/svg/ - Shadowverse general

Shadowverse is a game
The Steam version launched on October 28th.

Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (store.steampowered.com/app/453480/)

Official Website:

Card Database / Deck Editor:

Intro Guide/FAQ:
pastebin.com/xNmQuDzR (read this if you're new)

Take 2 Card Rankings:

Get your cheat sheets here: imgur.com/a/Dpbmh

Friend list:

Some user made an all-in-one Steam undub and uncensor for the lazy or mentally handicapped. Open wide and enjoy responsibly:

Decryption key: !tsu910nR6lT_xTQAx9QUNI_96DLJ0mvgIwwThp5lPS4

Artwork of all the cards, ripped from the game:

Come here if you want to search for card artworks:

Search by artists:

A growing collection of animated golds/legendaries:


Other urls found in this thread:


new meta

Idols Evolved, the new Shadowverse expansion!

I keep turning out of cards as dragoncraft after turn 8-10. I have dragon consult, but i never draw it in time. Is there a way to keep having cards in hand after turn 9+? Or do i just have to kill them before i run out of steam.

Play a better craft.

Filling Luna's tight anus with sperm

Where's my ranko leader, Cyagames?

Would she be shadow or blood?

blood from when I tear her hymen

reminder that this thread was created by the same person who did this a few days back


he also created this thread too early again

sage and report

>Satan Haven
You're the only new one here

Koume would be locked into Shadowcraft since her class was literal Necromancer. Ranko would be Haven imo

knowing Ranko, she would rather use both at the same time.


If you are interested in playing in a tournament with /svg/ players, please register below.

challonge.com/tournaments/signup/47fd64TuEx 7:00 pm EST, Friday December 2nd. BO3 Single elim.

If there is enough interest in /svg/ hosted tournaments, I will offer steam cards to winners in the future.

I'm so sick and tired of all these Liza shitposts. If you literally played any CCG in your life that isn't shitstone, you'd know EXACT wording matters.

Can Eris do it?


how about instead of nerfing cards

they inact card limits

>Ranko would be Haven imo
B-b-but the fallen angel, the princess of darkness and... yeah she is Havencraft,

Have some dignity and move to proper thread, pedos.

>Actually taking the time to make that image

That's some intense autism.

Bit too fat for Shadowverse desu

maybe. Ganbatte

She's actually scared of ghost/skeleton.

I was at the same spot today, and I ran into a 10/10 master of the canopies who destroyed me

Cygames should remove shadow from the game. We need space for real and playable crafts.

Alright, so GamePress mentioned that only two cards can stop Enstatued Seraph. What cards are those? Also, tips on trying to win with this card around.

that album took me less than 10 minutes to put together

it was a lot less time than it took you to spam for a couple hours

Odin and Execution?

Nah. I just copy and pasted some blanket statements while playing hearthstone.

Glad I made you mad though. Looks like I win.


Petrify and Odin

Move to the real thread


off yourself faggot

You looked plenty mad in those screencaps my man

oh right it destroys, not banishes

maybe you should kill yourself since you're getting upset over shit like this

>tfw can't stop buying packs when I should really be saving for T2.


Are you blind? Its forestcraft retard.

why even bother with wards in this game when there's about 28 ways to bypass or clear them

Are you by chance polish? I remember that one faggot from polish threads on /int/ who later threatened to kill himself and ran away for two days.

Nope, got fucked by a topdeck Mordecai into topdeck Olivia. Honestly some fucking garbage.
Ah well.

When was this? Its not on Steam >:

get cucked dirty sanchez


I've never played an CCG at all user and I wasn't shitposting sorry. I'm just salty is all. I promise not to do it again until the next loss streak at least.

I guess I'm playing sword now.

I'm from Japan.

That doesn't sound mad at all. Not mad enough to take time out of my day creating a picture gallery for someone making a thread early, that's for sure.

But hey, we're using my thread now. I win. Cheerio.

It's cool man just get into reading every card you run into that you don't know.

>thread wars again

inb4 some other autist makes a new /hsg/ general with tumblrshit.jpg to get back at this autistic OP.

It's in our hearts

It wasn't me who spammed his meme thread for over an hour ;)

you still need the other 9 legos for the real swordfu deck

What does Hearthstone have to do with this?

>Take my blade of resentment.
What did she mean by this?

it's clearly not about making a thread early though, it's about the intense amount of butthurt spam you made for a couple hours

that said this thread isn't as obnoxious so it's actually fine that we're using it

Autist from /hsg/ doesn't like the fact we have /hsg/ in OP.

>that said this thread isn't as obnoxious

It's literally the same thread.

see boards.fireden.net/vg/search/text/160744038/ for the last time this happened

Some joker will just put back in /hsg/ just to spite this guy, so I don't get it.

The OP of this thread hates shadowverse and breaks rules. Makes threads way before autosage and spams to try and get other threads removed.

>Last Words: Summon a /svg/ - Shadowverse General.
At least this time I gonna never forget.

>The OP of this thread hates shadowverse and breaks rules.


Thread WAR

Need a concede


Would Aiko be a lovely and pure Forestcraft girl?

this game is entirely luck
you could have a 10/10 deck for your playstyle, but you'll get first turn and draw nothing playable for the first 2 turns, while the enemy gets exactly what he needs and started second

You were mad enough to take time out of your day to spam up a general you don't like though

That and you got mad enough to come create a new thread for us again

Idk dude you sound like you have problems

Have you made your waifu proud today?

need a surrender

Nah, not really.

Sorry I made you so angry.

I need a concede.
Match ID: 91072

Will concede back for you if you also need it.

That's the bad draw of starting first.

How do we fix the 1st vs 2nd divide?

Stop talking about the game and start talking about the thread war

Print better 5 drop evolve cards

>"I'm gonna teach those assholes a lesson"
>"By making the thread for them!"
>"Boy that'll show them"

Why do we even want /hsg/ in the OP anyway?
This is the better game, if anything /hsg/ should have /svg/ in theirs.

thanks lolibat

They do.

T-thanks user.

What about Arena imbalance though?

This wasn't just, because of you. We've been having "Liza is bugged/isn't working/is shit" posts for almost every thread since DE was released. The people who double down on their stupidity and refuse to concede the fact that they're not reading the card right are reason this triggers me.

Because then 1/4 the thread can be dedicated to talking about the thread drama

It started as bait/joke, and it worked too well and attracted this dude.

Now people do it just to provoke him further.

Would Pascale be better if she buffed on Fanfare instead of turn end?

Both players get 3 evolves.

Both players should only 2 orbs in arena.

No one cares about arena balance. In every ccg.

Liza is an amazing card and her legs deserve to be licked and slurped unrelentingly

just fuck my shit up slowly: the deck

my only "attack" card is remi, ptp is never ready and golems have a 10% chance to survive a turn

help me fix this piece of cunt or I'm joining the storm haven / elana / tempo ptp elf / midrange sword cancer

>Let's turn one of the few honest decks out there into more burst degeneracy
Pascale is fine, dirt rune just needs more consistent sigil generation or sigil tutors.

>you're fucked against Elana if you're not Forest or Dshift

Smiles and optimism, gone.

I've only been here twice.

I'm flattered, but you dumb weebs aren't doing this for me.

I'm guessing it's out of jealousy, maybe?

>didn't get a leg in last 20 packs

Anything control beats pure elana fine

How do you guys feel about Glimmering Wings? Running it as a 1 of currently.

Stop making deck with top heavy mana

You're fucked if you're not Forest period. Unless you're some kind of sub AA shitter where other decks actually get played.

You have no real win condition without Pascale. Why the fuck are you only running 2 and 1 Ancient? They're literally the best cards in the deck. Drop Fissues, Workshop, Golem Protection. Max Remi, max Ancient, get 1 more Juno, max Crafty, get Unicas or Levis , drop some Prices. Play Satan or Olivia if you have them, they're good alternate wincons to Pascale. 3 Pascale is a must for the deck, otherwise you have no threats.

free 1000 vials m8