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Finally not a Dva edition

Reminder that Sombra has zero friends and is in constant need of a hug

Keep hatin, bitch nigga

Hanzo at least has a projectile that makes me a bit more okay with him...even though scatter kills and random arrows will always feel like complete bullshit. I still think he has potential.

Widow straight up doesn't belong in Overwatch. She just doesn't fit the game at all and feels like an empty gesture to satiate sniper players instead of caring about the game IMO.

>We just gotta have a sniper!!!
No, you didn't, but that brain trap fucked you up.

Ana as the sole "traditional" sniper would have been fine. At least she's doing something different with it

>MTD and shitty memes still exist
kill the timeline fast

Nth for qt shotas

>humorless people still exist

>enemy genji can deflect a rampaging monkey
>our genji can't deflect a slow moving rocket

since it's now canon and not a meme it will fade into obscurity soon enough

Why are there so many fucking hackers on this game?
>Playing 3v3
>One of the opponents is clearly using an aimbot
>Even his teammates call him out on it
>He says on mic "Fuck you guys, I have every right to cheat."
>He obvious beats us because he headshots us instantly.
What an asshole.


I wanna fug prime Jack and make some shotas with him

D.Va's a good pick against aimbotters. Focus them down quickly since they're usually shit players if you remove their aim.


>I have every right to cheat

Is this what hackers actually believe?

I've seen people say they've bought the game so they can play it however they want. Sort of a retard's twist on the anti-DRM philosophy.

>People actually like d.va

Nǐ hǎo!



>people actually dislike happy people

>people actually dislike obnoxious slut



You thought Genji's reflectbox was disgusting? Wait until you see the hitboxes of whatever's reflected! Wouldn't want to burden the Genjikids with the nasty concept of aim.

>People unironically like #LOL #Gamur Gurl

Thats the hitbox for Hanzos arrow though

D.va > Mei > rest

What is even the point of sombra invis if you can hear the cloaking and decloak voice line from a mile away


korean looking d.va is cuter than the plastic uncanny valley looking d.va

>people actually have different tastes than one another

Is there an update on season 3 changes yet?
I want to play Torbjorn only as it inflates your rank GREATLY in season 1 and 2, but maybe they patched it.

no one actually said that except for you. Really makes you think

Tracer is literally perfect

Does 6v6 no limits use quick play MMR or just no MMR?

Gets annoying after a while but better waifu than D.VA

Pretty much this.

Hanzo at least feels more integrated into the game, he is more engageable and his ult has some combo capabilities.

Widowmaker players on the other hand are playing a completely different game, one which makes everyone else's worse.
On top of that they are almost never useful and the best you can hope for is that the other team will have a retard playing her too or that they won't be an actual burden to the team, just useless.


Hanzo is just a better McCree.

>season 3 in 48 hours
>no update video yet

Hanzo and Widow are perfect together

Not really the point I was making, but okay, champ

No, Widowmaker>Zarya>Mei>Old Ana>Pharah>Young Ana>Symmetra>Sombra>Roadhog>>>>>>>The Rest

Time it so you decloak when they're distracted. Do it during an teammate's ultimate callout would be guaranteed to work on most people.

>been playing 3v3 like mad since it came out
>do a couple quickplay games just to mix it up
>6 players now feels like a lot
>trying to get team to play the objective feels extremely tedious
>go back to 3v3
>mfw I spoiled myself

I honestly think the game would be more fun if it was 5 players to a team instead of 6

Why are western piggus so fucking shit at this game?
Just watch a Korean stream and even their pubs are in a whole new level, it makes everyone else look like babbies.

t. Bronze SR.

"we feel that if team consists of less than 6 players and someone dies, they can't do anything then"
thanks blizz u rel smart

>Why are my plat teammates so shit compared to Korean top 500 players?

Korean servers are filled with hackers and trolls. That's the main reason they come over to play on NA servers.

t. original posts

>why are the overly-aggressive players shit

Korean servers are 10% pros 90% hackers.

t. Insecure Bronze

mad cuz bad

>a-anyone better than me or my favorite le funneh streamer is a h-hacker!
미국인들은 끔찍하다...


Hanzo loses 30% movement speed while drawing his bow, and projectiles (even at 86 m/s of a full drawn bow) have some limitations that hitscan doesn't

Hanzo can fire a 250 damage headshot every 0.89 seconds. About half of that is bow draw time and the rest is recovery time. McCree can put 140 damage headshots every 0.5 seconds.

In theory a perfect accuracy Hanzo is the more lethal of the two. In theory, Hanzo even bursts tanks down with single headshot+scatter arrow, like old flash FTH McCree.

In practice Hanzo always has a delay before firing that first shot if he's not already ready(and remember the 30% speed reduction) and McCree can just flick and instantly deliver his damage.

Basically, Hanzo is the more challenging of the two heroes to play with a bit higher potential imho.

Korea is full of hackers though

Koreans openly talk about how infested they are with hackers and come to our servers to escape it.

You don't know what you're talking about. The people who tell us that their servers have major problems are the Korean players themselves. There are technical reasons why hacking is more prevalent from Korean accounts.

Oh ow. You got me.

Yeah that sounds fair. I agree, Hanzo seems like a higher skill ceiling of the two, with plenty of room to suck and be dead weight, whereas McCree is slightly more forgiving and therefore tends to average out slightly better in most cases since most people don't play Hanzo very well.

But of the two, I think he has more potential and a better kit overall.

>he doesn't know about hacker infested PC BANGs
nice job smart guy

Christmas Event when? Christmas Skin leak when?

It's a common knowledge backed up by factual evidence of Blizzard banning thousands of players weekly.

If they are banned then they don't exist anymore.

You should leave and never return.

It's okay user, just practice and you'll improve and then one day you might become silver.

>tfw you'll never be as good as korean players

I just got time to try Sombra for the first time.

What the fuck were they thinking making an offensive character with worse damage than Mercy? It's easy to see exactly what is wrong with her after one match. Even her hack is complete shit because even if she's completely unnoticed behind the enemy team she can only hack one person

Just watch the top Korean streamer on Twitch right now and note how they are far superior than any wh*te player.

>Banning means the person was found and imprisoned in a cell with no access to their funds, a computer or the internet

If only.

Have some official Overwatch Christmas art

Yes, clearly I'm bronze because I called you out on your incredibly original post. In other news, all people who disagree with your political views are jobless bums.

What game did blizzard steal the ult charging concept from?

Autoposted before I found mah pic

dirty bomb


>take or deal damage to charge a powerful ability
you could probably go back to the NES with that one

If that's not a skin my faith in OW will be damaged permanently

>tfw finally got down Reinhardt's spread pattern

>tfw i understand winstons spread pattern

What about this one?

Slowing down ult charge rate was a mistake.


christmas skins /owg/, what are you thinking?

baka senpai kys desu

TF2 has had abilities you charge by dealing damage for years

Buff Banner, old Soda Popper, etc

Stick with your team. Stealth ahead only seconds ahead of your team rounding a corner and a fight breaking out. Decloak and disrupt once the fight breaks out. Keep your aggro down, and when you're forced to pull your escape chute, make sure you're still close to your team.

Dude, calm down. Nobody cares if you're Bronze but you.

Don't start sperging out on me just because you want to succeed so badly. Try harder and maybe it'll happen someday.

tfw master Roadhog spread pattern

Why can you instantly switch moving direction in this game without any delay? It's why spamming ADADAD works so retardedly well and why you can jiggle peek around a corner with next to no chance that the enemy can hit you


Splatoon's ranked mode is way better than this game's btw

Tracer from Heroes of the Storm.

That seems fine, I like the santa hats though

Is he supposed to swing the bag there instead of a candy cane? Maybe presents pop out on hit?

Buzzwords aren't helping your cause, amigo.

shut the fuck up

Game wasn't designed around it at all so it always feels weird now.

>Genji still allowed to start his ult then die and keep it

Why, seriously that's some clear silly favoritism going on there. They made it so McCree no longer keeps 50% if the ult is stopped/canceled. Make Genji pay the price for ulting and then dying.

>you can jiggle peek around a corner with next to no chance that the enemy can hit you
You have a huge healthbar that can be seen around corners.

Jamison Fawkes!

Needs to work on his technique.

It's pretty much the chritmas version of Mercy's witch skin

At this point they're pretty much obligated to have it

How can anyone expect overwatchs balance to ever improve after the garbage fire that is Sombra?

>muh op gengi circlejerk again
half the heroes keep their ult if it's canceled mid-cast