reddit in here and they just stay and steal our shit.

might happen if you complain enough on rebbit

do you have holidays right now? I know that feel, but once its over again, you will get ur right sleep shedule again.

i hope

for what purpose i would care of the appearance or even gender of a person whom i will never meet

i am pretty utilitarian


i dont get it how do the leagues and mmr system works

if my mmr is bronze level then why am I not in bronze

I wonder what happened to the cass buffs when guy, and how he feels now that cass is actually good and has a kit that means she pretty much will never be irrelevant

That the build I see on all the other ones so it's fine just as it is.
Ya lucky and get carried.

im getting an S every game, but if I'm climbing leagues why is my MMR not increasing

MMR is your true ranking. Rank is a mask sitting on top of it. MMR can move faster than rank can, with the ideal being you'll be less anxious playing ranked because you need a much larger time to drop ranks. To compensate, if your MMR is below your rank, you'll lose more LP on losses and gain less on wins. And vice versa if your rank is above your MMR.

those constant Q casts tilt me

theres no reason to cast Q on cait after like 2 items because of the damage output unless you basically hit 3+ champions with it and no minions, or for the extended range to pick someone off

wow you right clicked them

I tried to convert mine to webm but it looks like ass.
I think I need to fiddle with the bitrate but I forgot the math for it, haven't done webm conversions since like overwatch beta.

I'm sure you do.

What champion would you suggest for someone that likes to play Ekko, Fiora, GP, Poppy and Rumble?


jax diana fizz

nigger im anonymous, why would I lie
obviously it's no 100% of the games but I would say about 80%

why wouldnt you lie friend of african descent?

lendo is kill

what's the new champ
where's the art

I only casted Q twice. The first one was because I had no vision on Fizz, but I wanted to kill him. The second one was so I could hit morg since she wasn't in AA range. I'm surprised you found the worse thing to criticize despite how shit this entire fight was.

That's the joke. Cait is one of the easiest ADC to carry with in this game. Took me only a month of inconsistent playing on her to get Mastery 7.

>tfw you can only carry and get S's on any ADC other than your main

Is Sneakys sister legal yet?

bcause I'm asking a question and lying isn't going to help`on getting an answer

don't ever reply to me again


Cuz niggers going to nig is why people lie on here. Hell if I knew why they do it.
If no one knows here then look it up with google. You're a grown ass man and you don't have the thinking skills to google shit?

baited for this exact response

xth for Camille being the first champion to have quotes for Orianna!

I didnt mean to rustle your jimmies famalam, there was alot wrong with that fight but that Q for morgana was a bad decision

enjoy your free penta

Do i build 3 or 5 damage items on destruction man?

Don't you only get two then build tank so you don't get butt fucked ?

tfw 6/1/6 154 cs is enough for s- on kled and 9/0/3 127 cs (everybody farmed my mid) is a, not even a+ on ahri

explain so I can get better. I don't understand why going for the Morg kill was a bad idea. GP's Q was on CD and he didn't have anymore barrels to reach me. Plus I could've hit both of them if they didn't dodge it, but that's how skillshots are, right?

>if no one knows here
how am I supossed to know that before asking?

If youre a pussy terrorist

The only damage item you need is BC. Go full tank.

How many wards did you place?

Should I bother building Sterak's on Darius, or should I build another item if I want more damage (assuming I already have BC)?

6, kled 8

s is hard to get for popular chamopions because you are compared with other players

also i lol'd that our lucian did less damage than his support, and it was a not bad lucian... buff lucian, rito

You can go Death's Dance.

morg is far out of range there and anticipating her to walk into that Q is just bad. Youre more likely aiming for the GP.
Hes in your headshot range and just AAing him wouldve done more damage and had NO chance of dodging, and with your superior range there is no need to be afraid of that barrel. If anything you should be afraid casting that Q there and imobilizing yourself. (altho chances are slim hes get onto you)

>4.5k damage
>not a bad lucian

yea, always happens when i'm off school

babby's first adc

Camille when?

I want to IMPREGNATE Kalista!

>Playing blitzcrank
>In low elo

Is there anything more fun, nobody even attempts to dodge and people just let you run right up to them and E them.

I see understand your point and can agree that I should've just went for GP. I'm a really greedy player though, so I going for 2 birds 1 stone. Going for GP outright would've been the more optimized play as opposed for me going for the 'big' plays.


It comes down to how much you want to destruct?

>4 seconds to catch up to some cancerous dashing faggot or the passive doesnt work

Looks at Camille AA reset ability, its have 2 procs move speed bust, true damage. Look at Jax W its gives you only some magic damage, wew Can we have more overloaded bullshit champions?

who the fucks camille

>when you catch her splitting again

but jax has toxic dodge user, TOXIC DODGE

They're taking away her true damage, so it's balanced now. The champ in general isn't though.

they don't though, only her true damage crit

>run to enemy adc with w
>they try to dodge q by zigzagging
>get in melee range and e them instead

>triforce turning into true damage is still there
>on a champ with 3.5 fucking ad gain
cant wait untill she gets nerfed into uselessness in 2 weeks after release

I want Shyvana to sit on my face!

post camille strut

>Grab enemy adc under our tower
>Have to ping spam on the enemy adc so my Ezreal starts attacking him
Blitz low elo is so fun

I think I did it again
I made you believe we're more than just friends
Oh baby
It might seem like a crush
But it doesn't mean that I'm serious
'Cause to lose all my senses
That is just so typically me
Oh baby, baby
Oops!...I did it again

What do you guys think of new Kata?

>THREE threads below the image/post limit are in the catalog

What the actual fuck?

AP Zac is the most fun I've had in lego legends in a long time


apparently pob might go support, and adrian smokes weed fucking degenerate

I think I'm more concerned about Camille jungle after seeing videos of her ganks with E.
Mainly because zac-warding is a fucking pain in the ass.
On a side note nb3s videos are legitimately cringeworthy.

People don't understand the concept of waiting. Making the new thread right before the limit is fine. Transitioning before the the limit is not. It's hard for some to grasp.

a premade of four... should i dodge/

>people genuinely excited to waste money on Elementalshit Luxshit

>Get janna in One for all
>Enemy is kindred
>We Win

Explain lolbabs

>The only NA residency midlaner available for hire
>Moving to support

I doubt it

>People give money to Neo-Riot

no words describe the amount of disgust

yeah pobelter moving to support wouldn't make sense at all. pretty stupid lineup.

>Get Janna
>Against Shaco
God that was a fun match. 3 of us AP, 2 AD. Just beat the fuck out of them.

>its the episode where you have more CS as a jungler than mid and bot combined.

Oh boy flex games sure are fun. Its like people forget that creep exist pass 15 minutes.

>waste money
Unless it's being burned it's always going to be redistributed into the system. You literally can't "waste" money.

fuck proper cropping


creep score doesn't mean shit for junglers anymore after the changes. One set of Kurgs/one set of Raptors equals a minion wave. It's easy to believe you've been farming well when it's really you doing 2 camps and taxing to hell. Hence Tiamat junglers being meta.

>that ign