/dfog/ - Dungeon Fighter Online General

>Part 3: New Trial

>Part 2: New Experiment

>Act 07. N.E.W
>Part 1: New Balance


>New DFO artbook:

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>Level 90 Epics:

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アラド戦記 – Arad Senki
던파 – Deonpa

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>DnF Original Soundtrack Symphony World
>Touhou Music Pack

>Mods Installation Guide

Previous thread:

Your daughters are all sluts

I hope you don't forget to grab your daughters from the website

My daughter is pure, you shut your face

>That zombie event
>That guild event
I hope they were saving the good ones for christmas otherwise things are looking bleak

DFO's not going to make it into 2017 if they don't let us transfer a savior for Christmas.

the daughter event is literally the only good event that has happened in DFO + Tau Kingdom

>you can have a daughter

>but you cant have a wife!

how does this makes any sense

>you can't have a wife!
you can in china

NPC waifuing soon!

>it's a "4 ((four)) sharks spawn at the same time" episode
fuck this minigame
so glad i'm almost done with my neet daughteru

Just do all jobs equally for easy neet.

Would anyone mind running two of my alts for requiem dailies?

nope, no pvpers in here

will you be my gf?

I PvP. Just not in poorly balanced, lag heavy, pay2win games.

>dfo is p2w

>dfo isn't p2w


>Huge amounts of stats locked behind cash shop cosmetics and titles
>Lol it's okay bro just save up 200m and you'll have 1 non-garbage character :)

>posts a lol picture
>makes comment about grind
Yea, bro no problemo just grind out 6 rune pages with full optimal rune builds for each role in the game np.

Also lol is factually more p2w than dfo. Characters with sunglasses in their skin take one less damage from leona's abilities while wearing said skin. You can only get skins from buying from the cash shop. Literally p2w.

>as opposed to whaling out for hundreds of millions of golds for hell runs


>huge stats


>paying to get lucky is the same as pay to win


>hell runs are p2w
>thinking you need epics for any content in the game


>he doesn't know about luke

you're not paying to get lucky, you're paying to run so many hells that luck isn't a factor

One of my guild members has run over 200k hells and still doesn't have full dg. Meanwhile there have been players who get full dg in 14k invites. Please tell me where the p2w in that is.

posting extreme examples doesn't really count for anything, the guy who ran 200k invites probably has significantly more shit than the guy who ran 14k, he may not have full dg, but i bet he has multiple other sets completed, along with accesories and weapons, whereas the guy with 14k invites doesn't.

>he thinks were getting luke in less than a year

Is there a point in doing forgotten lands anymore?

>he thinks we're ever getting fslayer
>he thinks we're ever getting anton raid
>he thinks dfo will last more than a month

By that definition it isn't p2w. Also luke is so far away from us that anyone that actually wants to do that content in the future without paying already has multiple anton raid alts to funnel dc.

wow learn to read faggot

I said "in less than a year"

never said were "not" getting luke

fucking git gud

>expects a league poster do be competent at reading
C'mon now.

>p2w doesn't exist cause it's RNG

so are any mmo's that feature RNG boxes filled with good shit not p2w?
p2w doesn't exist by your definition because you can just buy those boxes off of other people, even if you can't get NEARLY as many as someone who would pay.

sure you can win without paying, but paying makes it significantly easier to win.
i don't understand what you're trying to argue about, everyone knows anyone who whales in dfo is way better than anyone who doesn't.

You obviously don't know the definition of p2w. P2w is when you can buy power from a cash shop without being able to get it from normal playing whether it be earning some sort of in game points or buying it off of other players.

>everyone knows anyone who whales in dfo is way better than anyone who doesn't.
Say that to the multitude of full epic gear players that are absolute trash at their class. Gear doesn't equal skill.

But what good is skill if you don't have the numbers to back it up?

LT's have +11 amp tickets.
Only available in the cash shop.
Don't tell me the miniscule amount of skele keys that drop make it not p2w.

There you have it, dfo is p2w.

>things that drop for free aren't f2p
>things available to free players aren't free
>doing it more quickly or reliably makes it p2w
Okay, bud.

Gracia and sea gods are both raid ready. Also some classes only need chrons and some only need halidoms. What are you trying to argue?

Yes I'm sure you'll be able to +11 amp all your gear exclusively with free skeleton keys.
Yes I'm sure you have enough gold without paying to pay the 1bil to +11 amp all your gear without paying.
Yes I'm sure you even have gear worth amping without paying for hell runs.

I don't get it, what do the adventurer cards from the daughter event do exactly?

100% chance of card upgrades. Otherwise, to look at once the event ends. You're also supposed to get the album of that ending, but the event is broken and doesn't give it until next maintenance.


Is that a yes?

how many condensed antoniums do you get from dissing a savior later?

I wish neople would remove this fucking red flashing PC at least for parties that aren't for Anton
>partying for OV
>not because I can't solo, because i'm doing it on an alt that has no gear and master takes too long on him
>guy enters the party
>"oh I have a flashing red PC with user i'm gonna re-enter the party ;)))"
>like doing this stupid shit would solve it
>"oh he's still flashing for me ;( sorry i'm not gonna go"
>he leaves even though OV is a braindead joke now
>and I was playing with 2 others guys that didn't complain
>the delay was about less than half of a second
I fucking hate every single one of you that does this

Tab daughter lets go

>partying for OV

What do the other pages say? What happens to her?



Thank you.

Also may I have your daughter's hand in marriage?

apostle avatar sets when

does she take it anally

how will neople fix pvps

pretty boring ending but I really like the good end blacksmith daughter

My daughter is a drunk.


The net powerup is the most worthless shit I've ever seen. If you could store it and shoot it later it would be cool.

I'm pretty positive the speed up fish one is actually a debuff.


>there are people who don't have drunk and neet daughters
omg (lol)

I want to marry your daughters.

>Swim into a shark head on and through it
>Daughter doesn't take damage
>Shark swims upwards or downwards
>Get hit from it more than 5 feet away

very nice game

what is the max daughter level


>Swim into a shark head on and through it

that's because it's despawning/leaving the map.

Nope. If you're in its body while it charges at you horizontally and you are't in it's mouth, but in its body, you don't get hit. Easiest way to bait them into leaving, they quit after four bite attempts.

>I'm pretty positive the speed up fish one is actually a debuff.
yeah it actually makes you miss more fishes. all the power ups are shit. this could be a potential fun mini game but right now it's such a chore to do it

jesus fuck I need a magic teacher daughter

Is there any difference in OV drops from expert to master other than the guaranteed random chronicle in the rewards card from master?

I want to marry your daughter.

not my kid but I'm naming mine Soon-Yi if you know what I mean

Higher chance of set pieces dropping in Master.

I don't, but ok.


Now go to the website and get the full pic and share it. Seeing how we can only get 5 daughters, sharing is the only way to catch them all

You bastard.

>those dynamic boobs
>those grip-friendly hips
>that delicious ZR

>""""""teaching"""""" other mages
>sparkle in their eyes when they understand me
>understand me

dats sum femdom

anyone else having disconnecting problems?

Might be the Chinese. Database may have been leaked, lock your ebins.




I want to fap on Siusha's tits.

Which /dfog/ clan is more alive and has more whales in it? I desire a clan and some whales to sell my overflowing coffers of gold to.

Ku Klux.

strange, I changed my PW and disconnected my FB and now im not disconnecting.

coincidence maybe? I have faith in the SMALL team that the database has not been leaked

How much dosh do I have to pour into my fresh sader before I can expect to not get kicked from pubraids?


I'm pretty sure most people who post here are probably poorfags or people who just don't spend money on this game.

think neople will ever give us epic frags again?

Probably but it will probably be some tiny amount and be Weapon Fragments Only like most of the previous giveaways

Most of the people who frequent these threads are NEETs. How do you expect them to whale?

Is there a faster way to get around town?

Teleportation Potions. There's also some Auras that let you Teleport but they're clunky to use and have pretty long CDs.

For walking around there's some Titles that increase Town Movement Speed and Rare Avatars/Rare Clone Avatars give you a hefty Town Movement Speed bonus on 8pc set.

Can someone run me through EX Vilmark?


I want a boyfriend





You shouldn't post the Florae like that