/wowsg/ - World of Warships Admiral

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800K free xp estimated

>German DDs and IJN DD rework:
Possible with 5.15

>Mostly updated guide:

i dont have the links either
isnt there [HOTEL] on EU?

someone post the discord

scuttled thread

Other urls found in this thread:


i already regret this.

When the enemy is either too stubborn or too stupid to realize that you're running a full AA Build Iowa and insists on striking you first.

EZ Clear Sky

cvnts are shite. they need so much work to be useable by non autistics, its a excellent reason to not play them

i realized the ballistic range of all ships was halved and the shell speed increased by a half while AAA got no range halved and has instant rng damage

i might grind mombote on coop for some carrier missions

What do you mean for autism?
Where's the medical proof?


You playing?

No, I need to finish E-4.

When you have a T9 with still a sub-50 wr, you shouldn't really be talking shit about other people, ya know.

I always play solo though. :^)

I never cared about WR anyway as long as the game's fun to play.

>spent all my monies to get ibuki
>cant pay for the mods
>played a match on it
>lost and now have no monies to pay for repair
green life is a hard life

Yea, but when people shitpost about bad players, the fact remains that statistically, you ARE one of those bad players. In your case, it really is a case of pot calling the kettle black.

I won't reroll on it though. I intend to remind myself that I used to be bad so that I can improve myself and make each game even more fun.


Don't underestimate me user, I also find Doto fun.

you should div because its funnier that way

a better wr is just consequence of playing with a team

I want to like British cruiser and Leander was tons of fun but Fiji moves like a truck and you get citadel by anything.

You tried to warn me wowsg, you really tried. Now that I got this thing I will never complain about players who are too cautious when capping on it, it is slow, has a cruiser turning radius, bad acceleration, is fat, high in the water, every BB shoot seems to do full damage, torp reload is garbage and I need a 18pt captain for torp acceleration meme.

Or maybe you're just a shitter

>and you get citadel by anything.
welcome to cruisers

It wasn't this bad when I played USN Cruisers.

Gearing is worse as a gunboat than Fletcher, but ironically it is the best torpedoboat in the game right now.


This post will make you very angry and give me free (You)s

>6 vs 5 guns
>more hp

>Bigger target
>Less maneuverable
>Less concealment
>Less range
>Small invisifire buffer

>g-gearing is g-good!

>tfw no luck in Kancolle



You don't deserve shit.

no intention of pushing

literally one of their best character designs

a significant advantage

Oh, the Gearing will actually win a 1-on1 fight against a Fletcher.

is right, Gearing sacrificies quite a lot of overall versatility that makes it less effiective overall.

the sheer DPM

Not for long.

Ah, a reply is some form finally, my post worked on your autism at least.

Give me luck and I'll get her together with all the epeen medal.

Good morning /wowsg/!

But you didn't get the (You) that you so desperately desired.

>moving the goalposts
If this is a cliche Veeky Forums argument, next you're going to start posting smug faces.

I need to protect her from Raptor's greasy unwashed hands.

not for long?

most of the IJN botes are getting a direct torp nerf, or removing flexibility

what you think 1 x 4 with fucking terrible speed and detection beats 2 x 5 with good speed and literally 75% of the detection that IJN torps have?

Honestly the best new torp boat will be Shiratsuyu and the 16 torps it's going to shit on some poor Konig.

>do a better torp run than the torpbote line
The person designing the tree must be on drugs.

The KM DDs look like their torps at t10 will come close to the performance of Gearing's.

They'll do less damage, but they will be fast and have the least reaction time for the target.

Can't wait for the krauts. I want to play Lebe.

>some poor Konig.
Fucker has no one to blame but himself. If he didn't want to be uptiered all the time he should've free-XP'd to T7.

is not polite to call national drink drug((((((((((((((

Lebe a good girl

Morning hotelposter

I got you worked up over this didn't I?

Raptor is literally one of those fat ugly men from doujins that try to rape your shipgirls against their will.


get a better pc goy


Who's this?


Guys I'm in love with botes.
Send help.

What the fuck kind of meme is this?

Here is the help you requested.

Does it surprise you that different language communities have different memes?
But I guess eng is the one true language to rule them all huh?

Facebook meme

Hey Merchant, are you going?



>not proposing to your boat instead



Probably not





Its okay Hansen, hes muslim. In Europe its okay for muslims to be with little girls.


Shit it's Hansen!

>Blows brains out

not for long

Please outlaw anime

I've got news for you buddy

He is making anime real and there is nothing you can do about it

Retake Constantinople when?

Soon brother!



Never played the Phoenix/Omaha/Pensacola have you?

>mfw playing those ships as my first line when I was still a complete noob.
Fuck you, and back then there was no easy RN around to kill, it was games full of german BBs.


>Implying they've only been citpinata's since german BB's came along.

Well maybe you had something else to shoot back then I least? I remember clearly no more than 2-3 cruisers each game, it was always about 7 BBs each side.

I did USN CL/CA line in beta and trust me the BB swarm is nothing new. Kongos and NY's can roflstomp little cruisers just as well as Konig can.

Hell i remember when you had to grind the Aoba with a Kuma in BB land. No Furrytaco in between.

BB fear the Kuma.


After Izetta gets raped by thousands of Germanian soldiers' cocks.


Don't bully the Izettas!




You're the only constant.

Why is sex always portrayed as a derogatory or humiliating activity for the botefu?

>1x4 torps

>5 second reload

Reminder that if you're a tier 5 BB and you see a spread of 16 10km torps heading for you, it is totally balans'd.

>Leander was tons of fun
>but Fiji moves like a truck and you get citadel by anything.
the fuck is wrong with you? Fiji is the fun one because you actually can do some damage every salvo with your TWELVE guns as opposed to Leander's 4x2 meme setup.

And they both get violated just as easily.