I agree! I want to hold him tight and show him that he's loved and wanted, no matter what anyone else says about him!
Isaac Long
bark bork bjork heck
Evan Lee
>tfw blizzard is doing their damnest to make Rein more and more obsolete I'll feel sad in the morning
Nathaniel Butler
Do you still love her now?
Connor Barnes
short hair d.va is a sin
Nolan Evans
>tfw no friends to unlock gengi chan
Austin Watson
I demand more qt bluebaerry.
Ryder Myers
Is there a group to find people to play?
Is there an /owg/ discord?
Jaxson Cook
Yes, I've had it happen before believe it or not
Hudson Robinson
Roadhog's gotchu covered
Logan Mitchell
Christopher Young
Why is she so perfect?
Nolan Walker
>not liking short hair on girls
Peasant taste.
Caleb Cruz
It's full moon awooo
Ayden Price
Justin Morgan
Were there thanksgiving skins?
Xavier Miller
Not the man you replied to and I like some short hair girls (such as tracer). But not short hair d.va
Samuel Ramirez
>short-hair shitter >posts best long-hair berry
Jace Fisher
I'd rather it was me, but you're entitled to like what you want, user!
Ayden Gomez
Jason Nguyen
Play Mccree's summer games skin. Find a game with thunder chief Pharah. Kill her until she switches.
Leo Johnson
Why is Bone the best Soldier skin?
Adrian Hughes
Fuck you.
Caleb Rogers
Do you think Widowmaker is a cute girl?
Jaxon Cox
when will d.va get a good skin?
Lincoln Moore
Chase Diaz
This is Angela Zeigler. She is a 37 year old field medic who is traveling the globe to help people in need. Say something nice to her.
Juan Cook
The cutest girl.
Jackson Harris
>he didn't get the summer games spray
Camden Parker
Fuck you.
Benjamin Kelly
You are cute Angela, cute!
Chase Ward
She has a cute girlfriend
Jaxson Jackson
Don't stop healing me to pull out your pistol when I'm being shot you dumb bitch
Cameron Bell
What dog breeds would fit each character the best? >Roadpug
Evan Green
>tfw christmas elf dva skin with sleigh mech
Carson Reed
>never pick support >decide to play Lucio in QP >keep getting 10k+ healing total, with 40% of all damage done healed >never get a single vote >the shitty dps who gets 50% kill participation gets all the votes Yet everytime I'm not playing a support the support gets 5 votes no problem.
Aaron Phillips
granny rez already you useless healer
Juan Sullivan
What is she doing in current lore anyway?
The recall vid showed she was in the middle east.
And the wiki mentions a plague ongoing there but I cant find any reference to a plague outside of the wiki.
Is the middle east still as fucked as it is today?
With the new map being set in arabia are they going to touch on what Mercy is doing there?
Kevin Watson
Tracer >chihuahua
Julian Richardson
>caring about headpat points
Christopher Campbell
Colton Cruz
It's a combination of that blue skin and her voice when getting multiple kills. I'm obsessed with the blue. >tfw can't wait for new costumes like a Nova skin
Cameron Baker
So when are we going to get to see Mako's face?
Ryan Foster
This will become canon and you can't stop it.
Cooper Barnes
Andrew Bailey
bumping this
Connor Hughes
I'm more of a cat kind of guy
Hunter Robinson
Sorry, you're not big and warm and cuddly enough to do the cuddling
He has to keep the mask on because he's too handsome and it would be distracting for the team
Caleb Moore
It's funny how Reyes is destined to be cucked by Morrison both lorewise and in game.
Jaxon Diaz
Mei doge Would be nice but would probably turn out to be extremely shit.
Believe me, I used to post on /utg/.
Isaac Myers
H-hey qt
Jeremiah Butler
I doubt there is gonna be a nova skin. But I wonder if we might get a pre-talon skin.
pic related.
Henry Wood
>I don't understand the story so I use it to spout memes the post
Rather sad
Levi Brown
>TFW season 2 ended and i still dont have a golden weapon Im level 600+ i should have gotten good by now
Isaiah Gray
I'm sorry, user, I just really don't like Roadrat. I think it's nice that you can enjoy it, though! What is it about the pairing that you like most?
Brandon Hill
because gold is tacky and none of his legendaries are great
Kevin Myers
Blake Hughes
Stop harassing Mercy mains.
Charles Bell
summer games skin, carbon, or white rabbit
Logan Gutierrez
Junkrat helping Mako find his humanity by being an unrelentingly annoying little shit. Also size difference
Gavin Clark
Mercy and the hog Its the only canon one
Landon Walker
I'm going to marry Fareeha!
Josiah Moore
I think that before her accident, Tracer was a typical military woman whose personality was much like Pharah's. When she got sent into the past, it fucked her shit up so badly that she's now a childlike retard.
Juan Powell
Oh, then it sounds like we kind of agree on that! I think Junkrat genuinely cares about Roadhog, and I do want them to get to be friends!
Angel Watson
>tfw you fuck up but it still somehow works
Gavin Morales
>help people in need I'm in need of a good cleaning
Parker Rivera
I really want Zenyatta cinematic to be made in very experimental and psychedelic way
Alexander Lopez
I do. Such a perfect qt.
Evan Williams
I used to play with some people from Veeky Forums, just not /owg/ and some of them turned into pricks, or just uninstalled the game out of rage.
Robert Ward
I hope you don't get disappointed in a few months when you find out about what actually happens.
Zachary Cruz
Didn't know Mercy is a gynecologist. Is she?
Xavier Powell
I don't think so although she does breast exams as well
Jordan Ortiz
Why don't I ever see people using the top 500 emblem even if they've gotten into the top 500? Am I tacky for making it my player portrait?
Justin Wilson
>people are getting mad you aren't playing the hero they want you to in brawls now LMAOOOOOOOO should be a bannable offense tho forreal
Blake Rivera
>The recall vid showed she was in the middle east. Probably following Pharah's cunt
Caleb Miller
Josiah Phillips
Because they mostly play with other top 500s, and don't want to look like massive tools
Jeremiah Bennett
>Solo queue >Even and fair matches, always fo pretty well >Play with friends >Horrible stomps where we lose 99% of the time
Athena when?
Ian Myers
Jose Evans
Benjamin Fisher
Tracer (Real name Lena) AKA Tracey Age: Unknown, possibly in her 20s Height: 5'3" Weight: 98lb Her poor diet of boiled meats, french fries, battered fish and fish head casserole causes a vitamin deficiency in her digestive system. Her stool is a Type 6 on the Bristol stool scale "Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool". Taste: Though she leads an active lifestyle her poor nutrition and love of junk food makes her stool taste bitter, almost acidic. The mouth feel is palatable, like a soup or stew with hearty chunks of meat floating to the surface, but leaves more to be desired. Texture: It comes out in a light brown mushy river with dark almost black chunks flowing in it. The chunks float to the top as the pool of light brown liquid settles to the bottom. Served fresh but a bit lukewarm, could definitely use heat. Tracer's Piss: Description: Pale goldenrod in color, an amber mist gathers around the rim of my champagne glass. Very, very warm. No discoloration or froth. Texture: Wet, pure liquid Taste: A hearty aroma of sweet honeysuckles meets a brisk wave of acidity. The bittersweet concoction is notably sweeter than aspartame but harbors strong notes of vinegar, but a rather pleasant aged-red wine vinegar. The after taste is refreshing, cleansing. What's my final verdict? It tastes remarkable, a Yin and Yang, night and day shift from her feces. Truly the nectar tapped from the Fountain of Youth.
Cooper Morgan
psssh....nothin personnel...rat...*hooks you from behind wall* HYUAH HAH, HYEH HEH HEH HOHOHO... *starts waddling towards you with a chain gun, pushing away you off a cliff* heh...easy *heals entire HP and breaths heavily away*
Brayden Walker
soloqueue only mode anytime
fun 4man vs tryhard 4man is bullshit.
Christopher Brown
When does the winter event start?
Mason Robinson
How to get better with Pharah.. I can stay in the air for a decent amount of time until I get nervous and hold space for some reason but that's not the problem my problem is with hitting the Damn rockets do I aim for the ground for splash dog or should I go for direct hits.. How high should I be with Pharah Cuz the higher I am the harder landing the rockets get
Asher Kelly
So you couldn't even bother to include her last name or age (both of which are easily found on the wiki).
But you could include a description of her piss and poo?
Christopher Torres
anyone want to get the genji skin in heroes of the storm?
Joseph James
Cinematic for which character would you like to see next?