/wfg/ - Warframe General

Madurai edition
previous thread:
>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/YSSbAnW.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

> forums.warframe.com/topic/715768-update-19-the-war-within/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Best frame.

Attention nogames4 players

Gold potato alert

is tigris worth using if im a poorfag and cant buy tigris prime parts


The full animation is very disappointing.


Not him but I liked everything except the diuretic stuff.

>Can't get to it because it requires Sedna
>To much of a low-level shitter to get through before time runs out

A presentation by Hideo & Kojima

Not really, if you want a budget shotgun go for the Hek with the syndicate mod.

You can get someone to invite you to that node.

a day in the life

>screencap on wfg
this is hard far we have fallen

>its another useless melee weapon blueprint alert

What's a blue potato-worthy melee weapon that's not hard to get? I have a set of Galatine Prime and I wonder if I should sell it or build it for myself.
No noteworthy melee weapons on me at the moment.

ive been doing conclave on xbox for about 3 weeks, just completing challenges will not having any fun.

this is what ive learned works for me when dealing with horrible connections.

Warframe: Ember (prime)
Primary: Zhuge
Secondary: Viper
Melee: Glaive (prime)

Ember = the fireball is good for weakening people, fire blast is good for choke points, World on fire is good for power kills.
Zhuge = slow fire rate high damage. if someone stands still you can kill people quickly.
Viper = you can kill people in 1 mag, if they walk directly at you Dump the mag
Glaive = good for throwing into a group of players. If they are already damaged you will 1 shot them.

I lure people into choke points. you might have an easier time on pc.... with better connections, making other frames and weapons more viable.

Thank you sick cunt, I did it and now Im late to work.

I wasn't going to initially, but a alliancefriend asked me to. :^)

Galatine Prime is top of the line

i like TWW

Any tips on how to mod it? I'm a newfag with an abysmal mod collection and I wanna make best use of it while I earn more credits/endo and get the mods.

For starter, I'd recommended Braton/Burston. Powerful and accurate. Perfect for turret tactics, just walk, aim and shoot.
Secondary - Lato/furis. Newbie weapons are effective, sometimes even more then any other weapon.
Melee - Tipedo with Teshin's stance, switch to melee, press RMB and enjoy easy kills. Reach MR6, and replace Tipedo with Jat Kittag.

>bait so good it continues into the next thread

>implying that I'm visiting every wfg ded, instead of random appearing and disappearing

Gonna list mods in order of usability, newfag ones first and then my preferred build

Pressure Point, Fury, Two 90% elements as corrosive, crit chance and damage, reach, and drifting contact

Berserker, Primed Pressure Point, Primed Reach, two 90% elements as corrosive, Blood Rush, Crit Damage (organ shatter) and Driftinf Contact.

I personally haven't leveled Primed Pressure point yet, don't even need it.

>I personally haven't leveled Primed Pressure point
Don't its a fucking waste

>they don't want to min-max their damage potential

damage 3.0


Sure, see ya in 2035
d-delet this

post nezha being lewd




>implying Nezha is this well-toned at all
>implying Nezha's single source of protein is all the cum he gulps down daily
>implying Nezha is anything but a scrawny closet-fag short teen that hangs around locker rooms to see the big jocks' thick veiny cocks
>implying he doesn't masturbate furiously as he imagines being spit-roasted and sexually bullied
go home.

Did they change Saryn drop location? I have her and spare chassis left from about a year ago but I don't remember ever killing Kela

I just don't see the need and don't want to forma my melees when I have Riven to worry about.

Boss got a rework.
For you, she should be 'new'

They completely reworked Kela de Thaym. The original fight was very unoriginal and was replaced since DE thought the fight wasn't "fun" enough.

They did a good job on the fight for the most part, but now grinding for Saryn takes forever.

Well, that explains it. Too bad that I have spare chassis instead of systems so I could craft Chroma without going through all the judgement point bullshit you need to do to get to Kela

I want to dress Nezha up as a girl and do naughty things to "her."

She will enjoy it.
Because She is a cute girl (Male)

Any tips on doing this? I suck

I grouped up 3 butchers, used zenurik to suspend them, and that worked for me. this one's a real pain in the ass IMO, so gl

I had to do this with Sentient Kills. Super bullshit mode.

Strong single shot accurate rifle should work well at low levels like user said.


post your collections

How do I orthos prime?
Picture is what I have at the moment.


my ash can give you a gash
if you don't like my black and red ass
by playing this game
you will only grind until you find pain without any gain

Got removed probably due to inactivity, would like to join back.

i am selling this artificial shit mods user, made 900p already.
the riven mod weapons are shit, it doesn't matter how much damage you add, the mechanics are crap or irrelevant.
sell them before the novelty bubble burst.

>Galatine Prime is locked behing MR13
>I barely hit MR8 this week
How much do I sell it for? There's no way I'm grinding affinity to use it.

>There's no way I'm grinding affinity to use it.
you will be out of a lot of "content".
so shut the fuck up, and grind until you reach MR16, at least.

>There's no way I'm grinding affinity

might as well uninstall faggot


They will eventually release secondary, memelee and warframe Rivens so don't waste your capacity, don't waste your plat, don't waste your kurva


you mean zephyr right?


hmm i wonder who could be behind this post.

I have 2 fresh frames and 2 more Prime ones on the way, 3 fresh weapons and 3 forma I might use. Also 2 orange and 1 blue taters.
Will that be enough to cover 5 MRs?

Can't wait for her prime. :^)
also bester frame is in pic related.
If you're going for some waifuwars, well I think your waifu is cute and so are all waifus, cherish yours and love them forever

combine her 1&2, give her something new as her second power (maybe to float or fucking fly) and a deluxe skin ( a good one, not the abortion minky is doing) and we can agree.
if you have a problem with grinding MR just uninstall mate, really.

Disregard the tater talk, I thought it also reset the rank like Forma does.

Forma and taters don't even add to MR, you're fucked kiddo

you have like ~262k affinity to go
probably not

So the affinity earned by grinding weapons to 30 each time you apply Forma doesn't count towards MR?

id be MR 30 if that were true

nigger the whole point of the game is to get shit to built other shit and get more powerfull to get shit faster

if getting affinity is somehow a problem for you (lol) this game is not for you

>tfw Mesa Prime will be over designed spiky piece of shit

Protip for shitters: Don't potato a melee weapon that you don't have a stance mod for. Most of a melee weapon's power comes from having an efficient stance and good combos. Don't end up like me STILL waiting for a heavy blade stance to drop while mostly using other smaller weapons with stances.

i dunno, if you like the redeemer i could understand potatoing it and just using quick melee/charge attacks. silent shotguns seem fine use of a tato.

>using memelee in the first place
go with your tips to the forums you fag

Are you picky over stances? I've got 6 Cleaving Whirlwinds in store if you want one

I never actually grinded affinity for anything so I have no clue if it's a problem or not but 5 more ranks in a quick succession does seem like an ordeal.

>does seem like an ordeal.
ok, let me clarify this for you.
if you think that grinding MR is somehow bad,tedious or an "ordeal", damn you have no idea what lies ahead of you.
uninstall, you didn't discover the tip of the iceberg yet.

Sure, but I'm about to go to sleep.

I think your waifu is cute too.
I enjoy using my Mesa

well it'll take 5 days at minimum just because of the cooldown for rank-up tests. just grind akaad for a few days.

nope. cant do it. i used to be able to jerk off to warframe SFMs before i played but now they feel like family.

a few minutes won't kill you ding-dong. ign please

Question about this. I hate doing Melee combos, I just want to swing at shit if I have to. What's a good Weapon/Stance for this?

hey, you sound entitled as fuck.
today's sorties btw


Just leave your ign here or a friend request and I'll find you the next day a few hours earlier than this shit. zzz


Post more cute Peridot.

Btw on the subject of min max do I really need to get 3*?

>only 5 plat off orochin catalysts
Is that really enough reason to buy them in bulk?

>level 100 Kela
Man I can't think of a frame good for this.
Besides maybe Limbo to remove the threat of the barrage.

>Darvo gave it for 55% off in the summer.


honestly, usually just mash the button with melee but i fell in love with combos because of cleaving whirlwind's pause combo, it's good and it's fun and it clears through crowds. that said, the uncommon dual sword stance has a button mash combo that feels nice and is pretty effective, gunblades are good for just quick melee charge attack, and you can actually chain two charges in a row for more shooting. orthos prime (and i guess other polearms? I had a stance on it but haven't really experimented) has a two-move combo from quick melee that feels good to just mash when you need to.

also slide melee is in general a great and effective way to use them, atterax and telos boltace doing the job real good.

>lvl 100 kela
Not today

>defense with fire
>exterminate eximus
fine, i guess
>lv 100 kayla
just fuck my shit up.

honestly sortie assassinates really make it clear how some bosses do not scale. raptor a couple days ago was fucking terrible too.

easy 2k endo today

>bad, hard, or otherwise difficult in any way
>knowledge escapes their grasp

i hate the design.

I just saw telos boltace for the first time

holy shit my dick is so hard
time to farm 40plat

Easy endo hurray.

>not trading another syndicate weapon for it for free

Her design is fine, and her voice is great. It's the personality and color scheme that ruins her for me.
She could've been the exact same general using the same tactics she has right now (arenas, pride and fearmongering), without turning her into a bootleg Handsome Jack+Jerry Springer fusion.

itt: we discuss how Banshee is best frame :^)

>it's another gated boss, but also explosions! >and if you don't hurry your ass through this timed shooting gallery, more explosions!
>not bad
just because you can avoid the stupid bombardment and shoot her in the face doesn't mean the fight isn't abysmal. also i usually pub sorties because fuck soloing lv 100 enemies, i don't have the energy. I realize i have only myself to blame but that blessing is mixed as fuck since for all the extra bullets they provide they're still retarded and don't know how to aim at a spinning target.

fuck off shill


Wonder if this piece of shit would sell for any plat... i don't use a penta because fuck suiciding myself over and over because that sounds like a fun mechanic.