Odd dream cars?

What dream cars do you have that seem out of the ordinary? Mine would be an AE82 FX-GT Twin Cam, they're kind of rare here in Aus. What are yours Veeky Forums?

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Some of the tiny japboxes in LHD.

>dream car

Fucking Christ, quit Huffington petrol with the noongas ya sad cunt

That's why it's considered out of the ordinary you fucking thick dumb ass.

Any idea's out of the ordinary when you're huffing petrol m8, stay out of the dreamtime

AE82 Twin Cam owner reporting in, shame it's not a hatch though.

That photo looks old as hell, sweet Seca model though, pretty clean.

Bro stop hyping this car up, your last thread got BTFO.
Stop trying to start a new meme car, it's a FWD tin can shitbox, it's not even close to an AE86, which is also a shit car.

What are you on about?

You know what the fuck he's on about, stop being a thick cunt


1961 Pontiac Tempest station wagon.

>Other people can't like the same cars

Lmao same fags.

>still trying to push his meme car
Just stop, go outside dude, get a job, get a life.

Supercharged ae92
Corolla is best

Kill yourself you autistic waste of space.

E46 M3 RHD

lol nice argument for this FWD tin can shitbox, keep replying, I'll be here.

>tripshit thinks he's relevant


In what way was that post fighting fur relevance?

I always felt an odd attraction to the AE111 Corolla Levin

A Kei truck with a 'Busa swap.

I would love to have a road trip with one of these.

I drive mid engined Hino trucks for work and they're pretty fun, on the highway, you have a slight advantage because of your height, you can see the road farther ahead of you where as other cars can't so you're able to attack corner within your limit in the left lane where as other cars lift off, brake, hesitate, ect.

And I could make some money on the side but they're expensive as fuck.

A Kei truck or a Hino box van*

1989 Turbo 4-pot Dodge Grand Caravan with 5-speed manual.

I don't know why, it wasn't even supposed to be. It was simply cause they couldn't get enough V6's from Mitsubishi and their own V6 wasn't ready and it was all they had.

1972 Toyota Crown Coupe

I honestly want the new Miata.

Bit of money on the side sucking dick?

I don't even know why...