Fear and longing edition
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First for yur gay mate
Some dude actually came on to me during a match. I've got no idea if he was serious.
do we wanna start the memes now or later ?
5th for ace clutch during a 4-4 Overtime Matchpoint.
best thing /r6g/ taught you go! for me:
>Don't crouch,sneak around corners. peaking is for runners
best fucking advice of my life. I've gotten SO much more kills since I learned when to sneak and when not to.
Does Thermite get bullied by the other operators?
Elaborate further
Probably not because he's a pyromaniac that only wants to watch things burn.
So since we are getting more uniforms with mid season reinforcements i hope we get some former uniforms for a few ops like Thermite was former Marine Tachanka was deployed in Afghanistan and so on
mix of netcode and what actually happens when you peak.
If you approach a corner or doorway to peak, usually your head and gun are visible to the enemy a slight bit before you have vision on your enemy. the slower you are going the more time the "camping" person has to react. If you go around it at speed, then you get the drop on them
Aww fuck it. I'm german. your language is a trash abomination of ours. Forgive me my errors for you knew what I meant anyhow.
>your language
It's not my language though, my language is spanish
I however agree that English is kind of an abomination of arbitrary as fuck rules and I'm glad I learned it when I was very young
Him and Hibana probably
unintentionally annoy everyone while talking some hot puns about breaching walls.
No, he's a big guy who has a Nazi uniform
Nigga you must hate peek and pique too.
Can someone please draw Thermite and Hibana having a competition of who can take the hottest peppers/spices/sauces without dying, with both of them red as fuck?
Thermite should be trying Japanese stuff and Hibana should be trying Habanero peppers.
I mean, since the Texans have probably come across the border to Mexico sometimes and tasted their god-tier hot peppers and sauces, and the Japs have spicy as fuck roots, wasabi, etc - both cultures should be fond of "holy-shit-my-mouth-is-on-fire" tier food
Here's some inspiration
Thermite is the king pimp of the female operators. Plus thermite mains are badass.
someone please do this
t. thermite main
Drawfriends make more cute hibana!
Hibana almost dying from eating a Habanero is as cute as it gets
>no real timestamp
I've never seen this screenshot before so now I'm stuck wondering if it's older than that one Overwatch image.
>thatcher discovers Veeky Forums
man that spot in skyscraper in the restaurant with the cam is so great.
90% of people don't see the cam and you can just hide behind the table and bar and surprise them whenever.
>English is an abomination
>when German has three genders and a half-dozen ways to say "the"
Nice try, Gerry.
>implying thermite isn't one of the cool kids despite being a nerd
no doubt he partied hard at A&M
If Thermite is in a hot pepper eating contest there's no way he's bringing anything but the Carolina Reaper. Besides, habaneros aren't even that hot, just uncomfortable.
The exhibit spot in hostage is the least fun
>Carolina Reaper (1,569,383-2,200,000 SHU)
>This is it. The big one. The grand emperor of spicy peppers. The Carolina Reaper claimed its crown in November of 2013 as the spiciest pepper of all time, blowing the Moruga Scorpion’s measly 2 million SHU away by over 200,000 units
>The Reaper was engineered in South Carolina by Ed Currie, owner of PuckerButt Pepper Co
>Habanero is barely 100,000-350,000 SHU
Holy shit this looks like the fucking devil's stinger
>playing ranked on ps4, plat 2
>up against a team where the jager is dropping my friends left and right the first round
>seems fishy when he drops me so I watch killcam
>he twitches from side to side with perfect accuracy at a really high sensitivity
>feels like mouse and keyboard but ill let it slide till I see another killcam
>he attacks with ash
>rushes the objective and wipes the floor with us, aiming at every corner and doorway with perfect precision, instantly snapping to our heads on 100 sensitivity, also dropshotting us
>blatant mouse and keyboard
>we turn it around and beat the enemy team
>salty me messages him telling him that his $120 crutch didn't help him that game
It feels so good to shit on a team that has a mouse and keyboard user, it's like an endless ejaculation to spit in their cheating faces
They can be good at aiming but my god they're complete retards and can be outsmarted way too easily
The Carolina Reaper has actually killed a man.
But Thermite wouldn't be THAT mean to Hibana...
Besides I just suggested Habanero because of the name pun people like to use about Hibana being Habanero.
Wasabi isn't actually spicy. It's more concentrated in your sinuses and it's a completely different sensation.
Japs do eat spicy curry, though.
Exothermic charge can kill a man if he's stupid enough to not notice it burning a hole through the wall right behind him so....
I believe it, I had a few drops of a 1.5 million SHU hot sauce at a party once and it was fucking brutal. I can't imagine what a whole pepper is like.
Though I might find out, the seeds are only $3 on Ebay and apparently it's very easy to grow
is it worth putting a barrel attatchment on the handguns?
I made this last thread, but it didn't turn out as cute as I wanted...
It gives you a net benefit with no downsides. So it only helps.
But muh aesthetic
>when you get headshotted but your plastic shields outskills them
Then don't?
So what would you suggest for said Drawfriend idea?
How would you tweak it so that it works and it's cute
You are not going to use a pistol as your main weapon so you can leave it as is only ops who are mandatory to use it are shield ops because you can't really throw a shot
>When you get headshotted through your plastic shield
Do it now someone
makes me wonder why they gotta ruin her with that face paint shit, at least valk keeps it to a minimum
This might sound fucking insane but: I'm bad with blackbeard. Despite not being bad with anyone else.
How is such a thing even possible? Somehow every time I peek with him despite having most of my body covered, I die
What's the height of the screen your shield should be at to ensure your whole body is covered? And any other things you do to ensure you meme on some kids with him?
screen capped these from a video
>blackbeard peaks
So now that ranked is easier did ubi do something to the reward charm for the end of this season as well like determining it by highest rank achieved during that season or some other dumb shit like that?
Did Blackbeard reach climax? Is that what you mean?
I like it user, would like to see more
>Hibana's portrait art
How is even conceivable that they fucked up this hard? I mean, her in-game model isn't that bad, not everyone has to be a beauty queen, they're operators. But the fucking art, jesus. It looks blurry and like it was from a deviant art amateur
Also why the FUCK did they change Bandit's portrait to being angry?
Like who asked for that change?
Were they even aware of how cool he looked with his nonchalant gaze?
Also I don't understand why they changed Fuze's to have both his AK-12 and shield on frame. You can't do that ingame, so why show it?
Hibana is probably the only operator in the game where its incredibly obvious that it's a drawn/rendered picture and not an actual real life person from the portrait.
The others look like they might pass for a real human being, but not Hibana.
post pic pls
I like it drawfriend! Please make more cute hibana!
>finally get the 7th gadget kill with kapkan trap
>lol doesn't count
>Ubisoft Game Launcher\cache\avatars
Why is this a thing? I have over 1.5 GB shitty pics stored there
Mine is only about 200kb and it's just three different sizes of this image.
it's highest rank
I wonder could people crop CP and loli and make those there profile pics?
Would we all get said pictures then?
only if you meet him online. Its all pictures of people you met.
Calm down Satan dont give anyone ideas
Does solo queueing ranked change you?
>when you get headshotted through your plastic shield
Let me know if you fine mine. It's a very zen vagina.
I've seen...things
you people wouldn't even believe...
>win 2 rounds in a row
>2 teammates drop out
>lose 3 rounds in a row
it does
>Tfw Im forced to play rook and sit in the objective because 3 of my friends usually roam
Who else is fun to play near the objective, sitting in the room all round and usually getting rushed by ash is getting a little old now and I need a change for a few days. I was thinking bandito, used to play him months ago
lucky you. mine is full of avatars over the last year
kapkan with saiga
>Sitting at the room
That would only be very early in the round when bandit tricking in very certain spots, not all maps or objectives.
Good point defenders or near-point are Rook, Doc, Echo, Kapkan, Smoke
And every other 2 armor-2speed defender is versatile and can do either roam or point
So delete them.
Clearly Thermite gives her the reaper
She starts choking on the reaper
So he gives her some milk with a really big sorry coming up
Castle is the hottest op right now.
/r6g/ told me to play Bandit. It was good advice.
They told me to put acog on the MP7, didn't work so well for me.
I played a casual match last night and got shot straight through my shield as blackbeard, guy on enemy team "fucking get rekt bb scum ez mode faggot"
>He played bb every round on attack
If you have the renown Echo is similar to rook but you can support your roaming friends while you wait in obj. Kinda needs one other anchor though to tell you when to get off your drone.
Kapkan is good, Echo if you've got DLCs. Pulse is also crazy good on point defense if someone isn't taking him to roam.
sure. but I wasn't aware till a few moments ago
> not reporting that guy for calling you a faggot
You would have had the last laugh.
>Design Echo to be Smoke 2.0 area denial
>Give him 3 armor so he's fat as fuck and can't displace very fast
>Give him a silenced MP5
What the fuck is the point of having a silenced MP5 if your ogre stomps can be heard from across the map? I understand the reasoning behind making Echo 3 armor, but then why give him the MP5SD and not some other weapon without a forced supressor?
How do you guys acquire stationary targets like this?
I can barely even see them.
>drone, drone, then drone some more
I ignored this advice for months and now I feel like a fucking retard, never walk into a room you haven't droned out.
Because Ubisoft didn't realize how much the shotgun nerf would hurt the super nova at the time and clearly intended for yokai to be the first hit in a 1, 2, surprise mother fucker attack.
He should be 2/2 instead of 1/3
Im convinced that they got echo and hibana's armour and speeds mixed up
I've seen a lot of people playing Hibana and Echo with the pistol instead of the Jap-School-Shooter. Why is that? Were they memeing or is the pistol actually a viable choice over the SMG?
This seems likely because Hibana is fat and Echo doesn't really look 3 speed at all. More 2/2.
Only if you want the silencer to pop pop cameras. The smg shoots like a fucking laser beam.
>Hibana is fat
She's basically Jap Ash
>tfw you're setting up a wall breach and someone kills you with nitro
Yeah in concept art but in game it's very noticeable especially from the side. She's pretty chunky.
>Give the AR to Echo
>Give the MP5SD to Hibana
Did I fix it?
I desperately wanted an attacker with an MP5 variant, but we never got one
English is the superior language, that's why it is the most relevant in the world.
inb4 they don't know what relevant means and will say that Chinese or Mongolian is the most relevant language
Funny thing is, I was trying to shoot Blackbeard, but missed and killed the guy sitting behind him that I never saw in the first place. Sometimes it just works out.
I also feel like if I was using acog I would've missed sledge in my peripheral.
>Thermite decides to give chase and take revenge for his team
>Head up to exhibition, look over the railing and kill him while he's following me up
Pretty good round overall really.